Why are 'cinema' people so insufferable?

Why are 'cinema' people so insufferable?

Meanwhile Netflix are giving creative freedom to directors without any interference.

>“Giving such a budget to a director isn’t very common and i had total liberty. It was a wonderful experience. I’m saying that in terms of the shooting and the editing. They never intervened. They respected me from the beginning until the end. Quite frankly they gave me total freedom and liberty.”

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Based Cannes

I always thought Cannes was like a classy, respected film festival. Why do I keep hearing stories about them booing and hollering at the screen like negros?

the French have always been assholes

because they are the niggers of cinema

Ironically more people will likely watch Okja on Netflix than in theaters in the traditional manner

Because part of being a classy respected film festival is to not put up with shit that threatens cinema's future.

Theaters are gross and i hate people. Let me be in the comfort of my home where I don't have to see or interact with anyone unless i have to. Winner, Netflix.

I don't get it, what's the ironic part?

cinema is an old fossil that needs to die a slow and horrible death. Long live ON DEMAND!

cinema still exists as a class institution and not much else, people don't have the time or money to go out and see films but they still do. People acted the same when early cinema was introduced about the theatre, plenty of people are still seeing plays.

Bad argument.

Whats that supposed to mean.

oh it explains why they gave michael moore a palme d'or

cannes is a joke

everyone knows TIFF is far more important

and yet the same people who shit on netflix had no problem selling VHS, DVD, BR for decades for watching on small screen and crappy speakers

Have people at Cannes ever actually went to common movie theaters? They're fucking awful

>Meanwhile Netflix are giving creative freedom to directors without any interference.

Or audience.



They're angry that these streaming sites could possibly kill the theater business

The French are stuck up twats, more news at 11.

They know netflix is for fags

Netflix deserves a little booing, their original content is either banking on nostalgia, extremely "original" in a bad way, or just flat out garbage(capeshit)

House of Cards is the only good thing they've done

jews mad another group of jews are cutting into their bottom line

I enjoyed the new MST3K.

Only liberals attend film festivals.

what's the ironic part about it when it's a fucking netflix film steaming on fucking netflix dipshit

They went in halfsies with BBC for more The Last Kingdom seasons. They also picked up Longmire. Had they been around a bit earlier, we might've gotten a collaboration for more Rome episodes too.
Don't fall for the poorfag tears here, Netflix is doing God's work.

Unironically enjoyed Hemlock Grove for its autistic weird dialogue.

France would rather watch Muslim movies.

The French have always been the niggers of Western Europe. It's only normal that they're pretty much niggers now.

Doesn't the article say it was booed because they fucked up the aspect ratio during the screening?

The last few movies I watched in the cinema were all interrupted by screaming children who shouldn't have been there in the first place.
I also worked in a cinema and the mess people left after a movie was soul crushing, I hate when people chew to hell the overpriced pop corn so fuck cinema.

cultural relativists should just be rounded up and forcibly educated in a Clockwork Orange style brainwashing.
There is NO excuse for even humoring it after high school age, it's not a difference of opinion it's just stupidity.

They are by far the most liberal country in Europe. They always come to my third word shithole to admire the picturesque look or some shit.

Its just the growing pains of cinema. They don't like it that a new, better, way to make movies is available.

Just like how some people boo and complain about HD.

>the people booing support a bunch of millionaire suits basically being a cartel of movie making who have a strangle hold on creativity

Netflix should give films like Okja a theatrical release.

Netflix deserves booing.

I think being raped by a gang of Pakis will do it.

The French have an elitist chip on their shoulder due to the era of French Noir films and their impact on international cinema.

Remember, these are the same people that think Jerry Lewis is a comedic genius in comparison to Jim Carrey, Robin Williams, Eddie Murphy, or dare I say it, Rodney Dangerfield.

The one thing the French always argue for films is creative freedom. So many times do they complain about Hollywood's commercialization of what should be art, to them. Yet, here's Netflix, giving a director freedom to express his vision, and they go and fucking BOO the movie the moment the Netflix logo appears.

Fucking autists. The Cannes festival is one of the most commercialized film festivals in the world. I guarantee you any anticipated title at this festival will have 3 scummy producers behind it, occasionally throwing their "creative input" or girlfriend into the movie for, "better results."

Fuck em. If they want shills bring cancer to their films, let them have it.

How's that even an accomplishment you turbo-retard?
Almost every movie ever made in the past few decades had more people watching it at home than in theater.

The peeps at Cannes having been booing shit for years. This isn't exactly new. Those fuckers booed Pulp Fiction back in the day.

hey rabbi
whatcha doin?

I don't know why they don't just do what Amazon's studio does. Proper theater run for a month or two and then throw it immediately on streaming, Best of both worlds.

I'm pretty sure this film deserves the boos

I thought Beasts of No Nation was good, it had some cool shots and the acting was great

I fucking love the Last Kingdom

For real. Subscribers would feel they were getting more bang for their buck. At the moment Netflix original films seem like made for tv films no matter how many stars are attached. Meanwhile Amazon has stuff like Machester By The Sea and The Handmaiden.

They're French. A hedonistic subhuman people that should be destroyed.

>dude memes lmao

Netflix threatens TV and Cinema by uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh doing what should be done? Giving artistic freedom to directors and good budget to make a good product??

Or do you want a studio meddling in with artistic direction to hit wider audience demos? Now THATS what im talking about baby!


Fuck Netflix and fuck neoliberal brainwashing

>I also worked in a cinema and the mess people left after a movie was soul crushing,

From time to time, as a kid, I'd go see a movie with a friend and his father, and his father would always buy us candy, popcorn, and drinks, and always told us to dump the trash on the floor when we were done, as it was the job of the cinema to clean that shit up. We would fuck that place up, and when we left, there'd be ice, popcorn, and all the wrappers and shit just strewn everywhere for some poor bastard to clean up.

>shit that threatens cinema's future.
If that was the case cannes films wouldn't be absolute dogshit.

Pretentious french fags need to realize that they are the ones that killed film.

>left is so cucked the original distancing themselves with "liberal" and "progressive" didnt even work enough.

Almost as cucked as the post-Trump right is

'elitists' of every medium are unbearable

I cant tell what this post means to convey but I have a feeling you have no idea what the term "neoliberalism" means or where it originated

What was wrong with the movie?

Why would it, given that these kind of headlines generate clicks from Sup Forums and reddit?


technically yea, but according to people there, the boos began at the netflix logo and got worse when the aspect ratio was fucked. Which is Cannes fault, ironically.

pseudo intellectual detected
literally kys

>caring about the truth


It wasn't because of the netflix logo, it was because they could only see 2/3rds of the fucking screen, lmao

Traditional theaters know that their days are numbered

mmm hmm. *winks*

Is the theater inside a factory?

>It's a (((((Netflix)))))) shill thread

Every non-pleb knows Cannes was in the right

Cannes is full of retards who just childishly boo shit for some reason.

Also, why is Tilda Swinton's head so small?

>"Giving such a budget to a director isn’t very common and i had total liberty. It was a wonderful experience. I’m saying that in terms of the shooting and the editing. They never intervened. They respected me from the beginning until the end. Quite frankly they gave me total freedom and liberty.”

In theory this is supposed to be a good thing but I guess Netflix just hires middling talent or something, because they don't actually create anything worthwhile.

Does Netflix have a VR headset theater mode yet?

I like the new seasons of Black Mirror

Because Netflix is utter garbage.

Didn't Swiss army man get booked as well?

It was a good movie

hello Mohammad. Did you cuck any frenchies today?

>Netflix are giving creative freedom to directors without any interference.
Then why do all of their original shows feel the same?

Yes good goy, keep defending Netflix

doesn't it cost big just to have tickets to Cannes?

That's it my boy, rally with the loyal, easily-led European peoples and save the sanctity of True Hollywood Cinema (TM)!

because kikes and leftists are miserable people that want to inflict their misery on everyone else.

Truly insufferable faggots that need to be put out of their misery.

>netflix booed

No more than 3-4 idiots



Truly jumpshocked my central nervous system

>cinema is burning and the french can't stop it

glorious. just glorious. i love that there's a group of powerful people who's world is coming to an end and they either have to get with it or die. they'll end up getting with it of course but it's still fun to see them squirm until they figure it out.

the french have a policy where films literally cannot be streamed until theyve been out of theaters for two years. netflix breaks this rule without regard, so the frogs get upset, and cannes is where rich elites get to circlejerk about their "high art" and the idea that peasants get to see their privileged films on their 60 inch tvs upsets them dearly.

they booed because there was no muslim films.


Have you ever seen a non-arthouse European movie? Their shitty stuff is worse than American shitty stuff by far.



Bong joon ho is the dennis villeneuve of korea

Toronto or Tokyo?

I'd rather live next to niggers running a meth lab and extremist Muslims than I would a disgusting Frenchman.

So the only thing that's good on netflix is a shitty adaption of a better book and mini series. Boy I am glad I don't have a subscription

It's more about encouraging french filmmaking so the culture doesn't get absolutely steamrolled by the US like that of pretty much every other European country. I don't know how well it works or anything but it sounds like a good thing to encourage

>no one talking about the asian qt
has this board became gay?

lol that's it? that's barely anything

>most liberal country in Europe
That would be the UK

if the french people care they will create and support their own films, like every other country that isn't shit and also not the united states. all it serves is to keep the theater system alive, which can only exist by forcing people to either go to the theater or wait potentially years to see a film. film distribution is a mess and netflix is the future we need: everyone in the world being able to see a film as soon as it's ready.

Toronto bruh

I'm watching The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt right now and it's pretty legit.

You seem like a cranky fellow.