What look was Robert Downey Jr going for here?

What look was Robert Downey Jr going for here?

Why is RDJ standing like a virgin here?

stilts look

Is he gay?

he has the strangest below the knees game

always goes with jeans with the huge bends
to hide his heels

Why can't Americans wear clothes that fit? he looks like an absolute retard even without the lifts.

Cool space boots, Robert.

Bet that guy got picked on a lot in prison.

Thanks Mel.

looks fine to me

he thinks if he wears a bunch of dumb shit it takes attention off his shoes and makes the whole thing look """eccentric"""

what kind of shit shoop is this

no way am i spending more than 5 seconds on a meme



Forever a boy look.


When will they learn?




women hoverhanding?

Would you touch a manlet? except yourself

He must know how weird he looks standing like that. Just fucking put some comfy shoes on and embrace ur smallness

you can clearly see where his heel starts on that pic. jesus manlet christ.