He's here on a friday night

>he's here on a friday night

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F-fuck you......

I look forward to spending Friday nights drinking on Sup Forums all week :(

But so are (You)!

what a loser

But it's Saturday morning user!

I'm NEET and I literally live in my parents basement.

post pics please

but it's raining

I have to get early tomorrow.
Yeah, nice blog

Where else am I supposed to beat off to my Honey Select model of Christina Hendricks?

It's Saturday morning.

the fact is only underageb&s and college freshmen give a shit about friday night

when you become an adult, little bro, you'll realize how fucking shit """friday night""" really is.

Where would I go?

Im a 300 pound NEET that jacks off to trap porn and cums in socks

Mom caught me doing it the other day with my 8" black dildo in my ass

I tried to tell her im not gay but I don't think she believes me

Put up an ad on craigslist and find a girl to peg you.

You'll be surprised how many bite. And if a few psychos come to you, no worries, then you could probably pray for them to end your sorry life, ain't that right mate?

I'm leaving in about 45 minutes to meet some friends. Problem is I have already drank 5 beers to myself. I got about another 5 in the tank before I get sloppy so I have to pace myself.


>Put up an ad on craigslist and find a girl to peg you.
>You'll be surprised how many bite
but how many of them are hot?

Who cares if they are hot, it's your bum that you seem to be preoccupied with.

And you live in a shit country to boot. Sad!

It's just part time.

In case you aren't trolling, you have to realize you're a porn addict.

Quit porn and you life will improve 1000000000000000%

reddit posting is a bannable offense, didn't you get the memo?

I want a hot girl to peg me though

haha, I'm leaving with some friends soon too, we're gonna do the things, you know, the things friends do...

i'm tired of everything
tired of people and their lives
tired of entertainment
tired of reality
not even mad
i'm just tired

>didn't drink for 6 months because i was counting calories
>finally reached healthy weight this month
>drank 2 fucking bottles of wine for the hell of it on wednesday
>woke up drunk the next day
>still feel gross

There's no point in going out if you're not going to drink, and right now the idea of drinking makes me want to projectile vomit.. so no thanks.

Im at work right now

I'm a night porter at a hotel

not that it matters since I would be home if I wasnt at work, I dont have any friends

>parents talking about the future
>talk about me finding someone
>"one day when you have a gi-...partner"
>tfw after all these years your parents still think you're gay

the term you're looking for is "hang out"

Where else should I be?

>10 beers

Lol faggot I drank 26 last night.

I spend 80% of my fridays on Sup Forums, don't feel bad bro.

Most people are sexual deviants in some form though, mate. It's one of those things you only really discover until you're much older.

Well in that case, craigslist is still a great go-to opportunity. You don't have to pull down your trousers the second you meet a broad.Just tell them you think it is not working out.

your 5% shit doesn't count

nigger if you have ever spent even 1 (ONE) friday "going out"/being a normie, you don't fucking belong here

I have to go bartend in about an hour and I'm fucking useless at it

I'm talking about pints bud, but still if you can down 26 you've out alcoholic'd me. I take a little comfort in the fact that there are people who drink more than a 6 pack every night like me but I need to quit drinking soon. I'm still a young man and I feel like I'm close to doing irreversible damage.

Lying in bed setting up tinder dates desu. Gonna get laid tomorrow.

>26 beers

Lol faggot I chugged a 10 gallon drum of isopropyl alcohol last night.

What are the chances of meeting a woman on craigslist? are there any women there at all? why would there be?

I just need someone to touch me I'm going insane from lack of human contact

I dont have any friends

I took a job on the weekends

I actually think that subconsciously I did it so that I can have an excuse to avoid people and going out and shit. I'm a fucking loser aren't I?

I've been browsing the chans since 2008. Come on now you know what you just posted isn't true.

Don't be so harsh on the little guy for trying, mate. It seems like a guy as yourself that is more interested in memes and shit-posting would be at home at a place like reddit, wouldn't you think?

normies and their alcohol

I deleted my account after having it for a week, and being ghosted by all my matches

any tips on setting up a scucessfull account?

I work early on Saturdays, I can't go out Friday nights.

I'll have a Tom Collins please.

Get better pictures. That's literally all there is to it.

i'm here on a daily basis

But I don't have any friends and any life

by better pictures I'm assuming pictures where I'm having fun with people or something?

Im tall and decent looking btw

Normies aren't alcoholics. I guarantee that your underage gay virgin ass will be drinking after a couple of years from browsing this site, you dumb new faggot.


If you live anywhere near a big city, try couchsurfers.com

I live with two roommates in a city with two roommates and we made a couchsurfers account and have actually met some really cool people and they tend to like to take pics. Give it a try man it's actually really fun because you can screen people and you have a person who is down to go out when they visit and usually they extend some kind of generosity like buying you a few beers when you go out.

Just find a way to get out there. I am attractive and an introvert too, all of my real close friends live in other cities so I either hangout with my roommates or nothing.

I shot fentanyl into my balls! Am I cool yet??

You need at least one decent photo. Preferably at least one photo additionally of you having fun in a group so you look like you have an active social life. Honestly I didn't have any great ones available, so my pictures aren't even that good.
When you get matches, you generally have to send the first message. YOU MUST SAY SOMETHING ORIGINAL. Or at least something that seems original or funny or otherwise interesting. I often just go with the first stupid thing that pops into my head.
>ie. matched with hot Latina with really curly hair
>First message "I need to bury my face in that hair"
Sounds fucking dumb and you'd think it'd never work, but 99% of her other messages will just be "Hi" or "Ay bby u wan sum fuk". Flirt pretty openly - she knows you're there because you want to fuck her, and she wouldn't be if she wasn't trying to hook up.
After a little bit of banter try to get her number to arrange a meetup.
I'm not even amazing at this or anything, but without much effort or time I've gotten more girls' numbers than I actually have time to hook up with

>not 100% unless with mom

I'd say you have it made

I have a real rad personality tho!

You sound like a new york hipster. I am sure you've had quite a number of dicks in your mouth.

redditors will never be cool here. try 9gag or facebook, kiddo. and yes I am referring to your absolutely atrocious attempt at sarcastic humor.


I'm a paleoconservative Sup Forums browsing gun owner, but I still like to have a good time. It's tough approaching women at the grocery store or on the street so you have to either sack up and do it, which is good to do sometimes, or find ways to get out in groups and have fun.

there's nothing more normie than drinking alcohol

>needing glasses
>judging people

Sit your beta ass down.

Actually I'm just on here while taking a shit.

Me and my two buddies just got done filming this little project we are working on.


Is it kino?

I'll keep that in mind as I down another glass of Bushmill's tabbing between Sup Forums and /r9k/

meh i get disgustingly drunk all the time.

He still on friday

>Tfw in a foreign country
>Just have to walk up to hot girls on the street and pretend to be lost or looking for some specific place like I don't already know where it is and play up my accent

>one of the most destructive drugs on earth

You're not a normie, I apologize. You're an underage little shit that shouldn't even be browsing this webzone. Normies aren't alcholics, I repeat. They drink whenever they go out on the town and try to score chicks or lament over their boring lives with their girlfriends. Real drunks don't do any of that. They drink themselves into a slumber because they can't face their own demons. You need to really fuck off from this site.

Legit post. Can confirm. Normies are repulsed by serious alcohol drinking, preferring their marijuana instead.

You'll never see a typical normie pounding back a fifth of vodka in one sitting.

I like how Sup Forums reveal itself to be alcoholic and still judge stoners. One is anti-inflammatory and set your body in a comfortable state, the other provides pleasure from the adrenaline reaction to your body getting poisoned.

Hating weed is the normiest shit ever, you can't even realize that your views on alcohol and weed are 100% based on what your governement has allowed in the last 20 years.

>nearly went out to the club
>remember life costs money

I may also be a newfag but I don't think I've seen truer words ever been spoken on Sup Forums.

>t. white guy with dreads and legalize it wristband