Why does every girl in this movie have a black boyfriend?

Why does every girl in this movie have a black boyfriend?

>Director: Catherine Hardwicke
Really makes you think

because they are troubled

its the most degenerate and slutty thing you could do desu

to show the viewer they are finally lost


(((((((((( )))))))))))


But for young girls watching the movie it's something to aspire to.

White girls girls in America grow up watching MTV and listening to rap/hip hop music. They aspire to twerk, talk slang and fuck black dudes, at same time they are the most privileged people in their society.


they really nailed their stupidity with that prejudice line

What are some similar movies to this? I had a sheltered and priviledged upbringing and l like watching these types of movies.



if so then they are basic bitches that missed the fucking point of the movie. good riddance

kinda curious. what's the point of the movie?

How did (((they))) get away with this?

Bad parenting leads to your daughter screwing black guys, doing drugs, and cutting

by black guys do you mean inner city hoodlums or people with extra melanin?

Bearing witness to the throes of a turbulent adolescent and the dangers of trying to act older too early, IIRC. I haven't seen it since I was about 17 and my 15 year old girlfriend who lost her virginity at 14 showed me.

It used to be that white girls would date black guys to piss their dad off. Little did they know their dad would actually get off on it

The point of the movie isn't to redpill.

The first act is all that matters. By the time things "go wrong" anyone watching will have already been brainwashed.

Showing the consequences later doesn't change anything. There are no consequences for women.

You know why

ah, I see. That is a pretty good subject matter for a movie.

The most unrealistic thing I have ever seen put to film, I would have been fucking them both raw

You wouldn't even be in that situation in the first place.

Why do girls like this movie so much? I guess it explains why millennials act like the girls in the movie.

hoodlums obviously. not even black girls want upstanding, god fearing, hard working black dudes. They want a Dazshawn Ja Taveon


why did the blonde just randomly decide she's gonna kiss the fuck out of the guy while she was acting all disgusted at first?

>why do people like the protagonists of a movie.

>upstanding, god fearing, hard working black dudes

plenty of expats from africa live in the US.

which girls do you know that like this movie?

because they are degenerates.
its lowkey racist

>tfw you raw dogged a 14 year old girl a week ago

I grew up as a teen in the late 90's, at 18 I had a car and these chicks were easy peasy, don't project user :)

Kill yourself racist scum. You are trash

Why is this website so fucking obsessed with black guys dating white girls?


It really doesn't. I live in the south and even white girls here hate black guys. The only ones who do like them are fatties from the trailer park.

according to Pew about 15% of all marriages are interracials. So its really not all that common

Most of which is wmaf. bmwf is a tiny amount of ir marriage, which is weird that it's pushed so hard.

Dubs speaks truth.


is that Westworld girl?

Die in a fire racist cunt

You have to go back

Yep, in her prime.

t. white knight

The black cuck is triggered, kek

why do poltards keep spamming marriage and dating stats as if they mean anything in 2017 where girls just fuck randomly and casually

he's right though? That's all there is to the interracial meme. If I wanted to show some degenerate white whores as a director I'd make them have a few black bfs each

>15% of all marriages are interracials
That does not specifically refer to BMWF. It takes into account all types of degenerate relationships (ie AMWF).

because as you can see by their tongue piercings, they make horrible life choices.

ok sure there are women like this

but at the age of 13? come on now..

jesus it's so sad how fast and badly women age. all downhill from about 20. not that she still isn't pretty but she's dropped from a 9/10 to a 7, and she aged really well compared to most chicks

>women keep to their own more than men
I still find this odd.

I realize that I am showing how few marriages are actually BMWF