FYI the retarded faggot mods will ban you for talking about this movie

FYI the retarded faggot mods will ban you for talking about this movie

there is no direct mention of a movie in that image so it's pretty blatantly obvious that you're just trying to get a Sup Forumsbait thread going
banning for that is fair game

Reported again ;)

You have to go back

It's a VR movie made by the director of Birdman, it's not my fault if the thread derails into political discussion. Stop being a fucking nigger

Just fuck off already bro, we all know these threads are NOT about movie discussion but about illegal immigration. Sick and tired of you faggots pretending this is Sup Forums related, take it to bant or smth buddy

Nations have borders for a reason.


Don't pretend you care about anything but shitting up this board with your incessant need to talk about politics

If you're not a fucking moron with thin baby skin please apply for this position

Good pretentious spic just wants to make controversy

I was talking about a movie playing at Cannes directed by an academy award winning director. It was on topic but it offended your paranoid faggot ass

Maybe movies should stop being incessantly political, or you should stop being a chickenshit who can't handle people responding to the politics of a film with anything other than adoration.

Looks like OP can't apply

nice one Sup Forumscuck

Not a single post will be about the movie itself, instead triggered idiots like yourself will get into retarded arguments over politics with other retarded itios. So why shit up this board with this garbage?

>another iCuck coward pussy ban evading


This board is turning into complete shit. Worse than Reddit, you're only allowed to say positive movie related things at all times or your banned by some fat loser hall monitor

Based mods. Ban phoneposters and Sup Forums crossposters while you're at it.

You'd probably love r/movies it's a perfect safe space for you to talk about how much you love superhero flicks

>Sup Forums crossposter telling me to go to another board
Love the irony here ;)

>discussing a movie's politics isn't a discussion about it, somehow
Remind me how you're not just triggered that people aren't affirming the political stances of directors.

I bet you crosspost on /cm/ you complete faggot

reddit isn't another board you newfag