
>when the Alien knock-off turn out to be better than the official movie of the actual franchise...


I have never seen an Alien movie from beginning to end in one sitting, but I have a hard time believing the characters in that franchise could have been more retarded than the characters in Life.

It's a The Thing knock-off.

Unironically the best horror movie that I've seen of the 2010s.

>that overhead shot at the end with the music going into crescendo
Was clichéed but I liked it.

>Actors names aren't lined up with their faces
Why do they do this shit?

In Alien Covenant The one character left at the landing site fails to get the medic bay set up when there is one emergency, panics, doesn't help get the injured/violently ill man inside and leaves it all up to the woman who hiked up with him. Runs back to the cockpit and cries to the mothership while her crewmates scream fro help. Runs back after a mothership pep talk, tells her crew mates she can't open the door, she's sorry, then sees something pop out of the ill crewmate. THEN she runs for a gun, opens the door AFTER the alien kills the competent woman, misses, closes the door on her foot, then blows up the ship while trying to kill the alien. TA-DA!

I have never been so angry at a character in a movie.


>but I have a hard time believing the characters in that franchise could have been more retarded than the characters in Life.
Then you haven't watched Covenant. You'd think they wouldn't be, but they are
>look in the Alien egg, I swear there is no monster in it. wink wink.

there's a character in Alien that litteraly has an IQ of 85

You still have to wonder what kind of mental retardation those fisher men suffered off to consider it was okay to open a space capsule with a clear alien infestation in it.

You'd be surprised.

haha let me just look into this alien egg in this spooky basement that totally isn't a trap because this suspicious robot I was threatening to kill a few seconds ago said it was safe

What about the ending? If this movie were aliens, it would have gone on for another hour and had at least three more excellent action sequences. The construction crane and the bay at the end were only two, it needed a few more creative scenes.

Not the user you are talking to,but you are talking about the ending of which movies?

I've read the synopsis. What does the alien look like? Is it more classic monster like the xenomorph or more a monsterlike pile of flesh like the thing?

When one gazes at people's faces lined up, they usually start by looking at the one in the center. That's what we're inclined to as humans, believing that at the center to be of the most importance (being that they're usually the leaders). Hence the need for the famous actor in the center for marketing reasons.

When we read however, us Europeans (and ameriniggers too I guess, but basically anyone with a left-to-right writing pattern) always instinctively start at the left. Hence the need for Gyllenhaal's name at the far left, again for marketing reasons so people can read it first. And so you can't usually make people's face and names line up on posters.

For the sake of defending the movie, I'll say it was a humourous repeat of what had happened with the scientists earlier on:
The scientists know that the alien is dangerous, but are too curious, and it takes them down their doom, and the fishermen were also surprised at a man come down from space, and opened it because "LOL".

when is the torrent coming out??

None of those two. It honestly ends up being something that's quite spooky.

Like this but gets scarier and scarier. Really glad that it didn't get featured in the promos.

Covenant. Hijacking the thread because I haven't seen Life.

>but I have a hard time believing the characters in that franchise could have been more retarded than the characters in Life.

I think you are right, but it's a damn close call

He's talking about Covenant in comparison to Aliens, the '86 sequel.

floating octopus/jelly fish with a lizard head

Only Reynolds was retarded though. The rest were unlucky is all.

At first like this But at the end it kinda has the general shape of a Starcraft Hydralisk, but still with no eyes nor mouth, with some sort of head made of harder part, but the outer parts still made of bio texture of

Goddamn that's bad.

>that rat death scene
Holy shit, that came out of nowhere.

He forgot to mention 2 different people slipping on the same bloodstain in the space of 3 minutes

Is this movie even worth a watch?

>2 different people slipping on the same bloodstain in the space of 3 minutes
Holly shit.

I thought so. But for me, it might've been that it was a really huge surprise.

So was Alien Covenant a comedy?

It was undeniably formulaic, but the formula was done so well that I didn't care. Enjoyable movie and I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys the genre.

could have done more interesting things with the creature

especially it growing a face was fucking stupid

While we are at it, you also have to wonder what was going on in the the crippled guy's head to think it was the right thing to let Calvin piggy-back on his leg.

>Is this movie even worth a watch?

If you have absolutely nothing to do and have means to pirate it, sure.

But seriously, shitposting on Sup Forums is more rewarding than watching this movie.

The Three Stooges: Covenant

I find more issues about how they didn't bother to assign a soldier to guard their ONLY transport and lifeline out of the freaking planet AND YET the movie hammered the point of assigning guards to the other explorers. It's so fucking weird, is it an editing problem?

So my father and I had an argument over this, point of contention being that I thought like you (ie: wanting his "creation" to survive, even while killing himself and his crew, and he did keep saying "im sorry im sorry) but my dad was saying that the point was that he was crippled ergo, without any sensation in his legs, ergo unaware he was being eaten up.

So which is it?

I just assumed he didn't feel it due being a paraplegia, and he brought it up when he looked down there and noticed it.

>especially it growing a face was fucking stupid
It sorta make sense, if you want it to be able to see. just having your skin sensitive to light only allow you to know if there is darkness or light.

You need a black box for being able to see clear image. It's probably what the hard head's purpose was for.

>father and son in the same thread

>but my dad was saying that the point was that he was crippled ergo, without any sensation in his legs, ergo unaware he was being eaten up.
I think thata actually make more sense.

though it's possible he become aware of its presence at some point when they were already inside and this is why he said he was sorry.

Dad don't embarass me in front of my friends.

Kinda of what we agreed on so both sides could get to say they were in the right. He notices -> goes "oh fuck" -> does his eulogy thing because he knows he's fucked and assumes his friends are too -> blacks out.

I saw you hanging out with that Sup Forums hacker and I wanted to make sure you weren't cowboy beboping. That's what you call it, right?

Rebecca Ferguson makes me so moist

Bitch looks fifty a
SEXY fifty

My take on it is that they are actually SMugglers of some sort and thought what was inside was valuable and that's why they didn't care about the guy saying no. They wanted to shack him.

>her screams at the end

>yes mommy?

The whole ending was great

>the scariest thing to happen in a movie with a murderous alien is a woman being cast out into space, alone, into that wide emptiness

Her screams didn't really help too.

>SMugglers of some sort and thought what was inside was valuable
Well that works, especially with everyone racing for the pod at the end to grab their share.

I like that she's been in more movies lately. Hopefully she sticks around in the M:I franchise

jesus christ what a cutie

>tfw no long drawn-out scene where Jake is lovingly tentacle-fucked inside of his pod by the alien

it really bugs me that their names aren't in the same order as their faces


why did it get a face tho

She's going to be in the 6th one, they confirmed that a while ago.

Now, to figure out what the fuck that Japanese guy wanted to accomplish.

jesus christ user, why are you so upset in life? tell me your problems

Go home to see family.

And now he has doomed it instead. What a guy.