Alec Guinness was right

So how did the Star Wars equivalent of North Korea pay for this huge base anyway ? What's the economy like?

Or even if they stole all of the shit, how do you keep that under the radar? Not to mention all the stolen babies to brainwash into storm troopers. Nobody thought, hey, maybe we should investigate all these disappearing children?

Is the resistance made up purely of retards and fuckups posting on a jap image board?

was it so hard to just say it was an old planet weapon form a lost civilization that some legion of the empire found in the deep core?

also with the death star there were plans involded with this it was a chink that designed the attack just by looking at a hologram
also how did the resistance knew when they charged and poingint at them? did they have spies there?
and what was the point of the resistance being separated from the republic if jj was making the first order destroy the capital anyway?
jew jew is such a hack

in my head canon they destroy a yuzang vong fleet instead of the coruscannt rip off to show the galaxy that only they can protect them
they ragtars would've been yuzang warriors

It cracks me up that the Starkiller base is a giant ass.


I'm pretty sure a galactic economy could start building planets.

One of those battle stations looks straight-up anime.

If Mads Mikkelsen wanted design a flaw into the Death Star that made it easy to blow up, why didn't he just make it so it just blew up the first time you tried to use it.

I mean it made more sense when you thought it was just a weakness that was an unavoidable part of the design that the rebels wouldn't have known about.

>Finn and Po crash on Jakku
>Po just disappears but his jacket remains
>Po abandons his mission to rescue BB8, despite breaking out of a New Order Star Destroyer to do so
>Randomly shows back up at the Resistance base later in the movie
bravo JewJew Binks

>Is the resistance made up purely of retards and fuckups posting on a jap image board?

No but JJ's team of writers is.

The super weapon should have just been a experimental Super Star Destroyer that the Rebels never found.

Making another Death Star is lame when SSD can destroy all life on a planet all by themselves

the farce awakens was worse than the prequels

are you excited for an even BIGGER death star in episode 9, user?

>the super weapon

They should've gone with a twist with there being no superweapon, just rumours of its construction. The New Republic spends a lot of time searching for the secret base where the new Death Star is being constructed. Eventually, a clue is found and the Republic sends one ifs fleets to investigate only to get its capital overtaken by a massive fleet of vanilla Star Destroyers the Imperials were producing instead.

>So how did the Star Wars equivalent of North Korea pay for this huge base anyway ?
The bad guys in TFA are political target practice for babbies, so they need to be all-powerful but also pathetic and weak. The point is to make the good guys look oppressed because simple power dynamics are appealing and easy to understand. The politics of Star Wars was reset to appeal to people who have a childish understanding of morality.

The obvious answer to the mystery would be that the First Order enjoys popular support, but that doesn't fit into TFA's ideology.

The weapon should have been a factory mass producing clone soldiers, except this time instead of being clones of a bounty hunter they're all Sith warriors.

Why does Kathleen Kennedy look so evil in all the pictures of her? LIke literally Disney villainess EVIL.

Starkiller base was a leftover Rakatan superweapon previously left undiscovered in unexplored space.

If you ever player KOTOR, it's the same deal as the Star Forge.

You know you kind of nullify the intimidation factor when these things just constantly appear

>Starkiller base was a leftover Rakatan superweapon previously left undiscovered in unexplored space.

I would rather rewatch TPM than rewatch TFA, TPM even has memes that makes it worth rewatching now.





>That pic
>Starkiller base I'd twice it's actual size
Really triggers my autism tbqh desu

death star 2 can't be that size
too big compared with the first

>in my head canon

Why are people still taking science-fantasty serious? That's the real question.

perhaps he had lots of engineers watching every plan

Because there were a bunch of other engineers working on it, he was just the best. A flaw so blatant as the weapon not being able to fire would be noticed, but a small exhaust port in some random ravine of this moon sized station wouldn't be.

TPM is unironically the funniest ironic kino ever made since it's original release 20 years ago

even its behind-the-scenes was kino

The second Death Star wasn't that big.

the resistance is underground to avoid open warfare with still imperial loyal planets when a new republic is fledgling, much like america didn't nuke russia over east germany

>So how did the Star Wars equivalent of North Korea pay for this huge base anyway ?

the most powerful weapon we have is the nuke; which best korea has

it makes sense then that the new empire has the most powerful weapon in their setting. the republic could have a few death stars as well if they werent blowing the budget on handouts for lazy aliens


TPM behind the scenes are GOAT. better than the documentary made of Apocalypse Now.

Everyone knew it was not looking good, nobody says anything. Lucas remarks after that first screening, the look of apathy on his face knowing it's a stillborn.

The resistance is leddit

Since we're dealing with the remnants of the defeated empire, it would have been more interesting and plausible for the new trilogy to go in the direction of portraying asymmetrical warfare, at least at the start. Instead of a new superweapon, why not have some sort of massive 9/11 type attack on the republic capital? Then in the aftermath of the attack with the republic more or less crippled, the New Order can reveal the military strength they've been building up in secret.

His face is literally pic related

Exactly right user.

But Di$ney was too fucking concerned with rebooting the series.

seriously what the FUCK is he doing?

Marking what's cgi and what's not


it would've been great people

Starkiller is not that big and only like 20% of its mass is the actual super weapon. Death Star II is still bigger, technically.

TFA simply isn't a well structured movie. It's modeled after ANH, yet those things that got changed from ANH worked to its detriment. ANH works well as a standalone movie. It establishes the death star as the main threat and stays with it, whereas starkiller base is more of a side distraction and not the centerpiece a weapon of this magnitude should be. None of the bad guys acknowledge that they possess something special with this, or that their conquest will be facilitated by this. It's just there, does something, then gets removed, after which we get back to the actual initially established plotline, which was finding Luke. That on the other hand was then resolved like an epilogue. R2D2 springs randomly into action and now we can suddenly find Luke.

We also don't really learn anything about the current political situation in the galaxy. There's never a scene like in ANH, where Tarkin explains how the emperor took direct control of the government and how the battle station will be the tool to make everyone go along. We never learn the significance of the planets that got blown up or why there's a resistance in the first place. The empire was supposedly dismantled decades ago, so how come the First Order aren't the crazy underdog faction trying to stir shitup?

Sure, various of those questions could be addressed in the next movies, comics or books, but as a standalong product, TFA is riddled with holes like swiss cheese in its storytelling that relies on you making up headcanon explanations, since the movie doesn't provide answers to basic setting questions.

not using cgi and letting Jar Jar just be a nigger in a weird outfit would have made more sense IMHO.

>now we can suddenly find Luke.
Agree with that whole paragraph of yours. Since they can't establish Starkiller as anything of real importance, it being taken down feels like a side-quest that merely puts the main storyline of finding Luke on hold, which really drags down the movie to something of episodic nature.

Because she is evil. She's Sheev, only a dyke feminist.


Every since I could remember it was "good guys always win over overwhelming odds". Rogue one was refreshing in this aspect.

Being a Story Teller. Which is infinitely more than Jar Jew Abe has ever done.

TFA is shit because J.J. is a shit story teller. It's why a part of you, although appreciating its technical aspects, can't get behind Super 8.

it could've been like that and use cgi just for the eyes and mouth
also leaving him in the ship in tatooine wich is when he has the worst scenes

Hey look, an interesting and original idea.

Kill him

Needs a star to charge
Can shoot 2 times with the power of one star
Can't move
Meaning, they dig that all forjust 2 shots

The real kek is that you guys actually watched this. So dogs fly frisbees and you find their space guns impossible?


The Starkiller base is supposed to be a real planet that the First Order just modified by digging some holes in it to put a superweapon and some engines on it, not an entirely artificial body. This partly explains how the first order was able to build it despite having fewer resources than the Empire. TFA sucks, but I can give this aspect of it a pass.

Space stations would be easier to produce than Starkiller base.
>fighting gravity

the exhaust port wasn't the flaw. it was the chain reaction.

>diging a whole planet that can suck a sun is easier than building a space station with a laser