Whats his next movie?

Whats his next movie?

That 1930s Bonnie and Clyde Australian thingy

D4: Whitey Cucks

90 minutes of Uma Thurman's feet shot in 70mm

Something something...black man cucks someone...something....lots of death the last 10min of the movie

A feature length film of Quentin Tarantino worshipping and kissing a college girl's feet

I hear it might be the WW2 nigger mission movie.

Uno farto @ 3:17

enough with these world war 2 movies already

Well, he has always wanted to do nigger outfit in WW2 movie.

Like "Where Eagles Dar"

>genius new Tarantino film
>really good original idea about schoolboy who can kill anyone just by writing their names in a book.
>*shot of someone opening a the trunk of a car.*
>*someone dies*
>*long, rambling conservation*
>there is no god
>*someone dies*
>*close up shot of someone's eyes*
>*little known song plays as credits role*
10/10 stars

How many "nigger"s?

1-50 or 50-100 or 50-1000?

80% dialogue of the film will consist of people saying nigger in difference voices.

The nerdy monologues will be the only exceptions.

I smell a masterpiece.

It will be a romantic comedy with zero violence, where Uma Thurman cucks her boyfriend Tim Roth with Samuel L Jackson, who has a foot fetish, which is featured extensively.
A limited run of Red Apple cigarettes will be released to promote the film.

Roll ≠ role

a political and/or spy thriller
he needs to step outside his comfort zone

That would be pretty cool

a 3-hour, rambling bore with characters more shallow than the love interest in a moe anime

remake of Faster Pussycat Kill Kill

Anyone else think Hateful Eight was really good up until it became gratuitous and stupid at the very end?

Just a straight up interracial porno.

It wasn't stupid because it was gratuitous. It was stupid because the whodunnit mystery that had been building up through the whole thing was a total let down: turns out everyone was a bad guy.

Isn't Kill Bill sequel already confirmed?