Meta thread

how can we save Sup Forums?

Get mods that understand English and actually do something about all the spam and reposts

ban cartoonposting and superhero movies. that belongs on Sup Forums

>tfw got a warning for reporting an off topic thread that got deleted anyway
i'm going to strictly shitpost hard for now own

Honestly I see that image reposted more often than the blatant Sup Forums threads.

How do we save Sup Forums?


Allow one nude thread like at all times.

spam unrelated threads that are only made for (You)s and pedo threads relentlessly until there's nothing left for mods to do but shut this board down
It worked for pedo threads I don't see how it wouldn't work for the rest

Is there even an alt-left?


Don't forget anime. All the anime threads here are just people from Sup Forums too scared to post on Sup Forums or /m/.

>Lying this hard

Way to contribute nothing to the conversation, dumbass. :^)

No. Sup Forums is just insanely asshurt by the op image

anime are cartoons

Stop making threads like this

>>Sup Forums

Yes, they're either constantly crying about Sup Forums or going on about being antifa and racial/social injustices.

There's no reason to pretend only the right has an "alternative" side.

Perma ban anyone who posts or replies to political threads

You can help by GTFO to reddit.

Sup Forums has always been shit. That's why losers like you and me love it here.

>There's no reason to pretend only the right has an "alternative" side.

Why not? Sup Forums likes to pretend the alt-right never exists whenever they do something extremely stupid like elect Ronald Grump as president.

Why would I lie about something so insignificant? If you don't like Sup Forums threads, report and ignore them. They thrive because idiots get baited into posting in them. Every time you see a Sup Forums thread, just find a Sup Forums related thread without many replies and try to start some discussion. Or just start your own thread with something interesting.

>ITT people who started using Sup Forums 2 weeks ago whine about racism

Lol nah but u can fuck off

start by killing yourself.

You can get an electric drill and slide it through your eye socket you fat slobbering cunt.

ban phone posting

>Pretending Trump supporters aren't reddit incarnate
>calling someone else new
Do you think you aren't new because you came here in late 2015?

But everything Hollywood and the media does is political now

Or have you missed the 24/7 non stop meltdown since the election?

Technically even colbert posting is on topic. The man only talks about trump.

Based on your post we need to ban mobile posting first
Somehow then convince hiro to dmca clover


Ban nu-Sup Forumsacks

Sup Forums and Sup Forums used to be great allies back in 2013 and 2014

And the worst thing is that r/thedonalders brought r/politics with them, and now the infestation runs deep

>the man only talks about Trump

No you retards only think that because that's the only thing you pay attention to and memed yourselves into believing it.

Why do you guys get so triggered whenever anyone criticizes Rolando Rump if he's such a winner?

>Rolando Rump

lmao gonna us this and I voted for him and will vote for him in 2020

No nude threads are allowed on blue boards.

Trumpflakes are fragile

There's a difference between a thread made about a political show, and a thread made to discuss the politics in said show

we don't

Banning that spamming faggot who posts that image and shitposts to high hell in countless threads.

He's more autistic than Abatap.


You just have to ride out the wave of cheeto hitler's useful idiots. They won and are feeling very big right now. Just give it a couple of years until these idiots see that both choices were just two different factions of oligarchs.

Filter Trump to Drumpf and IP range ban everyone who complains about it

Lefty/pol/ who operate out of infinitychan raid us fairly often.

hire me as a janitor, I will save TV

Keep 1/4 of all mildly Sup Forums-related threads while removing those that don't have anything to do with TV at all or are too inappropriate. (Controlled allowance of meme culture).
Ban Sup Forums. Ban r*ddit. Shut the board down from 1 AM to 6 AM eastern standard time.

>1 AM to 6 AM eastern standard time
das raciss

Hold the fucking phone faggot. Who said anything about Hillary? Why do Trumpfags try to shoehorn her into absolutely every argument? You do realize it's not just red vs blue right?

The ONE THING that pisses me off about Sup Forums is that we don't have webms with sound. What's the fucking issue here, lads?

One of mods already got fired because of it.

Yes everyone hates Trump so of course his anti Trump videos will be popular

Can we just blanket ban anyone who goes to Sup Forums?

They're less than human and deserve to be treated as such.

It's also the funniest/funnest time to post.
Fuck this "person":

Really? Any details?

You're a fucking idiot.

>Use Hillshit's buzzword label (muh alt-right) for everyone against her

Gee, I wonder...

nu-Sup Forums must go

>hurr waddya meen i cant be a racis pos anywere i want??????

>u idiot!!!

Nah you're alright, Paki.

Ban the queers like this who came to Sup Forums on a floating crate a few months back.

Funny how you retards constantly bitch about anime and cartoon threads, which are way more TV related than Sup Forumsposting and Colbert spam

>Hillshills buzzword label (muh alt-right)
yes Richard Spencer and friends have literally never ever labelled themselves as alt right in interviews. Sup Forums has never pushed the word on reddit because it's easier to redpill normies into "the alt right" instead of neo nazism. It's just a buzzword. Alt right don't real.


reddit pussies crying about alt-right pussies crying about SJWs ruining movies and television.

Is this how you construct a response? You're making a lot of assumptions there, bud. I don't like Sup Forums threads on Sup Forums, but banning anyone who goes to Sup Forums from Sup Forums is an objectively idiotic idea.

this desuu

Before /r/the_donald I don't think the Sup Forums stuff coming up was so bad. It was usually relevant.
Sometimes a person on the left would start bringing up politics in a Sup Forums thread, and then that would bring up counter arguments from the right leaning folk, and then the left guy would say go back to Sup Forums.
Now there's just too many donaldredditors who just see other boards as a place to influence.

I did a little more scrolling, turns out he's even worse




>media talks about president a lot
Holy shit user I think you're onto something.

It's not real, just like how Pepe isn't a hate symbol.


>everyone who disagrees with me is Sup Forums
Sorry friend. This is the last (you) I'll give you. Just go call your parents if you need someone to pay attention to you this badly.

He's b8ing you all, you do realise that.

>we ban everything that's Sup Forums related except for Casablanca, dancing in the rain, seven samurai... anything that's black and white

Fuck off

Yeah. Polacks noticed that the frequence of purged threads and banned people with topics regarding bashing trash ideologies or Sanders went through the roof.
That might have been dismissed as another case of paranoia, except Hiro himself piped in that there is a suspicion of one of the mods being strongly partisan and that he will review his list of bans and topics and sure enough, one of the mods got fired over it.

Not surprising, censorship is the first go to method of every communist.

Idk what you're trying to prove showing a YouTube page. Have you actually watched his show? You realize this is a compendium of his most popular segments right?

You can go literally everywhere else on the internet if you don't want to hear racist shit, you dumb nigger.

Purge the alt right cancer

ban that retarded faggot killkid.


There it is again.

Not true. If it has artistic value it can be posted anywhere.

God bless Hiroshimoot, nuking commie filth.

>back in 2013 and 2014
you mean back when stormniggers invaded?

>Idk what you're trying to prove showing a YouTube page
Really? It's fairly obvious, no? I'm showing that he clearly talks about Trump way too much. Do a similar search with the word Obama, and you'll see that there's not even a quarter of the videos pertaining to him. Colbert is just hacking away at low hanging fruit, and he's doing it on a daily basis. His routine is old.

Now that's one gangster mofo. I bet he slays all the pussy.

These threads never accomplish anything you complaining faggot

Maybe, but that's not Sup Forums's rule.

Was this modcat, I think the name was? The one who made a personalized ban message for someone who started a fire safety thread?

see the OP image:

Uh oh, someone brought up stormfront out of nowhere and entirely uncalled for.

That is the calling card of the jidf. Go on, say the line Bart.

hell the stormweenies were more fun to talk to that donnie's personal army

Back to Sup ForumsThePedes Sup Forumsdditor

Great job completely ignoring the rest of my post. You t_d faggots are such cancer.

>out of nowhere and entirely uncalled for.
nice damage control, LARPer
but the reddit invasion is no different from the stormnigger invasion. you reap what you sow


A reminder that "stormweenie" is the jidf equivalent to "shitlord". This user is legitimately jidf.

Can we at least try a thread like that the Sup Forums thread has been up for 9 hours, I think it's safe if it inst straight porn.

And great job ignoring my post as well you fucking moron.