Anyone hyped for IT?

Anyone hyped for IT?


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Hyped for what?

I hope it's a long movie. I want there to be some breathing room so they can build up some of the history of Derry. Learning about how fucked up that town is is one of the most interesting aspects of the book.

An air pistol?
What happened to the slingshot?

I think they changed it to fit better with the time period(the book's childhood portion is in the 50's whereas the movie's childhood portion is in the 80's).

Dunno, I still think the slingshot would've worked better visually.

This also brings up the question about the silver slugs, are they abandoning that?
The closest thing that resembles the pistol is this thing, which uses .22 cal projectiles, so I don't know, maybe they could still use ball bearing molds.

I don't think they'd abandon the silver slugs since that's a pretty big plot point regarding how IT is constrained by the form it takes. Maybe the pistol in the trailer is supposed to be the one Bill took from his father.

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>Finn doing those dumb little voices

Cute. CUTE!

It will be as lame as Sinister.


Sinister at least achieved its goal of being creepy as hell imo. This looks promising but trailers shot in this kind of style always ruin it.


No. It looks shit

I am. Been reading through the book, but King's style is tiresome at times. Feels like he didn't edit at all.

King can turn the most tiresome passages into pretty entertaining stuff imo

Just finished the book. Some parts drag but the journey was pretty great in hindsight. Learning about Derry and It were both entertaining. The sewer scene sort of ruined the ending considering how fucking unnecessary it was.

>"S-so the money from this movie will be enough to pay for her college tuition right?"
>"Absolutely Mrs. Lillis, just go for zero salary and points on the net instead of gross and you and your daughter are set for life."
>"A-and it's all legal? She only turns 14 next month."
>"Why of course, m'am the scene in question will be filmed in Mexico. And even if it does go to court there is precedence. Just look up Pretty Baby, Maladolescenza. Hell even Romeo and Juliet had it and that's shown in high school English classes everywhere. Just sign here on the dotted line and we're all set"


Will this Pennywise have anything at all on the Curry Pennywise?

Lmao, hopefully she grows up to be pretty and not get fucked up like most child actors.