Gal Gadot is a zionist zealot


so are all intelligent and successful people

wtf I'm retarded now

Yeah, she should support Palestine and all the Muzzies. Right?

Sexually worship her armpits and tribute to them


Based greatest ally

I would risk death by firing squad to commit some sexual war crimes on that soldier.

I am her pusy slave


Why do Jews play the roles of so many Marvel and DC super heroes?

>no armpit stubble

3/10, would not worship pits.

I bet she killed so many sandniggers when she served in the army

Makes my cock hard thinking about it

Fucking jews n shit ruinning everything as usual. Gas all the kikes and shit. Niggers are eating pussy right now while we rot in our own juices. Fester and decay. Fucking gas stations again.

>Ywn lick Gal Gadot sweaty body and sniff her boot scent after a long day of killing towelheads
Why live


Based alt-kike

>born in Israel
>is a zionist

No shit?

So why does she dislike trump when she's a Zionist. Trump loves Israel and fellates them in almost all interviews.

Successful perhaps, but at what cost. At what cost............

zionists are the first line of the enemy

she said nothing about zionism in that post , there's nothing wrong with sending your love and prayers to the fellow soldiers of the army you served in .
also she dosnt know how to wear a uniform or a beret property in that pic.

She wants to continue getting work in Hollywood

fucking BASED pusyposter

You'd be surprised to know that there are prominent israeli born citizens who are extremely anti Israel because they saw its ugliness first hand

>Trump is zionist
>DC is zionist
>Gadot killed shitskins for a living in the army
Guise I'm starting to think all /ourguys/ hate muzzies!

Pusy Poster itt

>you have to like all people that agree with your opinion on one subject .
that's retarded senpai . there's a shitton of reasons to dislike him. also shes israeli and here in israel no one in a million years would even suggest having an israeli prime minister that served in an elite unit, was a general or at least some sort of officer in the army. trump is an unpatriotic antiamerican draft dodger with 0 experience in public office\politics and projects himself publicly as an arrogant buffoon . if the alternative wasnt orders of magnitude worse then him there's no way he'd get the presidency.

wtf im team goytoy now

>killed shitskins for a living in the army
no she did not, she's a lanky ass skeletor. i've seen her in person way before she was famous anywhere outside israel and there's no way she'd be accepted to any unit in the army where you kill anyone.

There are tons of Germans and Americans who hate their countries, because they saw their ugliness firsthand


Only arabs and Palestine cucks hate JDF


more like #cognitivedissonance

Kill muzzies, based Zionists

But those people are "surprising" just as you said. You should assume the default for Israeli's is to be patriotic.

I'd like to see her Gaza Strip...if u knw what i mean

Do Zionists get rid of Muslims? How do i become a Zionist?

Her feet were built for sex

I'd like to taste her kosher fishmarket


Shit tier pits, desu.

yes, Death to the zionazis

>slaughter them all

she really gets my intifada going



*mandatory military service, you retard


So we also should assume nazis should have been patriotic and loyal to their country no matter what leader was running the country. Why are we blaming the nazi, they were only being patriotic, defending their country against the bolshevik threat.

In America and Germany it's a good thing to hate your country.

>0.06 shekels have been deposited to your account

There isn't much room for israeli born citizens to work against their own country's interests when there are neighboring countries with political parties in power whose mission statement is literally to kill every jew and wipe israel off the map.

Those digits are wasted on you, cuck.

I sexual want to have her in the priest form of lover expressed by man and woman pitmating.


G*d bless the Jews.

What the heck, I love Israel now!!

She says Israel kills children and women because Hamas is hiding behind them. Not their fault...SHe speaks like a nazi

>that neck
>those pits

palestinian kindergarden was a legitimate battlefield

is thinking this rat faced deformed headed kike is attractive just an epic reddi/tv/ meme?

Khazar eastern European wanting to steal the real Israelis lands because they converted magic sky daddies in the 3000 years since jewish fairytales? Colour me shocked this never happens.

T. Sandnigger


yeah the jews living and Palestinians buried

Yes, faggot, yes.

What is wrong with that beret?

Welcome to Hollywood

Took way to long for someone to address this.
That is easily the worst beret I've ever seen, like you don't even get issued them in such a shit condition.

Greenstein has microcephaly

How can Israel struggle to beat Hamas?

I think Israel is full of shit honestly.

Would lick/10