ITT: post /ourguys/ from classic movies (pre 1995 or so)

ITT: post /ourguys/ from classic movies (pre 1995 or so)

Other urls found in this thread:

>classic movies


define /ourguys/

Espousing behavior that is contrary to reddit

The kid in this scene.
Also this. When using "classic" it generally means the Hayes Code era.

ah. well, I'd say that most great characters are beyond both reddit and Sup Forums


Sup Forums's guy

Beyond Sup Forums but not beyond Sup Forums. What Sup Forums regards as 'patrician' is just what you're describing.


Paul Newman should be /everymans/ guy

I like every movie he is in




kinda hits in the feels because he wanted to be the hero but always looked the villain


What's everyone's favorite Toshiro Mifune movie and why is it Red Sun?

Red Beard


Pre 1995 kino right here

is this maria braun?

actors that can't fight