What are some films about rapists getting away with it?

What are some films about rapists getting away with it?

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He did nothing wrong.

Eat shit burger, go shart ya self

Hi, Julian.

Julian is a hero you globalists shill



Bill Clinton biopic.

Daily reminder that looking at a woman not wearing a burka is considered rape in sweden

I know this is just a shitpost but Trust


Inevitable biopic of Casey Affleck aka Casey 23

How is lying about wearing a condom is considered rape/sexual aasault? That's retarded.

why dont they just walk in and drag him out? would take them 20 seconds

i dont get it


>implying a man can't be both a hero and a rapist

Kinda funny how liberal heroes "(((Chelsea)))" Manning and Assange are going to be freed now that a dictator is in charge but weren't when a liberal was in charge. Snowden's probably coming home too. Really gets the neurons firing.

Look at all those boons doing absolutely nothing productive.

they don't want this shit

Assange isn't liberal hero anymore. Not since Trump.


>migrant ratings every week
>never prosecute them because they "didn't know better"
>one white guy accused of rape
>international incident

really activated my almonds

wtf is a "migrant rating"?

What some movies about reddit poltards shitposting in unrelated boards?

what are they gonna do? invade the UK?

>>never prosecute them because they "didn't know better"
fake news

They round up all the new arrivals on Sergels Torg and let the natives rate them

Rape my ass.

>After having had consentual sex with Assang earlier in the evening, the accuser Anna Ardin claim she awoke at night by Assange entering her, she asked him if he was wearing anyhing, 'only you' he replied. She didn't feel like arguing so the let it pass.

>Next day she joked that if she got pregnant, he would have to play her student loans, also they joked about named the kid 'Afghanistan'.

>His phone rang, he had a meeting with a swedish newspaper, so they used her bike and drove down to the train-station, were she paid for his ticket and asked him if he would call her, which he said he would.

>When she talked with her friends later, she realized she'd been the victim of a crime, so she went to the hospital and was tested with a so called rape-kit.

Here is the official case file, in Swedish of course:


A couple of days after making this accusation, Anna Ardin left Sweden for Israel, where she has remained since.

>The guy in the beginning sitting next to the door
Lel. He got his money's worth.

It was international incident only because the pussy was too afraid to go to court.
>Rape my ass
Ok, I will.
>AA left Sweden for Israel, where she has remained since.
How is this relevant?

>How is this relevant?
You JUST KNOW how this is relevant.

No, I don't. Please explain.

>>It was international incident only because the pussy was too afraid to go to court.

It was never going to court you dumb fuck, there are no grounds for prosecution. This is all about him being questioned, despite him already having been questioned.

The obvious political play here is so obvious.

First, experienced chief prosecutor drops case immediately due to there not being any grounds for prosecution.

A few days later a junior prosecutor brings up the cause again (unheard of in Sweden), and Assange is questioned by police.

A day later Marianne Ny, a senior prosecutor starts a preliminary investigation, three weeks later (when Assange has left the country) she made a arrest warrant on Assange for questioning.

>>How is this relevant?

Gee I wonder...


A girl did that to me once, when I walked up to the bar to order a drink. She was cute, but when she started talking, I discovered she was a disgusting limey. Got my drink and walked away. Good Lord, Brits are foul.

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Social experiment"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

It's an embassy. Dragging him out is an act of war.

We need to get Jack Bauer out of retirement so rapists hiding in embassies can be brought to justice

> rapists
Charges dropped, get over it, faggot.

Why are you so intellectually dishonest user?

>intellectually dishonest
He's just dishonest you pseud