I watched pic related last night, what does Sup Forums think about it?

I watched pic related last night, what does Sup Forums think about it?

I thought it was too long and melodramatic at times, but I guess that's inevitable coming from a story like this.

Liam Neeson looks great in it tho

Other urls found in this thread:


It's a masterpiece.

It's also half full of shit propaganda.

>watching Swindler's List

Good goy.

>falling for the Sup Forums jew
lad ...

Apologise for the holocaust right now or you're an anti Semite

What does this have to do with the movie or my post?


Holy shit this nazi is a terrible person

It's ok if you like fantasy and fiction

I don't understand what you're saying. You're ranting like a crazy person about something completely unrelated to the conversation. Are you ok?

Oy fucking vey

This samefag is a terrible person.

I'm here to help user. Tell me what the problem is.

It's just a piece of extremely polished propaganda.

It's great film making and, what is often overlooked, plays with classic Hollywood film making tropes and techniques masterfully so it succeeds wonderfully in capturing how a film made in that era would have looked and felt like, something I think Spielberg cared more about than the source material or his cultural ties.
And Liam Neeson is great, as always.
But I agree with Terry:

>what's the problem
I've just witnessed the worst case of Shabbos Goy I've ever seen and I feel a bit sick

ok we get it we've all seen this epic jewposting before now go back to pol where they'll give you an echo chamber for your used up jokes

I'm not understanding you. Perhaps you should seek a therapist. I really can't diagnose your condition in this manner.

Haha is he implying that Schindler's List was a feel good movie?

What are some holocaustkino movies?

>save one jew, save the world

All Sup Forums memes aside, it's an amazing movie.

It makes me sad that we no longer have such well directed artful movies anymore, it's just capeshit after capeshit

>It makes me sad that we no longer have such well directed artful movies anymore
Look into japanese directors.

I cried a bit during that part. The whole final scene with Schindler's guilt-ridden speech was brilliant

It is made to function as such to all but the most jaded of /stormfags/.
Spielberg is a sentimentalist, he crafted it to be a sad movie, sure, but one with hope and success at the end, however the cost.
Kubrick would have been unsympathetic and brutal to both Holocaust victims and Nazi's alike.

grade A historical fiction

Liam deserved the Oscar. Fuck Le AIDS Man

>tfw Ralph Fiennes lost Best supporting Actor somehow to Tommy Lee Jones, who just played Average Old Cop

I dunno man, I hardly felt anything from that scene. It felt forced and unnatural for Schindler's character. The entire movie, he seems pretty disconnected and cold to the entire holocaust/plight, etc, despite helping the jews. Then, he suddenly breaks down and gives his guilt speech. Just felt in contrast to his demeanor for the majority of the film.

>aware that your employees are being persecuted, hunted and killed in death camps because of their race
>con and bribe the authorities into saving them, making it seem it is to help the war effort
>tell your employees not to do any work
>hear that the nazis were defeated and your employees are safe now
>feel nothing towards it

Sounds legit

I think it was on point.
Detaching himself wasn't just a character trait, it's pretty much what everybody does during times like that. His guilt speech at the end wasn't just about the plight of the Jebs or guilt, it was about him finally not being able to deal with the raging feelings and emotions within him that he'd been suppressing for so long for obvious reasons, betraying his humanity in the process.

>the plight of the Jebs



I legitimately do feel bad for Jeb. He would have been a pretty decent president, much more like his father than his brother.

I can see that. I just remember feeling like his speech came out of left field with how sporadic it was.

Bush Snr. is one of the most evil men America has produce, wtf are you on

I feel the same. I think Schindler would be the type of person to weep in private, not to have a breakdown in front of his subordinates.

You don't have to be an edgy flat earth substitute theory adherent to laugh at a scene like when they made that surprise stop at Auschwitz. That's the shit Terry is about when comparing Spielberg and Kubrick.
Still pretty great as a film though.

dont forget the 6 gorgillion goy

I liked it precisely for that, I think the fact that it's so out of the blue and apparently out of character makes it more emotional

its a really great fantasy story