Is this political kino?

Is this political kino?

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>mfw it gets to the part of him having a sex scandal
>he literally put ads in swinger magazines to get 'hung men' to fuck his wife

Whats with all the doom music in the doc? They make it look like this guy is Goring.

They tried to make him look so bad but i came away with some respect for him.

it's a nice watch if you're able to ignore it's partisan undertones

Why does he shill for trump so much?

because he earns his cred and money by being an underhanded contrarian, just like Alex Jones

I like him now.


I liked it, but I can't put my finger on Roger.

sounds like our guy!

What did he mean by this?

He's right. Why do American presidents continue to kiss the ass of Saudi Arabia?

It didnt bother me until the end, when it acted like we were heading towards the end of the world because dirty politics were used to win an election like it was something unique

The doc portrays him as a piece of shit with no conscious (which he is, read about the torturers lobby and if you think thats cool than your're immoral scum too), what I'm confused about is how Trump supporters see this as a positive documentary...

But he had an enormous impact on the election process and with the advent of super pacts now the system is entirely fucked. Not to mention his strides in yellow journalism, there are still people saying "lock her up!" whenever anybody criticizes trump. He is a master of manipulating people's racist and xenophobic tendencies (classic politics) and using hate and fear to when elections, stop being willfully ignorant and look at what's happened. Trump has never held a political office and now he is the POTUS, it's remarkable propaganda.

>Not to mention his strides in yellow journalism, there are still people saying "lock her up!" whenever anybody criticizes trump.

And there are people who shout "Impeachment" at everything Trump does.

Works on both sides, breh.

>He is a master of manipulating people's racist and xenophobic tendencies
Hillary and Sanders did the same thing against white people

It seems to me that one is based in potential reality, with an investigation on going, and the other is already settled and honestly has no real relevance since trump won the election, can you tell which is which?

Links to Sanders saying anything of the sort please? I feel like that is completely false. As for the democratic party, they do in fact participate in the same yellow journalism, I'm not defending them, simply saying that Roger stone is particularly good at it, and considering the first thing you did was point your finger across the aisle I'd say it's his hate tactics are working perfectly

He received a medal.

There's a major well known economic reason why we have any friends at all in the middle east, and there's also a major well known economic reason why we're at war with Syria as well.

>I feel like that is completely false
and i know for a fact, proven by a number of anonymous sources, that you're a giant faggot

Oh ok, so you don't have a source and you're an idiot.

>I feel like that is completely false
Tits or GTFO

Sanders said the whites don't know what it's like to be poor.

Are you guys upset that I'm not screaming mad and calling you liars? I just think in today's political climate a lot is possible, I asked for a source of Bernie race baiting and he didn't have it.

Found it, thank you. Yes he misspoke I believe, but there is truth in that, I grew up poor and white, at one point living illegally in a state park in Alabama, but I think he meant more like the ghetto, because the poorest people are black, mainly cause of slavery and racism, so I actually agree with the sentiment, the majority of white people don't know what it's like to be that poor.

The poorest people are black because Democrats keep fucking them over.

What about Appalachians?


Black people are poor because they're genetically different and can't get their shit together. They have an alien mindset and they didn't inhert adaptations that would empower them to thrive in European-style democracies. Blacks have adapted to thrive by forming tribal societies in very harsh African wilderness.

>Black people are poor because they're genetically different and can't get their shit together.

Except for the ones that do for some reason.

>super pacts
stopped reading there

evil whitey didn't make your iq 20 points lower, black-user

It was great, even though they tried to paint him as a bad guy. Thankfully they failed.

I mean it's already 125. If my IQ was any higher I'd be /r9k/-tier autistic and would probably fall for the race-realism meme myself.

Cool persecution complex though m8.

Yeah, a typo due to autocorrect on my phone makes everything I said wrong, nice autism friend

No you idiot he advertised himself as a hung male and was looking for another woman to join him and his wife. Learn to fucking read a single line of text.

Yeah you know what, centuries of slavery and indoctrinated racism had nothing to do with black peoples cognitive abilities and education, thanks for enlightening me.

Itt: hill shills

Start talking about how she really won

Way to highlight Roger Stones ability to undermine your reasoning and turn everyone who disagrees with you a "hill shill," as if we cannot also see the glaring issues of the political establishment, the only real difference being that individuals like myself can see it on both sides and people like you think corporations and billionaires have your interests at heart cause they said mean things about Muslims and mexicans on the campaign trail.

roger stone is pretty cool

annoying they put le drumpf is a russia doll in the netflix card but I'll watch it later probably

It's funny because I read what you wrote and I hear 180 degrees the opposite of what you mean. They have found no evidence of Trump Russian collusion. They have undeniably proven that Hillary broke the law.

Yea you lost get over it. Democraps don't do anything to stop this type of politics if anything they are worse. Share. Blue Debbie Schultz etc

Comey straight up said Hillary broke the law but he wasn't going to press charges against her. She was never exonerated of wrongdoing, the powers that be simply chose to let her get away with what she did.

>Yes he misspoke
Notice that sudden streak of massive charitability the left finds when people start saying racist shit about whites?

That's one hell of a straw man

>people like you think corporations and billionaires have your interests at heart cause they said mean things about Muslims and mexicans on the campaign trail
As opposed to the Hillary voters who thought corporations and billionaires had their interests at heart because they accused white people of having all the privilege.

At least Trump had the fucking sense to shit talk people who weren't the majority in a democratic republic.

Roger Stone is dying of AIDS, like his mentor (((Roy Cohn))).

That's my point, propaganda on both sides has us discussing issues of little importance at the end of the day, partisan politics was a mistake

hahahaha the madman!


Thanks for ignoring the rest of my argument, how convenient. Tell me, do you live in the ghetto?

That deosn't invalidate the information.

He literally said we were hill shills for not agreeing with him, am I supposed to take that seriously?


The rest of your argument had nothing to do with Bernie Sanders saying white people don't know poverty. It was just some sputtering self-pity, like what you're peddling right now.

Yeah, it does.

Really? It didnt? I could have sworn it did, guess I'm not as smart as you middle class kid

Hold up you saying the white patriarchy doesn't keep us brothers down

No it doesn't, fag.

>democrats get caught lying and colluding with the media all the time
>wahhhhhh why does this guy lie! he's a meanie muh democracy!

kek I love this

>phoneposters are also hillary posters
It all makes sense.

Means Jared Kushner is a fucking kike


You have the SADDEST life story. If only this were Reddit, where you could get one upvote for every hardship you've suffered. ;~;

And none of that would still change the fact that Bernie Sanders said racist shit about white people, and you will find any excuse to justify it, because of the race he was saying it about.

Once again, you prove Roger stone to be a genius when it comes to manipulating dumb individuals such as yourself, I didn't vote for hillary

Bernouts essentially voted for trump. Thank you

My point is that as a poor white person, I understood what he was trying to say, that white people don't know what it's like to be as poor as blacks, and that's the truth, sorry it hurts your fee fees

I agree, Bernie would have beaten trump, and the disgusting tricks the dems played to get Hilary the nomination lost them the election. (Not too mention that terrible campaign) Hopefully now with trump it will galvanize the left and we can finally maybe establish a new party, and have someone like Bernie voted in.

You mean how they have no fathers and crab bucket mentality?

Don't be sorry, whites swarmed to Republicans because of the shit you're pushing. You fuckers managed to make Donald J. Trump the president because you were so hideously unappealing.

Yeah, not quite as ignorant as that, but you're on the right track.

this image pisses me the hell off. stop posting it faggot.

Not to sorry really, dems got what was coming to them honestly, hopefully they will die out, but it's unlikely, they are still blaming comey and wikileaks for their shit campaign

>white people don't know what it's like to be as poor as blacks

You're right, white people don't know what it's like to be poor and still get tons of shit handed to them. I've seen those fucking black people living in literally million dollar homes. Houses that would cost A MILLION FUCKING DOLLARS if they weren't set aside for "poor" blacks. White people only know what it's like to be poor and live in a poor person's house.

>He is a master of manipulating people's racist and xenophobic tendencies (classic politics) and using hate and fear to when elections

Social programs are available for white people as well, the main thing we have going for us thought, is that we built the system, blacks were literally enslaved by it, so you can imagine it's favorable to be white in america

Please explain to me how the average white person benefits from ghettos, or violent crime, or paying tax dollars that just fund black people living in prison. It seems like all the shit that the left always trots out when talking about 'white privilege' is shit that makes white people's lives worse just by existing.

Go suck a nigger dick already

Sup Forums really is the shittiest board

>Still talking about slavery

Jesus Christ! Just let it go, already.

The left hates the prison industrial complex now, the majority of people on welfare are whites, and how the fuck are whites responsible for perpetuating ghettos with tax dollars?

The poorest black regions, at least in America, are due to unemployment, Detroit and Chicago being the prime examples where steel and car manufacturing literally vanished.

Doesn't help the CIA used this as an opportunity to flood those areas with crime lords in order to offset the Iran-Contra fiasco under Raegan.

I'm not even that guy and I'm also not blaming whites for black's situation, but it's more complicated then just "Hurr it's the lefties fault"

I think we should be proud to try to advance and move forward as a human race, if I can use my money to support the people to get education and job training that'd be ideal. We need to work together to solve the problems in the black community, they certainly don't seem they will fix it themselves. What is your solution? Kill all the niggers?

Basically, we need to understand our civic duty as law abiding citizens. And I think it's fairly obvious if we just reallocated the defense budget we could solve a lot of our social issues

should I get a trump tattoo on my back Sup Forums?

netflix more often than not puts out kino so yes

Haha, good one.

>Except for the ones that do for some reason
Do you know what averages are?

You know there are gorillas who are domesticated and know sign language, right? Would you throw your kid into the gorilla enclosure at the zoo? You're an evil racist if you wouldn't because not all gorillas are bloodthirsty primates that would tear a human to pieces in a heartbeat.

I thought that was Doug Benson in make up for a while, but then I remembered he can't act, and he wasn't taking about dude weed.