What would a LotR remake from the Orcs perspective be like...

What would a LotR remake from the Orcs perspective be like? I really want to learn more about their culture and their inner workings.

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Someone start taxposting. I don't know how

That's a good point. Did the Orcs pay taxes? did they live in a communal society with welfare and free healthcare? what were their lives like pre-War of the Ring?



Whatever you're trying to imply by this is wrong.

Whatever do you mean?

just play shadows of mordoor

What did you mean?

I don't play video games because I'm not a virgin nor 14 years old or less.

then watch a lets play you fucking try hard chad


This. And it would be so very very great to see.

They would become mesmerized by seeing Galadriel riverdance and would stop fighting her

I hate this stupid meme so fucking much. And Galadriel is overrated in general. Elves are all smug arrogant cunts, anyway.

Hating on Mommy Cate should be bannable

>riverdancefag is a mommyfag

I should have known. The two greatest cancers of this board.

That's awfully rude of you to say



Russians will never get rid of that chip on their shoulder, will they? Literally first in space, and still have a massive inferiority complex.

Considering how much Sauron spent on the military, is it safe to say that the tax pressure on the orcs would be substantial?
Has anyone calculated the estimated GDP of mordor?


>Hunt Hobbits
>Eat moldy bread
>Occasionally meat is back on the menu
>Get killed by men
>Get killed by elves
>Get killed by ents

>I really want to learn more about their culture and their inner workings.

That's precisely why you shouldn't see things from their perspective. Mysticism is gone when you start filling in all the gaps.

Would love to see what kind of process they have for establishing what's on the menu.

Did yall faggots know that orcs ar immortal like elves
bolg lived atleast over 150 years and the great goblin remembers orcrist and glamdring from the first age
thats why they're so many of them they reproduce faster than they die often due to infighting and starvation

The horror apocalyptic story ....

>orc culture

Gollum will teach it how to check em.


The same way theater and acting were once considered lowly by aristocrats? Face it, buddy, you're just behind the times.

Fair answer.

>Whatever you're trying to imply by this is wrong.

They didn't really make him look very pitiable did they?

What do you mean what did I mean?

wtf i love orcs now

wooah dude radical dubs

There's a Russian novel about that. The Orcs were trying to bring technology to better the lives of everyone but the Elves knew it would break their monopoly of power so manipulated the lesser races into fighting the Orcs for them.

It's a history is written from the victor angle.

lol, this is like the Middle Earth version of The Greatest Story Never Told

so basically the ussr were good boys dindu nuffin