Watched this movie as a child

>watched this movie as a child
>loved it for the space war with alien bugs
>watched it again as an adult
>understood all the subtle anti-war satire
>realised it's even better

this is a great movie and people who diss it are just edgy dilettante hipsters.

Other urls found in this thread:

Pretty much the perfect movie for all ages. First titties I ever saw too

Frankly, I saw it as a utopian future for humanity. Imagine living in a true meritocracy where you had to prove your value to mankind to earn the kind of privileges that the scum of our kind abuse now.

Are you from Buenos Aires?

>he doesn't realize he's one of the scum

>thinking the satire was subtle

Or maybe because its a trash adaptation of an equally poor science fiction story.

Any of Asimov's works >>>>>>>>>>> Stranger in a strange land>>>Starship troopers

>be shipped off to ww2 under force
>see thousands of men die many your friends
>come home
>write book about you experience
>make it about the necessity of surrendering yourself to the greater good,rigorous discipline and civic duty
>fast forward 50 years
>book gets called fascist an mocked by hollywood
easy to be anti war when you dont live in a world with nazis

seemed pretty anti war when i watched as a kid

I watched this as a kid and was terrified of the giant bugs

So much so I never finished it. I finally did finish it about three years ago

movie is awesome fun

You're a fag

Starship Troopersis a Verhoven Movie First and Science Fiction movie Second

No one did and ever will do social satire like Verhoven


You clearly didn't read the book then, if it was just a book about heroism in the face of tyranny then it'd be fine, but those """"philosophy"""" chapters were fucking cringe.

If you seriously believe that being a veteran is required for citizenship, you're deranged.

You completely failed to refute one word of it. Heinlein has his argument. Where is yours?

Way to go against the grain, OP.

I got the satire as a kid I think you might have had developmental problems.

Most of the people who abuse our society are the mega-wealthy. They use their influence to hurt the people below them.

And nobody questions it because they assume you have to be successful and a hard worker to get that money.

Paul Verhoeven is a god and Hollywood won't rest until they remake all of his movies and create pure garbage in the process.

Who badmouths this movie? It bombed but a lot of great movies did in the 90s (Waterworld et al).

Too bad whats her name didn't show those stellar tits. She did in that movie with Kevin Bacon at least. They are amazing.

I was 10 years old when I saw this and thought it was a starcraft movie.

I was a p dumb kid

>he isn't doing his part


This movie was fucking trash


> too smart to be toosmarted

If you're talking about Denise Richards her tits are alright but nothing special.

>If you seriously believe that being a veteran is required for citizenship, you're deranged.
Why should people that aren't willing to sacrifice be given privileges earned by sacrifice?

on point

>Imagine living in a true meritocracy where you had to prove your value to mankind to earn the kind of privileges that the scum of our kind abuse now.

You know that was part of the satire, right?
You're supposed to realise how fucked up a system like that would be.

yeah you watched mike and jay do a re:view of it and instantly became an expert

Same. Middle school or high school me was all about Diz, but now that I'm a gentleman of maturity and discernment I prefer the big, saggy titties in the shower.


Failed satire.

>You're supposed to realise how fucked up a system like that would be

He sure showed us.

Verhoeven: Look at how horrible those good looking, strong and brave fascists are. Don't be a hero like them. Be like us socialist freaks of nature.

>only socialists hate fascism BRO
isn't this what the kids call a strawman?

Stop oppressing political minorities. It's 2017, bigot.

>when you dont live in a world with nazis
Uhhh they're called white people

>Failed satire.

No, American's just can't understand satire.

>subtle anti-war satire
>not picking up on the heavily pro-fascist themes that the JEW couldn't scrub off no matter how hard he tried

That's a great shot, looks exactly like most shot heads.


Wrong. Verhoeven is socialist. Period.

Heinlein didn't go to war.

>watch it another time
>realize it's describing utopia

>stormfags don't even know when they're being made fun of
wew lad

>h-haha, you stupid stormfags with your stable society and technological advancement
ouch, how will they ever recover

*Verhoeven. At least correctly spell his name...

>y-your'e dumb
>n-no, y-you're dum
truly a battle of the greatest Sup Forums minds

Where in this post does it say anything like
>>n-no, y-you're dum


Told you they don't know when they're being made fun of.

that guy is literally gary oldman.

What do you suggest Rico should be doing instead?

>stable society
Do you believe this is actually how fascism works in practice?

Does it matter? It's portrayed that way in the movie this thread and the argument I'm replying to is about.

>Don't be a hero like them.
If those meatheads were heroes then so were the American 'liberators' of Iraq.

Sacrificing your life so that a few rich sociopaths can make a few more bucks is not heroic.

>Does it matter?
The movie is about fascism, of course it fucking matters.

If I made a movie showing Stalin's USSR as a paradise, would that be a coherent argument for the benefits of Stalinism?

And besides, the world depicted in ST is fucking horrible anyway, I don't want to be murdered by Eldritch Abominations in the other half of the Galaxy because my 'superiors' think my civic virtue is insufficient.

I have never heard anyone "diss" starship troopers
its always talked about as a classic thats really fun to watch. A good rainy sunday movie
Dizzy is best girl btw

GTFO you smelly anarcho communist

>If I made a movie showing Stalin's USSR as a paradise, would that be a coherent argument for the benefits of Stalinism?
How would a movie portraying stalinism in an extremely positive light "make fun of stalinism", user?

>I don't want to be murdered by Eldritch Abominations in the other half of the Galaxy because my 'superiors' think my civic virtue is insufficient.
Are people forced to serve in ST, user?


You sound so weak and pathetic. Heinlein was absolutely right. You pajama boys should never be given political power.

The only people who think Starship Troopers depicts a society that is desirable, are people who think they'd be one of the ones who get to be citizens.

No, user. You'd wash out of boot camp because you're a fat NEET, if you even bothered to sign up at all.

Was the meteor an inside job?
Why are there white people in Buenos Aires?

Does Starship troopers fit into the Aliens universe?

>he says, while posting on an anonymous imageboard dedicated to the discussion of television and film
The ones who advocate mostly eagerly for a ruthlessly regimented society are always the weaklings, rejects and failures of the present society.

Funny that, isn't it stormcuck?


>How would a movie portraying stalinism in an extremely positive light "make fun of stalinism", user?
Because any sane person knows that the exact opposite is the case. Now you're being willfully ignorant.

>Are people forced to serve in ST, user?
If they want to advance in society, yes, 'user'.

And when they finally pick on a civilization they can't fuck over, you can GUARANTEE those fucks would enlist everyone to die for their egos.

You couldn't be more wrong if your tried. I'm a Navy veteran. You are a horrible judge of character.

*for what they perceive as a ruthlessly regimented society, since fascism turns into a hopelessly corrupt clusterfuck every time, primarily because of people like you


>I'm a Navy veteran.
Well that explains everything.

>If they want to advance in society, yes
Define "advance in society".

>And when they finally pick on a civilization they can't fuck over, you can GUARANTEE those fucks would enlist everyone to die for their egos.
Nice headcanon, but we're discussing a movie here.

The asteroid either had to be a false flag by the Earth Government (or an random accident they blamed on the bugs) or the bugs have technology that vastly exceeds anything shown or mentioned in the movie.

>not realizing the whole film is just a meta recruitment drive for the federation

>turns into a hopelessly corrupt clusterfuck every time

Completely wrong. The hero Pinochet saved his country from scum like you. Then he retired. A better society will be created over your dead body.

>or the bugs have technology that vastly exceeds anything shown or mentioned in the movie.
That's the case in the books. It's pretty unfortunate that the director only glanced over the source material

> define advance in society

As a civilian you can't
> vote
> be involved in any political position
> go to college without paying shitloads of money
> easily get licenses to have kids

And probably a lot more.

Why do you think you're entitled to these privileges?

>Or maybe because its a trash adaptation of an equally poor science fiction story.
Wouldn't a good movie be considered a trash adaptation if the original is shit? So good job, you just told us nothing of the quality of the film.

I enjoyed it both saitirically and non-ironically.

I'm a fan of the book and agree that huge limitations to political franchise would significantly improve white/european societies.

At the same time that satirization of heinleins utopia was hilarious.

Awesome film.



>Completely wrong. The hero Pinochet saved his country from scum like you. Then he retired. A better society will be created over your dead body.
This is factually incorrect. All of it.

Learn some basic history before celebrating CORRUPT sociopaths like Pinochet who would have had no scruples over dropping you from a helicopter, you fucking cretin.

Why wouldn't we be?

What gives you the right to decide, you dumb faggot?

>I'm a fan of the book and agree that huge limitations to political franchise would significantly improve white/european societies.

Sup Forumsyps just can't blend in. This is actually hilarious.

>Why wouldn't we be?
Because providing these privileges to everyone wouldn't, as you put it, "advance society".

>What gives you the right to decide, you dumb faggot?
What gives you the right then? Right now it's the social consensus. Said consensus shifted in the universe we're talking about and provided a clearly superior system to the one we have now.

You don't have to be mobile infantry to gain citizenship, you could labour on some shitshow colony and still be considered a veteran

>Because providing these privileges to everyone wouldn't, as you put it, "advance society".
Why not?

>What gives you the right then?
Because it's my life. I'll do what I want with it. I don't need to 'justify' it, that burden is on you for why you want to deprive me of them.

>Right now it's the social consensus.
>dude it's just a social construct xD

>Said consensus shifted in the universe we're talking about and provided a clearly superior system to the one we have now.
>clearly superior

Now I'm convinced that you're either trolling or only paid attention to the simply ebin bug fights (where the humans got ripped to shreds anyway)

>Most of the people who abuse our society are the mega-wealthy
grow up

Pinochet was so loved by his people that they still celebrate him to this day, despite all the propaganda against him. All you have to do is look at starving Venezuela to see that Pinochet was completely right about everything.

>Why wouldn't we be?

You do not deserve them and are too weak and cowardly to defend those privileges.

>What gives you the right to decide

My will and ability to use force. If you actually read Starship Troopers, then you would know that.

"And force, my friends, is violence. The supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived.”

>Why not?
Because "everyone" includes lazy and incapable people, and having those vote and breed isn't going to have a positive effect on your society, especially long term.

>Because it's my life. I'll do what I want with it.
That's nice. That still doesn't mean you're entitled to privileges that impact other peoples lives against their consent.

>dude it's just a social construct xD
Yes, it is.

>clearly superior
>Now I'm convinced that you're either trolling or only paid attention to the simply ebin bug fights (where the humans got ripped to shreds anyway)
Do we have Starship Trooper tier space travel or biomechanical technology? (Y/N)

Aren't nazis national socialists though?

You'd better be anti-social or you might become a nazi, bro!

LOL, it's not like I watched the movie and thought "Wow, I wish I lived in a fascist society full of militarist propaganda and weird gung-ho energy, like everyone is in high school."

Pinochet was a sack of shit whose goons raped and tortured people.

Oldfag here. Way too many professional critics at the time it was released panned it because they thought it was pro-war/fascism. They didn't understand it was satire.

>user brings up voting rights
>you attempt to counter with a passage on the nature of punishment

people who aren't willing to sacrifice aren't able to vote because they're imprisoned for tax evasion

pity that the sequels chug shit from an elephant trough

then what is the point of the "hurrrrrr put your life on the line for citizenship" when literally all it amounts to is being forced to work in the public sector?

i used to work as a cook at the naval shipyard in everett, washington. how am i different from a cook at any other shipyard?

>Said consensus shifted in the universe we're talking about
it was a forced coup d'etat by the military. he never mentions any sort of popular consensus.

>and provided a clearly superior system to the one we have now.
yea because he wrote it to be that way. shit if i knew it was that easy to sway your feeble mind id just write a picture book about how wonderful communism is.

>it was a forced coup d'etat by the military. he never mentions any sort of popular consensus.
A bit like when some revolutionaries killed off the monarchs, huh?
>yea because he wrote it to be that way.
We can just look at the real world technological advances thanks to the nazis to see that there's something to it.

This post single-handedly destroyed any credibility you had left.
I'll leave you to figure out why. fund baby with cognitive dissonance

No thanks, help me out :^)

>reeeeeee people having to serve to become politicians is shit
>fuck drumpf tho