Remember the 80s, when multiracial casts were as common as cotton candy and no one gave a single fuck...

Remember the 80s, when multiracial casts were as common as cotton candy and no one gave a single fuck? What happened since then?

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nazi scum happened.

Americans saw some builds fall down and turned into pic

WE became pussies that's what happened. Next to the 1950's, the 1980's was probably the top tier of American pop culture.

It no longer became natural. We've made everything race politics and demanding everything be viewed from an uncreative light in our segregation of social justice that we're progressing for all the wrong reasons. And in the end it's no progress at all but two steps backwards

>What happened since then?

>the years of jewish/marxist subversion of history, philosophy and human decency in educational system (especially unis) finally paid off
>the rise of internet
>the rise of social media, now suddenly every LeJulius from a Detroit zoo and Ulrik from Cuckerberg, Sweden have abilities to go on internet and get their opinions out there and even get like thousands of likes/retweets/whatever-the-fuck.

>Post MLK Era
>All races should do their best to live together and be kind and such other stuff
>Race politics era
>Fuck you, white people; vote for me, Brown People

the internet came into existence and people were given places to vocalize their distastes as if anyone gave a fuck

In the 80's it was presented as two cultures forced to work together and find common ground. There was a message of unification.

Nowadays in the year of our lord 2017 everyone hates each other and multiculturalism is assumed as the norm and disagreers are viewed as bigots. The protagonists from 80's movies would be bigots bowadays

Were you an adult in the 80s?

white millenials (and gen z'ers now) who started blaming the jeeeewwwws for the fact that they couldn't get laid

>multiracial casts were as common as cotton candy and no one gave a single fuck
Want to know how I can tell you didn't survive the 80s? Do you think cinema in that decade was all neon and cars like Kung Fury, you little shit?

Pretty much this.

It didn't used to be a big political statement to have a multiracial cast. Action Jackson, one of the best action movies of the time, was headlined by a black actor.

Hell, Harvey Dent, a white character, was played by Billy Dee Williams in Tim Burton's Batman. Nobody batted an eye, because who gives a fuck.

He's actually right you numale libtard cuck

In the 80s and 90s, blacks were cops/commandos/whatever who happened to be black. Nowadays they're just blacks who happen to be cops/commandos/whatever.

>white millenials (and gen z'ers now)
just say americans

There is an awful lot of suppositions in this post.

Were you an adult in the 80s?

Daily reminder that Jews are the most racist kind of people on Earth, they live by D&C

>asking someone who uses numale libtard cuck unironically whether he is let alone was an adult

Black people and white people never actually interacted back then. When you've got the majority of black people living in homogenous black urban ghettos (or homogenous black communities in the south) and white people living in all white suburbs and small towns it's pretty easy to make people believe in this rosy picture of race relations because neither side has enough personal experience with the other race to doubt it.

Then the internet came along and white and black people actually started interacting with each other en masse and it was like "ohhhh that's right we fucking hate each other. now i remember"

I'm that poster and this

People only remember lethal weapon 1.
Lethal weapon was actually one of the first shows killed by diversity the moment lorna and joe pesci became a part of the ensemble in a major way.

Millenials grew into their "alt-right" that gets butthurt and triggered about literally everything. The internet allowed them to congregate in anonymous echo chambers where they can autistically screech and spout the most retarded shit without consequence.

Because they didn't jam it down our throats with a million overweight SJW types constantly Tweeting about how everything is racist


Found the cuck that tries to use the sickness of lefties and apply it to the center right when it doesn't apply

Libs have made America way more racist. That's a simple fact. Nowadays it's all about segregation

Because rap culture and race baiting became a thing.
I grew up in the late 80s and early 90s in a inner city neighborhood and most people were already "over race", sure you'd make an ironically racist comment to your black or asian friends and then you'd go back to playing hero quest or street fighter.

Its sheltered millennial suburbanites who never interacted with minorities and grew up watching shit like roots and schindler's list who actually took race relations seriously.
Thand and MTV gangster rap culture, which is basically jim crow 2.0.

t. 13 year old

anyone else find the 80s badass black action star schtik quite boring

Lots of underage retards in here. The only reason they shove diversity hires into the media now is because of $$$ marketing value. Watch in a couple decades, I guarantee they will drop this virtue signalling for whatever new marketing trend pops up. They only care about the cash.

It really does though. The only people who cry about representation in movies anymore are alt-righters crying about black people or Gavin McInnes releasing 20 minute videos on why women shouldn't be allowed in star wars

This board is a proof that it applies.

>some blog on the internet suggested a black actor as the protagonist in a video game flick
>287 comments and 92 images posted whining about how the Jews oppress them

Rodney King and OJ turned Blacks into anti-white racists

You're fucking retarded kiddo

but diverse movies never do good...fuckign liar

The libtard cuck defense patrol is here

Because it actually happens. Roland Deschain is NOT black. The Dark Tower is a shining example of the kind of bullshit casting that shouldn't happen.

I'm 24 actually, and what I said is absolutely true for the majority of the country. The United States was a significantly whiter, more racially stratified country in the 80s. The majority of states were 85% or more non hispanic white whereas today less than 10 states are that white. And with no easily accessible means of mass communication across cultural groups the simple fact of the matter is that most of white America never had any significant contact with black America, and vice versa.

People still hated it, they just didn't have forums to complain about it on.

came to post this


>le if i call others cuck i can finally be manly and edgy

I only post in these sorts of bait threads occasionally, but these people are at it 24/7 posting the same images over and over again. At this point I don't know if they're just really lonely baiters, or if they're actually from tumblr and they think they're "doing a "psyops".

And? you still get triggered just because someone completely unrelated to the production suggested this. Alt-rightists are the biggest whiny faggots on earth and are no different from the SJWs they hate.

Which diverse movies are you even talking about? Literally every hollywood film does this, but some are better at marketing than others. Ghostbusters failed because they actively attacked their own fanbase, but nobody bats an eye at Star Wars for example other than the people around here, and the studios rake in the cash while enjoying the free advertising you provide them with your flamewars.

That's such a cuck thing to say

Quiet cucky




No, all movies were 100 percent white until 2010.

Negro fatigue.
White people are sick and tired of being reminded that these racial deadbeats exist.
Essentially the negoe is like an abrasive houseguest that has overstayed his welcome. His brashness and crudity was endearing and quirky at first, but eventually there comes a point where you just want to sit down and enjoy your breakfast flakes in peace without some douchebag beatboxing across the kitchen table.

I mean seriously is there a reason niggers have to be in EVERYTHING?

cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck
Copy and paste at your leisure.

Nobody gave a fuck when white role were given to black actors.
Then Liberal came with their talk of whitewashing and started to DEMAND blackwashing (they calll that diversity)
Since then it became a statement to not support movie that changed the cast for political reason.
I could care less if a negroes is the lead (i grew up in the ninties) but when you start to do it for political reason I already know your film is thrash and I don't want to watch it.
I went to the cinema for Suicide Squad because they took Will smith cuz he is a powerhouse star (or used to be)
I didn't watched Thor because it's formulaic bullshit and tampers to SJW and the most low common denominator
This comment gets it

I know you're just pretending to be the other user

>they're actually from tumblr

same cabal of reddit leftys who coordinating a raid to "fight alt right racists" on Sup Forums

>Essentially the Sup Forumstard is like an abrasive houseguest that has overstayed his welcome.


They were better back then. Now it's all politics and underlying motives. I still have friends who won't stop talking about Get Out because they think liking films with black protagonists make them one of the good guys. Even though that movie makes fun of them.

blacks back then were cool. they weren't tainted by stupid ghetto thug chimp out bullshit that you started to see in the 90s.

blacks were cooler in the 80s-90s

I wish I knew the first dipshit that started memeing the word cuck so I could find him and ruin his life.


*shits directly into your mouth*

You're literally in tears cuck

Compare Fresh Prince of Bel Air to
describes it pretty good

Angry, racist black people have been encouraged and validated by liberals, mainstream media, and a black president.

The real reason is that people wanted to give a shit but we were overexposed to the 'rainbow nation' propaganda. So we were not allowed to say shit because we were smashed over the head with apartheid.

Obama reignited racial divisions.

You're a big dumb dumb if you think that.

Unironically this.

See? It's annoying isn't it?
Now imagine if you had to put up with an ever increasing amountof Sup Forums posters and memes everywhere you go for over THIRTY YEARS! Every TV show, every radio station, every movie made full of Sup Forums shit, for decades on end!

Sup Forums has been around for a fraction of that time and only went mainstream in the past year, and you're already salty as fuck over it! Try to imagine how the white man feels.

>using the word literally unironically
Fucking momo's are running wild today

Funny, I see so many more angry, racist white people then angry, racist niggers.

This is correct, none of this shit existed pre-2008.

It's funny because she is actually holding this poster at "He will not divide us" a (((performance art))) create by and for numale millenial who spent to much time on twitter.
That's the amplitude of the lack of self awereness displayed by young college kids.

Did you know in Obama's own words said that he choose heterosexuality.

This, i went to a protest march yesterday against black culture and black people and shit was lit af.

Because the minorities were usually the secondary sidekick, so it was safe while the white guy still got to be the bigger star. We liked Murtaugh, but he was still just the comedic relief straight man to Riggs' chaotic loose cannon antics, who was the real hotness and the real reason we love Lethal Weapon movies.

And unless the character was written specifically to be overtly "urban," any black guy you saw in movies usually might as well have just been a white guy, unless it was something akin to a Eddie Murphy vehicle. And that might sound fine on paper if you're one of those "I don't see color" people, but that type of writing basically just largely marginalized black actors into either playing white versions of themselves or doing a caricature of a white guy's idea of a black man.

You still hear the stories of black actors going to auditions and after a take being asked to "be more black" which basically means to sound more like a hood nigger.

Even thought that movie is not really good and has the same amount of social commentary as my last braaaaaaaaaaaaaaap
It's also a black man fetish
> Le whitty want secretly to be black
> Le women wants to be fucked by black cock
Please i didn't knew if I Was in a blacked thread or watching a movie lmao

Many guys almost fall for the tranny penis meme

Oh, that is WHACK!

>Nobody gave a fuck when white role were given to black actors.

Unless you were an established A-list black star (still relatively rare) that wanted the part, you weren't ever getting those parts. Meanwhile minority roles were regularly rewritten for white actors in mind, reducing parts that minorities could get.

>the real reason """"""""""we""""""""""" love lethal weapon movies
fuck you faggot, murtaugh was literally my favorite character

> And unless the character was written specifically to be overtly "urban," any black guy you saw in movies usually might as well have just been a white guy,
> If you are black you must be a urban negroes talking in ebonic and listenning to gansta rap
Do you realize that you are racist ? Black people can't be civilized ?They all must comes from the hood and be gang nigger selling crack ?
This is the millenial paradoxe and this is the persona obama created for himself to cater to usefull idiots likes you
He act "white" to show that black people aren't different from white peoples but from time to time he'll check another negroes or high five a little kids so people be like
> anh see, even if he is president he is still our brother !
Obama is a genius

Even video games had leading female characters and nobody gave a shit,.

I'm laughing so hard too

>any black guy you saw usually might as well have just been a white guy
yeah thats generally how functioning society works m8, most people are supposed to be interchangeable as long as they have the skillset to to do the job.
Did you mean that there was no representation of the poor struggle to escape ghettos? Because those aren't all black either you worthless mongoloid

I'm not sure whether this is the most elaborate bait of all time or whether you are genuinely lost your mind

Stop with this meme. Actors is the most unjust works there is and E V E RY BODY gets type casted unless the top 1% of a profession who is already a top 1%
White have more roles because there are more whites people and even subconsciously there is a part of people that prefier having their kin of the screen.
How can you guys reproach that to white people when you are LITTERALY demanding more black role because you want black role model for young black.
Pro tip america is still a white majority country. If you want all black cast there is an emerging buisness in africa that desesperatly needs viewer. In fact everyone but hollywood and bollywood needs more viewer
Oh by the way what are the only people they cast in bollywood ?
To get back on topic getting a role ain't a right, if you want to be A-list you need to be good looking eloquent, charming and then you need to build your fan base to be an A-lister
Will smith was an A-list he was the first role in independance day, men in black, and a whole lot of new movie that made billions in the box office.
If you are an aspiring black actor be more like will smith and whine less, that'll help you
Nobody deserve shit in hollywood unless you are the son of the producer and you'll get an easy cozy job BEHIND the camera

Because there wasn't an agenda behind it

>do my homework
The only demographic change appears to be in the Latino audience but that hasn't registered yet at the box office

Found the women studies

>this dipshit is assuming the poster is black
i mean they might very well be but this is how you look like a faggot
you are right that the acting business is fucking awful though. like no joke garbage, screen plays for free, absolutely a martini of enema fluid.

Economic shifts are probably more of a factor.

Argumens: 0

what arguement where you expeting you dumbshit? man you are delusional.

Still no argument



i only see 2 white people OP

Less stability and less social ties generally

divorce rates by country