Culture Clash Kino

Any other movies like pic related? just watched it and it was highly underrated. Doesn't have to be set in Japan per say although it was pretty sweet, bonus points for having a similar 80s/90s aesthetic.

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It doesn't bump if you're the OP
have a bump on me

Also on a second thought, there's "Red Heat". Clashes between the USSR mentality and the western mentality. Hilarity ensues. Featuring based Arnold and Jim Belushi.

Thank you, friend.

No problem friendo.
Another one popped up in my mind, "The Bridge on the River Kwai". A tad unrealistic from the historic point of view but rather enjoyable. Got multiple Oscars back in the day when a movie had to be good to get them.
It's about bong pows in a jap camp where the bong commander does his best to have the Geneva convention upheld.

Pretty well known one is ''Black Rain'' which is also set in Japan and it sounds like it would be right up your alley if you haven't already seen it

I thought this was going to be a highlander thread

I was gonna suggest Black Rain, I think this is a good fit for you OP.


this one has an awesome yakuza execution scene

Looks good, lads. thanks for the rec.

The story/plot isn't great, but Ridley Scott's visuals and aesthetics are kino as always

Karate Kid Part II

Gung Ho

Cool topic:
>Aniki (Brother)
A Yakuza enforcer played by Takeshi Kitano goes to California and uses his experience to help his estranged brother and his deadbeat pot dealer friends.
>Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence
Two metrosexual pop-musicians (David Bowie and Ryuichi Sakamoto) play army officers on opposing sides in WW2.
>Rising Sun
Wesley Snipes and the director of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. It's got that 80s Japanese corporate culture feel to it.

It's weird that all the examples that come to mind for this topic are involving Japan, I think it's just a culture that fits into it so well.

Yakuza 1974

Whenever lambert spoke he sounded slightly retarded because of his accent and with those brows right up to his eyes he always looked like he was slightly retarded. I know he wasnt but he seemed to me slightly retarded.

great movie, Lambert is very underrated

This one looks pretty rad, thanks.
This has always been an element of lambert kino it's like Tom Hardy's grunting.

Some non-Japanese examples:

The Air Up There (1994)
Jungle 2 Jungle (1997)

Neither are very good but I find them interesting in a product-of-their-time sense