/Better Rim Kim/

Would you watch it, Sup Forums?

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Literally made for BLACKED.COM.

Didn't know Better Call Saul was footporn.


Don't mind me OP, just checking your dubs


>foot fetishist
>had daddy issues
Is Vince the Quentin of TV?

>I could be any lawyer i want
>so i become a mind-numbing bureaucracy slave for a bank

Never knew it, but makes sense now.

autist foot-fags of the world must unite.

nice digits
however, ever heard of "fuck bitches, get money"?

>Quentin Tarantino
Is this b8?

>I never went to film school, I went to films
>Yeah man, I ripped that entire thing off for Reservoir Dogs!

So Kim has hardly any feeling about Jimmy. She just want and get company and casual sex. No strings attached, no commitment.
No wonder tv loves this roastie

>No strings attached, no commitment.
is this b8 again?

Is this a dubs thread?

It is now check em




god bless this thread

wew I did it lads
thanks for making me notice my own trips user
may kek bless your posts

he's talking about tarantino's foot fetish, you phoneposting mong

seems kind of deliberate how often you see Kim's feet

And he called him an auteur when he's a self admitted plagiarist

ashley fires


>last bcs episode starts and ends with a barefoot kim shot
I'm pretty sure vince is one of us.

t. reddit

>rhea seehorn

what a stupid name

why, did Rhea see your cuck horns?

.t Desharious

Watch it? I'd live the dream, OP

t. reddit


I'd rek her butthole if you know what I mean

oh yes

I would do unspeakable things to this one woman

checkout this 5

Atleast you tried.

Natural Born Killers he wrote eas pretty uniqe, and his movies too, even if they're put together from clichés he put them together right

Am I right in thinking that she's slowly losing interest in him

>Am I right in thinking that she's slowly losing interest in him
That's only you projecting MEW on Kim because of the recent happenings

Careful, user, careful. The brainlets around here don't like it when you form your own opinions that go against the hivemind.

The only posts you're allowed to make about Tarntino are posting negative attitudes towards him and his movies. If you express an original opinion, the Reddit hivemind, oh wait I mean the Sup Forums hivemind, will be very angry,

You two are faggots, I was memeing although what I said about Reservoir Dogs was true. Still I didn't watch the chink movie and watched his instead.
I was also samefagging, I called him an auteur and then called myself out to keep the thread bumped. Thanks for the (You)s though.

Except thag hes wrong, nbk is cartoonish and an amalgamation of 70s slasher tripe. Woody and the titless girl were great, even rodney was great. But the story was derivative.

What would the plot be?

look at the scene they're releasing today, they could be twins

footniggers keep ruining bcs threads. How pathetic you virgins are

Quit shilling your homesite, faggot

Based Patrice

You mean Vince Gilligan?