
I can get some unboxing stuff, but what's the point of unboxing the sword in the thumbnail

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Couldn't be more apparent that you're 16.

>"I got a Wonder Woman sword!"
>"I got a plastic child's toy that makes noises!"


Grace Randolph is literally /ourgirl/.

She hated Frozen when everyone else was loving it and she stood up for BvS instead of jumping the hate train.

>Sup Forums
>hating Frozen
Don't say anything, just go back

Its kinda okay if its Grace Randolph and you would watch her put anything on. Or off! *13 year old giggle*

She looks like she's dead inside

Very cool!

I thought that was a joke.

>hating on /ourgirl/ grace

she's so nice. I love her. I wish she was my mom.


how godly do you think her feet smell

You're easily impressed.

Yes, services like Loot Crate actually exist for people who don't have enough things to put in their garbage can.

That's because Sup Forums is trash. Sup Forums hated it

>hates an enjoyable, well-made film
>loves a shitty mess of a film
Epic! I love being a contrarian.

Oh wow, she's so unique.

Fuck off back to Sup Forumsmblr.

Sup Forums had over 1000 frozen generals

>hating Frozen
oh wow, so unique!

Grace is amazing 10/10 would wife.

>stood up for MARTHAAAA cape shit means she's our girl

What do you think Grace's pussy looks like, does she have an innie? Do you think she keeps it well groomed? or do I need to use that Wonder Woman sword to chop my way through the jungle to find Dr Livingstone?

Is this a woman? Because I'm fairly certain that thing has a penis.

no bully Grace

I'd love to find out

I'm starting to think Simon Pegg was completely right and "nerd culture" really is just a ploy to double the action figure/merchandise market with adults.

He's 100% right. Unfortunately people online preferred to sperg out at his article instead of actually thinking about the things he was saying.

he is correct

"unboxing" products not only reinforces consumerism, but it is a distraction from you real problems

Keep buying $19 avocados goyim you can have it all, just dont think to much


It happens...look at this shill right here


This is the woman that complained that Marvel pays of critics right? She also thinks that the DCEU films are good.

Doesn't that kind of seem a bit ironic that she's accepting gifts from WB now? Considering that she critiqued other critics for apparently taking "bribes".

this meme is supposed to be ironic you faggot

don't tell me how to meme
my grandfather fought so I could enjoy my freedom now

I've heard a lot of women go undiagnosed for autism. Is this what that looks like?

How does she not have a better camera/mic? She's been doing this shit for years and it literally looks like it's all done via her laptop.

She looks like she overapplies make-up to cover up a drug habit.
I'd say amphetamines.

Whose mom is this?

Its to hide her 30+ years of living like a dried up cock whore

Both films are shit

toys are huge on youtube. family friendly pretty girls reviewing toys checks all the boxes to make a living on that platform. adsense shit, nothing more.

Grace is a Sup Forums approved waifu. 2011fags need to get the fuck out!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

Pewdiepie's better now that he triggers the media.

I love Grace.
She's so cute

>Sup Forumstard
looks like the image was right

Why argue with people you disagree with when you can just call them names!

She was so fucking cute in this video. That #sponsored in the lower left just fucking melted me.

I wonder if she's aware of our love for her...

tiggered much? I thought you neo-nazi MGTOWs were tough

jesus when was this? she hasnt aged well

Were you under the impression that enjoying things because they bother other people is a point worth arguing?

>enjoyable, well-made
maybe if it's your first movie ever

>anyone who doesn't let the media poz their negnole is a nazi
Seems legit.

I'm a jew, not a nazi.

>poz their negnole
and again, the image is proven to be correct
you have to be really braindead to write like that

>le epik faceblind maymay

you're not wrong

Your post reminded me of youtube.com/watch?v=kn7jpINpqbQ
>she hates twilight

I don't think autists would use their looks to manipulate pathetic beta males.

i'll wait until she reveals those juggos

Unboxing videos have been a thing for decades

There's inherently nothing wrong with collecting shit, but the internet has allowed people to get feedback from doing so and these unboxings of $20 Walmart garbage reenforce that. This shit is literally made for children. I'm a fag that collects high end stuff, but I don't go and make unboxing videos or anything of the like. It's all in the mindset. I doubt you guys will differentiate though.

Pic related, I just bought a 1:2 bust of Giger's original design.


Youtube didn't exist for decades.

I made unboxing videos on VHS underage faggot

You people actually like this shit? She sounds like a retard muppet






I really wish hype and nerd culture would just die already I'm so sick of everyone acting like everything is the most amazing thing ever.

It's time.

She always sticks up for based Mel

>stop making fun of mai waifu REEEEEEEEEE

She's trash and you are trash for liking her.

I agree with you.
I know a guy who collects pop vinyls for stuff he isn't even a fan of.
Those toys must pull in a pretty neat profit considering they're all the exact same minus a few character specific details.

Funko is making a fucking killing with them. I personally think they're the cancer of the collectible industry, but even I've bought a few that I've since sold. They have so many franchises that everyone's bound to find one they like.

Your friends an idiot for collecting stuff he doesn't even like.

who's is that cum consumer?

When I grow up I'm gonna MARRY Grace!

Good hip ratio.

Grace is essential mommy kino. She'll tuck you in and read bedtime stories to you while she give you a tuggie!