Who should play it in its inevitable biopic?

Who should play it in its inevitable biopic?


That's some horrifying shit, famalam.

>India births creating abnormalities
How obvious.

Idris Elba

>filming it
>not putting it out of its misery

>atheists will claim this is evolution

That thing can't even blink. It's eye will shrivel like a raisin.
Kill it, for mankind, for the sake of this mutant, for the sake of GOD christ almighty

>at last I truly see

tfw to intelligent for conventional eyes

lil nigga looks like a God of War enemy

Black Phillip.

>christians will claim this is intelligent design

why does all this mutant shit always happen in India?

so when it walks does it make a cy-clopping sound

That animal is unhappy, begging to be killed. And these subhuman fucks are making a circus attraction out of it. I'm trying really hard to not become a vegetarian but these fucking retards aren't making it any easier

>tfw high fantasy ideas turn out to be diseased mutations when actualized in real life

I didn't ask for this think.

>high amount of toxins during fetal development can play a major role in the condition

They don't poo in loo.

No, it has no concept of death and it knows nothing but its own existence. It's not begging to be killed, in opposite. Like all life, it wants to live.

Atheists will look at scientific reason to discern this is a birth defect, Christians will look at it and say it's possessed by a demon.

Ganges River Basin is the most fertile region on the entire planet. The Ganges itself is also one of the most contaminated rivers on the world.

It just wants to grow up, have children and then die. Same as all life

>In 1845, the Illustrated London News reported that a Newfoundland dog had been acting less lively over a period of days before being seen "to throw himself in the water and endeavor to sink by preserving perfect stillness of the legs and feet". Every time he was rescued he attempted to do this again before he finally held his head underwater until death.

>Another deformed thing born in India

Why am I not surprised

Maisie Williams

Animals can feel sad too. You're literally retarded if you deny this