Watch logan

>watch logan
>magneto and apocalypse were 100% right

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Magneto did nothing wrong, everyone knows that

genosha when

>watch Logan
>get a boner

Dafne Keen is a qt and I wish her success in the future

Seriously. Her moans and screams while bloodily slaughtering everything are too much, I can't handle it.

I love you Dafnebot

Thank you friend

god damn pedos i want to talk about mutants reeeee

literally unfilmable

Say "Dafne Keen is a cute" and we'll leave. I promise.

I feel like they should have released Logan first and then Apocalypse. The mutant situation in Logan is exactly why Apocalypse would wake up and go WTF.

The pacing of the first 20 minutes are very bad, the rest of the movie is cool though

Magneto is right in every timeline. Being magneto is suffering he lost his qt polish wife and daughter.

I thought that way about the last 30 minutes.

So, this is technically the last X-Men movie, right?

no. they are doing the new mutants for future movies.

Well that kinda sucks

cant really expect stewart and jackman to reprise the roles forever. theres a wealth of stuff out there and fassbender is still interested in playing mags

you couldnt do what they did without a single mutant catching on

The first 20 mins are the best part

this is the last REAL x-men movie yes.the next ones will be only with new cast of cosplaying kids

I don't read the comics, but the main conflict is resolved and both Logan and bald-man are dead. The new movies will felt forced.

Yes you could, just do it little by little in a small area over time until the damage gets done, combine this with hunting them down and extinction is inevitable.

>ywn fuck Fass in full Magneto attire

I've never wanted to be a qt black girl more

literally opposite

This, after they reach the kid's hideout place it goes downhill IMO.

Everything before that was GOAT though.

jean grey is canonically stronger than xavier, how did she not shut his ass down when he started having seizures

Probably died again in the future.

I don't agree. The pacing gets slower but is a nice build-up to the imminent Logan's death.

I feel the same.

>and both Logan and bald-man are dead
I stopped caring about capeshit like 20 years ago when I was old enough to realise how silly and retarded all of it is. I watch it now and then to kill some time though.
Thus said Logan was 5/10, don't get the hype just because it's "serious" and has blood and gore.
Why did Wolferine die by simply being pierced by a piece of wood? Isn't he invulnerable to anything that isn't adamantium or whatever that kryptonite shit is called? Felt pulled out of the ass as fuck.

same, I cried my eyes out when logan died.

Seriously I was crying for the last half, Xavier died, logan died, and then I really fucking lost it when X-23 put the X on his grave. Holy shit man.

t. plebs.

the ending was done nicely. and no, sabretooth wouldnt have been better than the clone, the minimal approach they took with the movie regarding plot and characters was very neatly developed.

>b-but why none of the kids died
because it would detract from logans death.

Did you not watch the film retard? Holy fuck for someone with a holier-than-though attitude towards capeshit you really are a mongoloid.

the anti-mutant drug they put in all the food/water is fucking with logans healing factor. which why he limps, heals super slow and has cataracts instead of being immortal. by the end of the movie he's just taken too much damage and his mutant powers cant keep up.

None of the kids died?

>Why did Wolferine die by simply being pierced by a piece of wood?
its like you didnt even watch the movie. or you have a broken brain. i think you arent as above capeshit as youd like to believe.


yeah all of that too, I am a very unemotional person but movies for some reason set off the water works.

Dude the food and water has nothing to do with his death. It's the admantium itself poisoning his body from the inside, his healing factor is the only thing keeping him alive.

Thats why he says he knows what's poisoning him.

I was fine until she turned the cross to an X. That shit got me big time.

i hate when hollywood gay people come to post here

The ending was shit

>thousands of mutants with heighened taste/ smell, clairvoyance and mind reading

Thousands? Kek not really man, considering that there are a ton of ways to block psychic abilities, its something noone would expect, the actual food they eat to become their worst enemy.

right, but i feel like it's more than just his age + adamantium poisoning. his healing factor should be able to keep up regardless of how old he is.

i guess that is just headcanon though.

Best super kino since the dark knight

In the comic Old man logan that is what is killing him. It will happen to X-23 too. If he never got the operation he would live virtually forever.

Liev Schreiber's Sabretooth in the third half could have elevated an 8/10 to a 10/10 kino and you fucking know it.

It's the adamantium that is killing him, at this point he is 130 years old.

Magneto was basically "no more nazis, ever" but that didn't work out for him.

He's 197 years old, he fought in the american civil war.

Just tear my heart out. That kid has a future in acting.

>tfw in the comics he had the adamantium removed

What the hell happened to Magneto anyway?

never read old man logan, gotta check it out.

Thanks, user. I was having a good time and now i'm sad.

he is sitting in his asteroid and going 'told you so' while banging storm

He is canonically born in the 1880s in his current form,
yeah well he's dead now, got covered with the shit with his healing gone. x23 is the new wolverine now.

Is it canon that she's stronger in general or stronger mentally? Because it's possible she's stronger in overall ability, but Xavier is more specialized and stronger in using his telepathy.

Either way, you could reason that he caught them all offguard and she was unable to recover herself enough to resist before dropping dead.

>x23 is the new wolverine now.


>this board watches capeshit
Yea wow really makes you think

>His backstory goes like this: Wolverine was born James "Jimmy" Howlett in Canada circa 1832

They renamed it "X-Minority".

i mean technically xavier is the stronger pure telepath but grey is the fucking phoenix. that shit isn't just going to let her get btfo that easily.

"In the comics story Origin, James Howlett is born sometime between 1886 and 1897."

Same here, that rekt me.

The movie is such a fucking emotional cheat. The only way it'd be more unfair in eliciting feelz is if it'd built up a cute doggy sidekick to be murdered late in the film.

>tfw no bluray leak
>have to wait until street date

>he enjoys niggers and spics in everything he watches


qt and success

go back to your containment board.

I feel the same. I got the impression that the chemicals in the food and water were at the very least dampening mutant powers by targeting the X-Gene, which is why Xavier went so downhill, Logan's healing was on the fritz, and the baddies were able to hunt down apparently all the mutants with little trouble.

why the fuck did he die at the end

20 years and his healing power just suddenly stops working okay

age, adamantium poisoning and possibly the anti-mutant drug having an effect

I wonder if sabertooth is still alive canonically. I remember him surviving in the wolverine origin movie and I know he was in x3, but I don't know if he survived or if there's any mention of him in the latest movies.

He created a spaceship and shipped a ton of mutants to Mars to create an all-mutant utopia.



>logans pops a cap in zander rice just as he begins his monologue
