"""science"""-fiction series

>"""science"""-fiction series
>whole premise is based off evolution not being real

Know a quick way to spot a movie made in America?

Other urls found in this thread:


no, what is it?


Incorrect. It's based on controlled evolution.
If you weren't a brainlet, the opening scene examples this when the engineers body is decomposed using the decomposition goop and begins evolving into different reconstructions.

Even evolution needed a seed which was the engineers themselves. Unless of course you believe in a magical theorem that suggests that basic matter just so happen to start constructing into more complex forms of atoms, molecules, biological molecules, amino acids, dna, and then on to all sorts of other advanced life just for the casual fuck of it w/ no pretext Because that surely makes grand fucking sense and is explained by science.

Wasn't it confirmed Prions represent the step between matter and life in evolutionary classification?
Not a biologist, just asking.

They have wheat and we have wheat.

they gave us wheat (and agriculture, civilisation)

they got it from xenos

Try and use your brain and think back to more basic matter and structure therein. Try and explain via science why biological life even exists or is evolved to. Why does an atom even exist? Why does light? Why does gravity/space or time?

I think you're glossing over a lot of building blocks and just assuming they should exist when there is no logical scientific reason as to why anything exists.

>life cannot occur naturally
>but those guys who made us are somehow exception
Just as excepted of dumb frogposter

There was a post-credit scene? Like in Prometheus?
I was too tired to wait for it

Nope. Nothing happens after the credits.

There's been plenty of work done in the fields of biophysics, geochemistry and biochemistry on potential models of abiogenesis. Maybe read a little bit about the RNA world and metabolism first hypotheses before you go spouting off anti-intellectual horseshit.

Who made the Engineers, though?

*Tip's fedora*

>discover new inhabitable planet
>walk right off the ship with no protective suit on


But Ridley Scott is British and it was shot in Britain.


Plenty of work and none explain space time or a backdrop that yields entropy variations that breed more complex and conscious biological life.

I'm specialized in the 'plenty' of work you seem to not know the limits of. Maybe get beyond the basic tier materialist bullshit and progress into theoretical work before you go spouting off undergrad level bullshit.

Abiogenesis (British English: /ˌeJˌbaJoʊˈdʒɛnᵻsᵻs, -ˌbaJə-/, /-ˌbiːoʊ-, -ˌbiːə-/[1][2][3][4]), biopoiesis,[5] \by-o-po-ee-sis\ or informally, the origin of life,[6][7][8] is the natural process by which life arises from non-living matter, such as simple organic compounds.

> How's aren't why.
> is the natural process by which life arises
There's nothing natural about life as there is no understanding of the nature of a universe that even allows for it in the first place.

*Tips fedora at brainlet tier understanding of the limits of science.

>do the same "Let's go out without helmets and shit" that Prometheus did
Fuck this franchise

You seem to be confusing /J/ with /j/

Abiogenesis is by far the most logical conclusion, obvious even, given that living organisms have the same fundamental constituents as non-living organisms. Retards can go on and on about how since we technically don't know what happened, it was magic. In reality though, it's pretty plainly obvious that a set of conditions present in early Earth caused the existence of self-replicating molecules. Combine the incomprehensible rate of replication that occurs on that scale with incomprehensible geological time scales and you have life.

Or know, since we haven't yet pinned down the exact mechanism by which it occurred, it was obviously magic. Fucking retard. Religious people are hilariously dumb.

Wew lad 2mad 4me
Just wanted to clarify that prions represent the step between matter and its various forms and alignments, and Life as We Know It in as unhostile a way possible lol but if you have a peer reviewed study pointing to otherwise, you can spread that on my bread

non-living things*

Prions are fucking scary

If I remember correctly, helmets had exactly zero impact on the survival of any of the crew members in Prometheus. Why do spergs think they're clever with this remark? Helmets are stifling, restrictive, and obnoxious and anyone except the most pathetic pussy bitch would take theirs off at the first opportunity, given conclusive evidence that the air was safe to breathe.

Because of all the organic shit they found later

can you explain, from an evolutionary standpoint, how do we have FLYING CREATURES? how do you evolve to have wings? you go for thousands of millennia with hugeand heavy appendages and then you fly?

>inb4 le """""flying"""" squirrel meme
no, thats a mostly unfunctional glitch of nature that wont evolve into anytihing useful, means nothing.

Abiogenesis is a process just like evolution.
It isn't understood why such a process exist or is structured when there is no reason for it to exist or be structured that way.

People who actually have an understanding of this because they are educated understand its limits. Brainlets that read about it on Wikipedia speak of it just as they spoke of evolution as if it was and is the holy grail that explains life. It doesn't. It is just another stepping stone that points to the vast structure that is written into the universe.

How != Why.
I don't expect an uneducated brainlet to get higher minded theory or philosophy therein.
I do expect you to run around with the latest published processes and act as if explains everything. That's a key indicator to me as to what level of science you are versed in.

Because it's unrealistic.
This isn't Columbus landing in the West Indies. They are fully aware of disease and it would take star trek the original series levels of rational to excuse the lack of precaution against the native environmental dangers they are exposing themselves too. It really doesn't make sense

>uses brainlet unironically

no (you)'s for you

>none explain space time or a backdrop that yields entropy variations that breed more complex and conscious biological life.
There's no reason that on the grand scale of the universe there can't grow local pockets of complexity.
>I'm specialized in the 'plenty' of work you seem to not know the limits of
How many of your peers know you're batshit insane?

No one can explain it because no one understands the guiding principals of the process or why it even exists.

From a scientific standpoint, the universe should have never evolved into more complex life. This is based on entropy .

There is a factor called "entropy" in physics, indicating that the whole universe of matter is running down, and ultimately will reduce itself to uniform chaos. This follows from the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which seems about as basic and unquestionable to modern scientific minds as any truth can be. At the same time that this is happening on the physical level of existence, something quite different seems to be happening on the biological level: structure and species are becoming more complex, more sophisticated, more organized, with higher degrees of performance and consciousness.

Whenever you hear someone railing on about abiogenesis and evolution as if it explains life, it is a dead give away that they have a brainlet tier understanding of science.

Too absolute about this stuff to be serious.
I mean you must be trolling to not see the connection between flying squirrels and bats evolutionary. It's literally webbed skin stretching across appendages eventually leading to enough control to achieve true flight. Are you daft?

>I'm specialized in the 'plenty' of work you seem to not know the limits of.

Are yu unironically playing the internet tough guy? Jesus

It's called entropy derp.

There is a factor called "entropy" in physics, indicating that the whole universe of matter is running down, and ultimately will reduce itself to uniform chaos. This follows from the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which seems about as basic and unquestionable to modern scientific minds as any truth can be. At the same time that this is happening on the physical level of existence, something quite different seems to be happening on the biological level: structure and species are becoming more complex, more sophisticated, more organized, with higher degrees of performance and consciousness.

How can the forces of biological development and the forces of physical degeneration be operating at cross purposes? It would take, of course, a far greater mind than mine even to attempt to penetrate this riddle. I can only pose the question - because it seems to me the question most worth asking and working upon with all our intellectual and scientific resour

>how do you evolve to have wings?
"Big heavy" wings can have purposes not related to flight, and vestigiality is a thing.
Have you tried seeking answers from biologists, or is having a few questions unanswered from highschool biology enough to crumble the whole foundation of the science?

its literally an explanation for life, even etymologically, why are you pretending its not?

No, i'm pointing out that you have no clue what the fuck you're talking about in your highlighting of abiogenesis/evolution while ignoring basic physics and entropy laws.

You came at my sound logic with a skrong bullshit reference to abiogenesis and I called you out.
The end brainlet.

>the whole universe of matter is running down, and ultimately will reduce itself to uniform chaos

Meanwhile, local pockets of complexity can and do form.

I'm not even him you retard

>You came at my sound logic


Yup. Life on this planet is less than a rounding error.

Are you pretending physics/entropy doesn't exist which runs counter to it?
> its literally an explanation for life, even etymologically, why are you pretending its not?
It explains how and runs counter to other scales of the universe. It doesn't explain why. It doesn't explain life. It explains a process of life. Why are you pretending that a process of life explains why life exists and is moving a long a process of it?

If I give you a graphed equation and you derive what the equation is, that still doesn't tell you why I created it. Do you pretend to have God like capabilities to know why I formulated my graph that way? Bold.

You are sided with him which is why you spoke in reference to him. Ideologically, you're the same and I spoke to you as if you were.


Nice damage control buddy

>structure and species are becoming more complex, more sophisticated, more organized, with higher degrees of performance and consciousness.

From the chaos of nebulae arises the structure of stars and planets. From the chaos of gagillions of these structures swirling around, a single planet happened to fall in the right area, and form life.
That life erupts chaotically, until humans sprout up, and start massacring other creatures and changing the shape of said planet.
They grow old and get cancer.
The sun explodes.

It all sounds entropic to me.

Better go to Sup Forums and start crying about it.

Wasn't it made by British people?

If you had a point with Abiogenesis or in your support of it, you would have stated it versus devolving into childish discourse.

My point was to reference the scientific basis for which abiogenesis reflects a process and only that. I did so. The end. Get over it.

I don't give a shit what you faggots were arguing about, you whole posting style is just fucking obnoxious


The discussion on this isn't as simple as one would make it out to be. It's a very contested and hot topic of science. Thus, someone speaking absolutely and confidently about one theoretical proposition is immediately outed as someone who doesn't grasp the magnitude of what they're talking about thus probably shouldn't be posturing heavily based on it.

There is no sound basis for life :
The second law of thermodynamics applied on the origin of life is a far more complicated issue than the further development of life, since there is no "standard model" of how the first biological lifeforms emerged; only a number of competing hypotheses. The problem is discussed within the area of abiogenesis, implying gradual pre-Darwinian chemical evolution. In 1924, Alexander Oparin suggested that sufficient energy was provided in a primordial soup. The Belgian scientist Ilya Prigogine was awarded with a Nobel prize in 1977 for an analysis in this area. A related topic is the probability that life would emerge, which has been discussed in several studies, for example by Russell Doolittle.

It's all hypothetical which is why scientist keep searching.

Thus concludes my commentary here. Enjoy yourselves.

>abiogenesis reflects a process
it just reflects the childish need of taking a creator out of the equation. theres no process, it hasnt been explained, and, worst of all, creationism can merge fairly well with evo, but yeah, you need to be edgy.

>Thus concludes my commentary here.

youre posting in a board and, supposedly, having a conversation, not posting a pop-sci article/blog, where you superficially cover all points and answer to yourself some midground faggotry.

>posts meme frog
>is retarded

he literally tipped his fedora on the way out. my lord.

i guess creationism wins again.

>Thus, someone speaking absolutely and confidently about one theoretical proposition is immediately outed as someone who doesn't grasp the magnitude of what they're talking about thus probably shouldn't be posturing heavily based on it.

Yeah, maybe all discussion of science should be left to scientists and banned from Sup Forums.
While we're at it, bread should only be discussed by bakers, politics should only be discussed by politicians, etc etc

Sup Forums should be a place for us to consume porn and smile at each other :^)


It's scifi based on evolution being different, not non existing

How dumb are you

Literally unironically show me your IQ results,grades in high school, college and a short video of what a day in your life is like and hang yourself.

You should be asking how, not why.

Asking why doesn't make sense.

It was a weird unrelated reaction to that comment anyway


there's nothing obnoxious about opining sincerely on a subject with moral consistency and eloquence user
you're only mad because you disagree with him

whatever made us in the real world
there's some speculation that lightning in the plume of a volcano could produce proteins
I'm not a biologist though I'm an astrophysicist

>ironic shitposting in caps

Sure, I'm the mad one


you I like you I'll give you a you you rascal

It was directed by a Brit, you retard.

That dog has some hate issues for owner.

Idk Star trek did it for 60 years and no one complains. Ridley does it once and justifies it with scenes explaining the planet is like Earth with a breathable atmosphere and everyone on tv turns autistic

So, if David engineered the egg-sacs as a means of improving on the Engineer design, why did the crashed Engineer ship on LV-426 have them as well as a dead pilot? Am I a brainlet?

>Complain about helmets but watches Star trek the past 60 years and never questions it once.

Again the scene prior explains that the planet is like Earth and has a breathable atmosphere.

How come the Marines in aliens didn't wear space suits. Who cares if it was a colonized planet it was new to them.

Or maybe you're autistic and it didn't fucking matter and there are greater problems to the film instead of your retarded no helmet meme that doesn't matter.

>Because it's unrealistic

So are androids, interstellar flight, homosexual monogamy and parasitic aliens with acid for blood.

>My illusions are only broken when I say so

Most adults with a minimal understanding of microbiology and the existence of harmful substances in any natural and foreign environment would call bullshit that settlers on a new planet would do nothing to protect themselves or take precautions against lethal native substances. Like I said, it takes Kirk compounding TNT with his bare hands kind of logical reasoning to maneuver through this.


hello op, sorry to break it to you but you are a faggot