No protection?

How come Rick Grimes and the other survivors don't fuck up their ears by blasting magnums and assault rifles without any protection?

ey rick


How many guys in nam You've read or heard about suffered deafness because of the ordnances they used?

You know, shooting a gun in a range with hills raised to avoid stray fire or inside a shooting range isn't the same as firing guns in mostly open areas?

Because it's not really that loud

t. Armybro

Because they're all walkers and thus immune to hearing damage.

What makes you think they have perfect hearing?

>How many guys in nam You've read or heard about suffered deafness because of the ordnances they used?
Quite a lot. My dad has hearing loss, and so did my uncle, and my high school history teacher also talked about how he had shit hearing after getting back from his tour.


Hearing loss is one of the most common injuries in veterans you fucking goof.

OH! Thanks for that bit of info. I've legitimately never heard or read anything about hearing loss. I've heard more about Post traumatic Stress. In fact I remember reading an article some years ago about a video that surfaced from Iraq of two blokes killing a dog and so many Americans were like, "They're subhuman scum and should be jailed for killing a dog." The blogger said that Humanity is literally the tippy top of what should be valued, and yet these guys were blowing people away probably as frequently as one or two a week, so you either get with it or you go crazy. I guess those two blokes ended somewhere in the middle, not exactly crazy, but not actually with it, either.

Weird I've known many veterans and none have mentioned hearing loss even after they've talked about their tours. Kinda assholish of them.

all those bullshit times walkers snuck up and ate survivors weren't bullshit cus they're all half-deaf from shooting without ear protection...


But I've never read anything about it or heard anything about it and there was a time I consumed everything about the world wars, and nam.

>killing a dog
Nothing inherently wrong with that. Depends on the context m8. Most of the dogs that were around my base were wild, and carriers of disease. They had civilian contractors running around base whose job was to put them down, there were so fucking many of them.

How come none of them just tape some PVC pipe or something to their arms and legs when they go out? Not going to affect your movement if you leave the joints alone, and will easily stop a zombie bite. Shit, any good tough leather coat should be way too tough for a zombie to bite through. You could say it's fair enough that they don't do it if it were something like Australia or California or any other super hot place, but even in the fucking winter they're not doing it

>"They're subhuman scum and should be jailed for killing a dog."
If you eat pork you have no right get bitchy about people killing dumber animals.

More important question: Why aren't they all infected with all that zombie blood splattering all over their faces and arms/hands that have open wounds

If they really want to make this show good they should start killing off more characters

No, No, they took this dog that came to them as dogs are known to do, and threw it off a cliff. It wasn't menacing. They called it to them and threw if off a cliff and then had a laugh afterward.

>t. larper


t. the real thing, with tinnitus

i never said that's how I felt, bruv, I said that's how Americans dubbed them, hence the quotations. You know American house holds (Redbook Reading Women), were home and saw the guys throw the dogs off of a cliff and went, "How ghastly, they should be arrested."

Because all the important characters have plot armor anyway.

Seriously though, I remember at the start of S3 they were using riot gear to fuck up huge hordes when they were clearing the prison, and then never used it again. I guess that made too much sense or something.

Yeah, that's why context is important.

You can just wear 2-3 denim jackets too and be safe.

They actually ARE all infected, but somehow being bitten seems to trigger a more severe, acute kind of infection that ultimately kills the person being bitten. It makes no sense to me.

But you can't really blame them for that. They were in a stressful place were every day compatriots are being killed in some cases, at least a dozen a week, and you don't know who to trust and every day Taliban is killing dozens of innocent civilians. I remember they captured a bus loaded with men who were going to work and beheaded and shot them all. The men who ran was shot, those that didn't were beheaded. So imagine you're a soldier who has to go there. After all that death, dying and misery you're liable to become something else, probably a monster.

When you die you turn into a zombie so the virus seems to reanimate you after death. As you say, they're all infected.

isn't that his gun from his cop days? dumbass probably has kept his 5 lbs + trigger weight.

>But you can't really blame them for that.
Sure I can. I'm not saying they should go to jail, like the people you were talking about, but it is not appropriate behavior at all.
>So imagine you're a soldier who has to go there
I don't have to imagine, I was there.

Not my fault you have pussy ears

t. 11B combat veteran

>Blasting next to Beth's ears

>Wasn't affected by it at all

So you're one of those people who saw impossible shit. Are you sure you don't have a few screws loose? Because not everyone is made the same, some people can endure the constant barrage of bombs, others develop shell shock. So really, you can't say they're at fault, maybe their screws and bolts weren't as tightened as yours is.

user, don't give me that bullshit. Violence against innocents or animals, assuming the animal in your scenario was actually someone's property and not a disease ridden stray, is never acceptable. I don't care if you're a Korean war vet that fought at Chosin, you don't act that way, especially in uniform.

Hell, who's to say the people in your scenario are even suffering from ptsd? I've known plenty of fuckups and nutjobs that I met in Basic. PTSD is not an excuse and it never should be.

>Why isn't there a perfectly logical explanation for an irrelevant problem in a Zombie show?

What's your fucking deal man, you seen like you're on stimulants or something

Uniform doesn't mean shit when compared to the human condition. You could be wired wrong your whole life and behave like everyone else until you're faced with the indescribable and then you're a psychopathic killer.
Just look at Sup Forums, some people are genuinely edgy for the shits and giggles of it and others are truthfully damaged goods interested in the sicker aspects of humanity.

Not everyone's a straight shooter, user. Some of us only stands aloft with the right intravenous mixture. Not even get high but just to function, if just barely.

Whatcha on senpai


>Uniform doesn't mean shit when compared to the human condition.
It means something considering it represents the rest of the military. It's why there are rules associated with drinking in uniform and so on.

>You could be wired wrong your whole life
Yes, that was my point. There are people that are just pieces of shit before being faced with stressful situations. In any case, going through a tough situation is never an excuse for doing bad shit. Never. Does personal responsibility not exist for them or something?

The funny thing is he actually did in episode 1 when he shot the zombie while inside the tank. I think they've just ignored that kind of shit since

When he headbutts the claimer's leader it also disorients him momentarily.

>mfw TWD has more kino moments than HBO shows

Who says they arent