::coughs leeches onto you::

::coughs leeches onto you::

Stop posting pics of your Mom, Jason.

::choke:: ::pleughhh::

Jokes on you I'm already a leech on society




I just watched Puppet Master for the first time. Thought it was disappointingly boring, but I was legitimately surprised and mildly repulsed by this part. It's pretty rare you see something horrifically out-there and unexpected. The rest of the puppets were just comical though.

Literally the only way she could kill anyone is if they're tied down and she has an hour or so.
But then again why am i trying to find faults when there's a doll that probably weighs 5lbs that can strong arm full sized humans.

It's funny too because people in the movie totally were able to just pick the little weak puppets up and fling them away.

Kys cloister

You get one with a flamethrower later if you watch the sequels

Lol. I was reading about this series and apparently it was always straight-to-video. Funny because it was always one of those movies you see on the horror shelves back in the video store days. Like that Critters movie (which I also finally watched and was similarly disappointed by).

I'm slowly watching all those video store horror shelf movies, currently.

my favorite is the cowboy with six arms that laughs like jack nicholson

A lot of the puppets could fuck you up if they got the first attack.

The ones in the sequels/prequels were OP af.
They even had one that had six single shot guns, a long leap from pocket knifes and leeches.

I was expecting a more over-the-top, trashy 80s horror movie, but at least the first one turned out to be really slow and seemed like a European movie or something. Mostly just these vaguely fancy middle aged people talking for 2/3ds of the movie.

>walking through movie theater
>this guy slaps your gf's ass

What do?

Yep, I used to rent them back when I was young. You should check out the movie Dolls (1987) if you haven't seen it. It's another Charles Band killer toy movie, but it has a more fanciful, fairy tale like tone to it.

Will do.

Do you recommend (have a list) of any other video store horrorkino? Doesn't have to be particularly great, I like good and bad horror alike.

How could they go from awesome puppet designs to this garbage?

One horror video cover I used to always laugh at was Icecream Man.


they look like memes

tell randy that his game is shit

Hmm, I don't know a whole lot. Maybe look into Stuart Gordon's films. He directed the movie Dolls I mentioned, as well as Re-Animator, From Beyond, Castle Freak, etc. There's also other movies by Full Moon, the company that did Puppet Master.

heh i've seen that. here's another

this was underrated. by brian yuzna, frequent collaborator with stuart gordon