Left or right?

Left or right?

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Right, you fucking cartoon loving faggots

i want to put my dick in sabrina's magic vagina

Which one, left or right?

left obvs

her dutch voice actress was pretty hot

But left is 12, that's illegal

not the first illegal thing i've done

She's short but has a big fucking ass.
See : my life with joe


Whichever is the youngest i guess...

Anyone else find her hot in Clarissa explains it all?

Not in Turkey!

Dude, she was only like 14 then.

that show got so bad when the braces came off

Shoo shoo roach

Have a seat over there


welcome to Sup Forums user

Right, always liked her

Why does this faggot keep posting these stupid threads/?

It's a meme

Protip: if you prefer the left over the right, you don't belong here and should go back to Sup Forums

kkk. i was getting sick of this shit board anyway

More like the other way around.

>first period episode

Isn't there a breast expansion scene with her?



Do-do do-do. do-do-do-do

I watched both desu

But that's not the question, the question is which version of the character looked more qt

thats not the question either.

Glad to see that you finally changed the live action Sabrina image.


Question for people who pick the left: why did you pick the left? She was annoying, do you like annoying girls?

I'm a cartoon fapping degenerate.

Me too. I like 3dpd too though


Right, because she actually exists.


She was a whiny bitch


My nigga