Be me

>be me
>going to see gotg 2 with my "le epic such a nerd lol" friend
>the whole film is just "epic" nerd references and "born in the wrong generation" music
>le edgy badass sarcastic snarky rocket jokes
>i sit in silence while my friends laugh

Why the fuck do people like this movie again?

wow, you sure sound like a whole barrel of fun. I bet your friends went somewhere without you afterwards because you were just being pouty and obnoxious after the movie.

How you have even a single friend is a mystery

>OP gets mad at his friend for paying attention to the movie and not noticing his advances

don't worry bro, i'm sure there will be another opportunity for you to suck his dick

You sound like that one guy in a group of friends that's full of himself and the other guys just pretend to like him because they feel sorry for him

Sound like a bit of downer tbqh OP

I thought there were too many literal dick jokes, but aside from that it was a great movie with spot on humor.

>"born in the wrong generation" music

You know the target demographic of this movie is people in their 30s who are actually PART of that generation, right?

i thought this thread was going to be another GOTG 2 hatewagon
i was thankfully wrong

>implying that the main audience of Marvel movies isn't 13-year-olds

>not realizing that the parents of 13 year olds are old enough to have grown up with the music in GotG and genuinely feel nostalgic about it

The sound of Drax and Rocket laughing was really forced. I found it grating desu.

>not realizing that the movie does not a shit about their parents

What are you talking about. It's a fucking childrens movie lol

I agree
the entire time Drax was laughing I was cringing

>not realizing who buys the movie tickets, especially for younger children who have to be taken to the theater

not realizing that children and teenagers can go see movies by themselves

Guardians is entirely premised on it's Nostalgia. It's channeling it to get 30 year olds in the seats.

SPIDERMAN is for kids, on the other hand.

>Paul Rudd inhales
The audience breathes back in anticipation
The audience immediately downvotes every DC thread as they laugh hysterically in the isles

Then why is it always mostly adults in the theater at these movies?

Have you been inside of a theater playing a Marvel movie before?

Yeah, it's full of families.

literally me

How does someone become this much of a jaded asshole?

Op here, this is me

>implying that the main audience of Marvel movies isn't 13-year-olds

And that's bad why? All movies appeal to a certain demo and if they do it well they make money. That's how the world works.

Either way, its a comic book movies that's supposed to be for kids although we still find 30yo manchilds being a huge demographic as well.

growing up with no positive attention and having your strong points completely ignored by your parents. In general, a shitty childhood.

Op here, this guy is lying.

Are you fucking retarded? I'm Op.

Op here,

I suck cocks

Can someone post the (you) version?

Fake OP btfo

I try not to force laugh at jokes because of the atmosphere, that way when I do actually laugh it's genuine, that said I only really laughed at the mary poppins thing only because of the way he said it in his country voice.

Op here, I usually don't laugh at something unless it is the most hilarious shit.

I thought the movie was lame too. For some reason I was and still am strangely attracted to the mantis character. Whenever I see her, even in the OPs pic, I get a huge boner.

It's not even the actress, it only happens when I see her in costume.

>it was a great movie with spot on humor.

Yeah, those Tazerface jokes they ran into the ground were soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny.

you're a man child

lol faggot

>and "born in the wrong generation" music
He grew up in the 80s didn't he?

You fucking swine. The brilliant nuances of that scene flew by your Christian head. You're probably Christian. The subtlety of the joke was too genius for you and you know it. You probably like armored skeptic. The absolute sincerity of Bradley Cooper's performance is too much for you and totally not annoying.

>Why the fuck do people like this movie again?
The original was good because there were no huge expectations. Normies had never heard of any of the shit therein and Mahvel hadn't fully realized that capeshit-anything will print money.
Now it's got the usual sequel problems, pandering with dumb cringy shit, and putting in two movies worth of dumb cosmic crap they hadn't felt especially pressured to do before (which was what made GotG fresh).

I feel the same OP, I did laught sometimes, but this movie was pretty bad. If you like this and you don't like suicide squad you're biased, 'cause the jokes where at the same level. The first one was pretty good, this one is "here! Take all this dumb jokes that aren't subtle at all. Besides, it felt like watching an animated movie with all that pixaresque CGI".

its a joke with a setup and a punchline, just like every other joke in the movie.

Would be accurate if OP was a real story. OP doesn't have friends, and his story lacked the necessary falcons, crab legs, anvils, popcorn mines, no singles policy, manlet pit, designated shooter, and so on.

I will admit, the jokes meant for the people that were too dumb to get anything subtle or only knew shit about the cinematic universe were far too numerous. A little too much stuff for the normie crowds that flock to see this stuff now, when it was 'stupid and nerdy' before.

There was plenty of humor and nods for people that actually knew about the comics and stuff aside from the cinematic universe. How much of this stuff they put in there tends to satisfy me. I can usually overlook the stuff they use to drag the normal populace into the movie theatres.

Always love seeing normies leave before all the end credits are done.

I don't even like the MCU anymore guys.

I was planing on skipping the next few movies but my friends decided that, rather than having a conversation at a bar, that we would go to this.

I mean, I don't hate any of the movies. And I hate to resort to the "not muh" argument, but I understand these movies are not made for me. It's made for the greater general public, and that's fine. I just don't have any interest in these films anymore. Is that so wrong?

Because its cool and awesome not to like things people like

I felt the same way when my friends forced me to watch kung pow.

>had to fake laugh through the entirety of Deadpool in the theater so that the few limited friends I have don't leave me because I'm a pouty faggot

protip: they aren't your friends

a...are you my friend?

found the redditor
you have to go back

Woah, you sound really cool man.
Can I hang out with you? I-I mean if you wouldn't mind...

So cool...

If it makes you feel any better OP then chances of this film making over a billion dollars are almost 0 now

are the critics right?

The trick is to not go see movies with your friends. My friends have known me for half our lives now and they know I don't care for movies.

>I don't care for movies.
why are you even here posting on the movies/TV board then

To complain how I don't like movies.

I liked Vol. 2 more than the first. Yondu's death was handled very well. Funeral scene with Father and Son playing was done perfectly.


>born in the wrong generation music

They're catchy and enjoyable songs, unless you're so deep into modern techno shit and don't listen to oldies stations on the radio (like K-EARTH 101) I guess they'd be weird, but to everyone else they're just good songs. I bet you call grunge music and 80s rock bands "dad rock". My dad's in his 60s, my version of "dad rock" is 60s music. Fucking teens piss me off so goddam much.

They have listened to most "classics" than anything else, cause dumbtube puts them on a list while they watch porn.

>implying teens and children go for the music and not for the characters/action/comedy

It's basically a movie in the vein of Star Wars, made to have wide appeal and thus gain more money. Adults (people 25 and up) grew up with this music. I'm 27 and I heard half these tracks on the radio for fuck's sake, there's more than talk radio and top 40 stations you dolt.

You sound like an even bigger retard/poser than a punk/metalhead who only listens to their own genres and nothing else. I bet all you do is listen to youtube and top 40, like a faggot teen who tries to fit in. Newsflash, adults don't give a fuck. I just came back home after a couple drinks/wings with friends and then a trip to toys-r-us (for ourselves, we have no kids). Insecure kid, ha.

>Why the fuck do people like this movie again?
They mostly do not suffer from autism.

>all these posts defending the movie

Good job identifying yourself as an insufferable man child

Nobody fucking remember Father and Son or Mr Blue Sky. They are not Bohemian Rhapsody or Hard Day's Night, hell, they are not even Come get your love or Pina Colada from the first movie

Nobody fucking recognized these songs, especially not those under 18. I am 27 and only ever knew one song from the whole flick

I came into your thread to tell you that you sound like a fucking jerkoff every time you say "le" in any sense or tone.

calm down grandpa you aren't young enough to be acting like this much of a faggot anymore

which is why they're inferior

Listening to a GOTG playlist isn't the same thing as listening to a classics station though. That's like those kids who played guitar hero and all of a sudden were experts on Lynyrd Skynyrd or Guns N Roses. People used to just put on the radio, and many jobs still do so (cause it's adults who grew up with that). I guess with internet/satellite radio, streaming services, and mp3 players radio isn't as big a thing with kids these days, but that's the point. Adults get nostalgic and enjoy the movie, which means they'll buy tickets even if they don't have kids. Michael Jackson was big since he was a kid, and someone born in the 80s/90s would have listened to many of his songs before ever seeing baby Groot dance to one of his songs.

>Not liking a disneymovie is considered autistic in america

Do you believe you are special? I have news for you, kid

Not liking America is considered autistic in a Disney movie

Fucking don't go see them then. If you're an adult you can make your own decisions, what are you a teen in the UK or some shit? I didn't smoke marijuana til I was 20 and didn't drink regularly until I was over 21, yet I was still good friends with people who did those things years before me. The point is, you should be able to make your own decisions and your friends should understand you don't lile certain shit. If you stopped drinking because of a problem would you still tag along to go bar hopping with your friends because they told you to? Grow the fuck up.

Hur hurr, le "You sound like a real fun guy at parties" meme because someone doesn't like something.

>the whole film is just "epic" nerd references and "born in the wrong generation" music
You wanna know how I know you haven't seen it?

for real though, it's one of the better Marvel movies because it actually tries to do something different. It values character, to the point where it divides the cast just so we can get a better look at them alone. Ego, while not a truly great villain in his own right, is leagues better than anything in the MCU because he has some fucking depth. The jukebox musical format works because the songs are thematically relevant and provide a good energy. The humor doesn't always hit, but the jokes that do are usually pretty inventive (save for the dick and shit jokes).

I'll say that him riling up the crowd was entertaining, but there's a line right at the end of this one scene, after Taserface says something like "We're killing you first" that he just goes on a lot longer than necessary just to toss the word "douchebag" in.

yeah, its almost like they make good movies.

Which Cuckold Sessions scene is this?

>you don't like what I like so you must suck!

Kill yourself.


Watch 'What's up Tiger Lily?' instead.


my god

I only listen to maybe 2 musicians regularly and I still recognised half of the songs on there. Who the hell hasn't heard Mr Blue Sky?

i kinda liked it more not knowing the songs, i never like hearing non-score songs i recognize in movies it feels strange

"born in the wrong generation" music
thank fuck you said it, i was wondering what to call that trope,

You could call it dadrock, like a little bitch.

Incidentally that's what my dad always called me.

A little bitch.

Do you sometimes wonder if everyone would just have more fun if you weren't around?

You sound like that guy who is a plebeian retard with shit taste and can't understand when somebody has higher standards.

>dude it's just fun turn off your brain

>For some reason I was and still am strangely attracted to the mantis character.

It'll be those reprehensible antenna. You're imagining just what she could do with them.

I just watched this and I spent the entire movie repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.

I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in the side isle for the last 30 minutes it was so painful.

>Ayy quirky superhero movie lmao
If you liked it you're in the wrong place

That should have said prehensile antenna, auto correct ran amok. However either works...

You're absolutely pathetic. You really are. You literally cannot go to a Marvel film without knowing what you're getting. Least of all Guardians.

t. that guy that everyone pretends to like but they really despise him

>Nobody fucking remember Father and Son or Mr Blue Sky.

>mfw listening to elo on spotify while reading this comment


how do you even have friends m8?

Projecting is not healthy.


Haha thats me but I dont go to the movies with friends, only family.