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previous 'characters who did nothing wrong' edition

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Man, I love Stumpy's dry wit as much as the next nerd, and his emotional dissonance makes for one of the most well-defined arcs in the series, but the guy's still an ass.
By what right does the wolf judge the lion? By every goddamn right! By every goddamn right on the books. By every goddamn right not on the books. When Jaime makes this monumental proclamation, he does it with full knowledge that he paralyzed one of Ned's kids, only for his son to finish the job by lopping off the guy's head. Ned has the opportunity to in turn ice Jaime's spawn, but he doesn't take it. Instead, he risks himself and his own children to protect them. Ned would never have chucked a kid out the window, if he were in Jaime's shoes. He's simply is a better man than Jaime.
There's also a popular idea on this Fandom that the loss of his sword hand has awakened some dormant diplomacy acumen in Jaime. I'd argue he's still pretty damn incompetent. He does absolutely nothing to slow Cersei's freefall or to protect Tommen. If he had taken Tywin's offer of a reprieve from the Kingsgaurd in order to claim his inheritance, he'd be the richest man in Westeros and the Crown's chief benefactor; she'd have to listen to him. Not to mention Cersei outright offers to make him Hand, another powerful position set in his lap that he knocks to the floor.
He fails at Riverrun. The point of the siege is slowly and methodically expunge the remaining threats to the Crown and its allies. Bryndy T., the last Tully heir and an experienced and respected commander to boot, escapes capture. Rebels in the Riverlands now have a leader to rally under, and rally they will. Jaime's impatience once again compromises the integrity of his mission.
I like Jaime's arc, and I like the character, but he isn't yet a knight redeemed. It gets irritating for all discussions to devolve into canonizing St. Jaime at the smallest hint of internal conflict. It makes his character a lot less interesting.

Why did Rhaegar name both his sons Aegon?


best big bro coming through

What song do you want to play on the show when all the good guys team up? I'm thinking "Happy" by Feral Williams.

"A Naked Man Has Few Secrets, A Flayed Man, None. Tell me Lord Bolton, what does a buring man has?"
- Stannis Baratheon to Roose Bolton (after the siege of winterfel, before Stannis burns him at the pyre)

The show's version is what will happen.

GRRM has already confirmed this.

>That night, after the plates had been cleared, Robb carried Bran up to bed himself. Grey Wind led the way, and Summer came close behind. His brother was strong for his age, and Bran was as light as a bundle of rags, but the stairs were steep and dark, and Robb was breathing hard by the time they reached the top. He put Bran into bed, covered him with blankets, and blew out the candle. For a time Robb sat beside him in the dark. Bran wanted to talk to him, but he did not know what to say. “We’ll find a horse for you, I promise,” Robb whispered at last. “Are they ever coming back?” Bran asked him. “Yes,” Robb said with such hope in his voice that Bran knew he was hearing his brother and not just Robb the Lord. “Mother will be home soon. Maybe we can ride out to meet her when she comes. Wouldn’t that surprise her, to see you ahorse?” Even in the dark room, Bran could feel his brother’s smile. “And afterward, we’ll ride north to see the Wall. We won’t even tell Jon we’re coming, we’ll just be there one day, you and me. It will be an adventure.” “An adventure,” Bran repeated wistfully. He heard his brother sob. The room was so dark he could not see the tears on Robb’s face, so he reached out and found his hand. Their fingers twined together.

reminder best channel and without watching you're caveman tier


Now THIS is Podracing

Only moments to live

>Ramsay stabs Stannis in the back

>Ramsay stabs Stannis in the back
>implying Ramsay will survive siege of Winterfell or Stannis attack


Reminder that TWOW is coming FUCKING NEVER.

Stannis won't take Winterfell. Ramsay is going to defeat him.

Good, gives me time to complete my reread. I still have two more books to get through.

I can't believe it's been six fucking years since DWD already.

I'm sure this has probably been asked a billion times here, but I'll ask it again anyway.

If you can live anywhere in Westeros or Essos, where would you live?

I'd live in Lys. It sounds super comfy. Assuming I wasn't turned into a bedslave. But even then I can probably get used to that.

The story he's writing is extremely complex and an interweaving narrative featuring hundreds of characters and all the pieces need to line up perfectly.

I'd rather wait and have the product be good then have it be rushed and shitty.

It's not like Stephen King or some shit where you can just churn out an 1100 page novel every 6 months because the story is simplistic and only features like 4 characters.

I legitmately don't understand this meme

White Harbor.

Get to live in the north, the most based region in Westeros, but not in the middle of nowhere.

>extremely complex

Bookfags have gone full on delusional I see

If even 10% of the theories are true about where this story is heading in the final 2 books, it will go down as the most complex work of fiction ever written. Not even meming.

>I'd rather wait and have the product be good then have it be rushed and shitty.
>literally muh quality takes time aka 6 fucking years


watch videos, you'll realise you're a fucking retard

TS Eliot only wrote about 150 pages of poems in 50 years, and he's probably the greatest poet who ever lived because he was a perfectionist and didn't just churn out crap.
Quality is much more important than being prolific.

The show is an abortion. It hasn't been canon since like season 4, and even that is being generous.
Read the books and you will never again want to watch the "muh strong women" and revenge porn garbage the show has become.

Because George is comparable to one of the greatest poets who ever lived

not remotely possible at all


You can't compare poetry to prose, but way to miss the point of the analogy.

i was just thinking of how overrated TS Eliot is. William Carlos Williams ftw!

Was TS Elliot at risk of not finishing his magnum opus?

Was TS Elliot gonna have a tv show reveal all his poems?

Was TS Elliot making people buy and then wait 20 year to see how his poem ends?


None of that autism is true you idiots.


Tough guy eh?

You don't wanna mess with me, assclown.

no asoiaf is a pretty complicated story. they're right

Also, did TS Elliot constantly string fans along with lies and broken promises about the progress of his poems

It's obvious he's going to do what will make him the most amount of money the quickest. tv monies>book monies

>all the pieces need to line up perfectly.
No they don't actually. GRRM has outright fucking told people not to pay attention too closely to things like timings of events. Which makes it fucking hilarious when people record 80 hour video series based entirely on minor details.

I need you to stop posting this shit.

Watch Preston Jacobs' videos.
His videos on Dorne, Littlefinger's master plan, and analysis on why Bran is pretty much the most important character will blow your god damn mind.
Stop being a pleb showfag.

I haven't watched these yet, but the low view counts and the fact you keep shilling them in these threads leads me to believe they're your own videos.
If you be honest and admit they are your own videos, I will watch them.

Why does he need more money? He has more than enough to fund his only expensive hobby, that of going to conventions. Otherwise he spends his time sitting at home eating and watching football.

Rereading this chapter after reading the third book is heart wrenching.

>Watch Preston Jacobs' videos.
Top fucking kek. His total autism and utterly retarded shit like Dornish master plan is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. Total fucking bullshit. I'm actually really sad the series will never be finished so you fucking idiots won't be BTFO (actually even if it did you'd say some bullshit like how GRRM changed his work because Preston guessed all the right answers!)

>Stop being a pleb showfag.
Motherfucker I started reading in 2006, when a friend of mine lent me his books (with the promise that the next book was coming out "in a few months or so"). I've had 4 separate accounts banned from westeros.org You have 60 seconds to demonstrate you even started reading before the series started or you get no more responses from me.

>I walked Bob Dylan on stage in 1975! Whoda fucka you??? WHODA FUCKA YOU???

>Was TS Elliot at risk of not finishing his magnum opus?
But that's the thing ASOIAF is not Martin's magnum opus, or rather he never intended it to be.

ASOIAF was supposed to be quick fantasy trilogy pumped out to re-establish him in the writing world after his television career had puttered out. It was not supposed to be his life's work. I believe Martin highly resents how he's become known as the guy who wrote ASOIAF (and probably even more so as "the guy who wrote the Game of Thrones books!") hence why to the irritation of his fans he sounds so much more enthused talking about shit like Wild Cards. ASOIAF had become a burden, something he feels the need to finish, but something that was never supposed to be culmination of his entire life.


the'yre not mine. I recently binged endgameofthrones blogs, the guy took a break but discovered he moved to another site and has made a channel not too recent.

he's better than preston I'll say that. I was amazed at how preston caught onto certain things but this guy. though I doubt all credit goes to him someone said it was the work of a collective

Lettuce beef real tea and super cereal, like his books, it may have started off as one thing but became another.

He'd definitely consider ASOIAF and that whole universe to be his magnum opus. He loves the shit out of the Targaryens and the worldbuilding for it, he just hates actually writing the plots and narrative at this point.

Tell fat man he can drop the books but write Fire and Blood, he'd do it. Tell fat man to drop the books to write Dunk & Egg, he still won't because that involves thinking out plots and what this or that guy said to tell a story.

Teenage Wasteland

But his worldbuilding and Targ crap is fucking SHIT. "The Princess and the Queen" "The Rogue Prince" and "The World of Ice and Fire" are all terribly written, and much much worse than even A Feast for Crows (which I don't think is actually that bad anyway).

And yet he prefers writing tens or hundreds of thousands of words for The World of Ice and Fire and Targ shit to writing the books.

Didn't Elio even say he went way overboard writing for that?

Yes. He wrote over 200 thousand words for AWOIAF and is STILL WRITING.

>Mance was the one who tried to kill Bran

Thank you based Preston.


But he promised he wouldn't write anything else but TWoW? Right?

George wouldn't be fat fucking liar would he?

He claimed that a year ago (see pic) but from a recent blog post he included FIRE AND BLOOD as something he's actively working on.

Rhaegar has a son named Aegon.
He is referenced by name by Thoros in season three. He was killed my the mountain. He was one of the children that caused Oberyn to exclaim "you killed her children!"

According to the leaks, which have all been proven true, say that it is revealed through Bran flashback that the name Lyanna whispered to Ned in the tower of Joy scene is Aegon. So Jon's name is Aegon.

Both of Rhaegar's sons were named Aegon. It's really not that complicated.

I know, I was being sarcastic.

I'm even the user that posted the blog here where he admitted he was working on 5 HBO ideas and how he's totally still working on the book.

It's literally nothing.

So I just looked it up. He had written 350K words for Fire and Blood before AWOIAF was published in 2014 and has apparently still been writing for the last 3 years. In comparison the average length of his ASOIAF books is 354K words.

I love shit posting as much as anyone but literally nothing posting isn't funny or good bait it's just pure sitcom style humor.

>nothing posting
You like "proven leaks" without proof?

All the major leaks were verified with set pictures that emerged months after the leaks. All attempts to dismiss the leaks are astroturfing by paid HBO shill trying to hide the fact that we literally know everything that's going to happen.

If you're going to claim you're actually an honest poster, say right now that when Jon and Dany fuck and the Wall comes down you'll post in the /got/ thread of that day "I was wrong, please fucking kill me."

Excellent post?
So it was never proven that Euron walks Yara around on a leash like the little bitch she is?

Didn't mean the exclamation point, I meant it was indeed an excellent post

Great 4 more stories so these writers can input their feminist propaganda

Don't forget docmantistoboggan confirmed lads was right


Still don't see any leaks proving the Aegon name. I'm waiting.


this brings me joy that the crayon artists got cucked so hard


The leaks said Gilly learns how to read and finds out Rhaegar annulled his marriage to Elia and wed Lyanna. Here is Gilly reading about Azor Ahai. This isn't even a leak it's an official photo.

>the thing without proof said
lol ok dumb cuck, nice proof

It's a D&D creation, not to be in the books. It's how they fit in the Aegon/Griff thing.

An annulment in Westeros could only be done with the permission of the High Septon *and* king, and would be a very public thing. So no, not a book event.

Annulments also aren't possible if the marriage has been consummated, which considering Rhaegar's two kids, it's definitely been

>the citadel had the books about jon snu being a targ there for people to see
>but they didn't do anything to try&give him the seat

>show citadel doesn't hate targaryens but doesn't love them either. show citadel is entirely indifferent.
Bravo D&D.

>he believes this is a challenge crayons can't overcome

D&D don't give a fuck about that.
D&D don't give a fuck about anything that isn't making one of their meme hero win/look better.

How much are the Jews paying you?

Reminder that Varys is a woman and the Mother of young Griff

I cry every time tbqh

Illyrio seems to be really missing his Blackfyre wife though, why would he mope about her if she was Varys who is still alive?

Fookin Forresters have been shitting on us Whitehills for generations!

Fookin Forresters!

Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright

Yeah, Jaime hasn't gotten that much more competent. Baby-trebucheting is not a legitimate negotiation tactic.


It worked, Edmure.

>"I could climb out of this tub and kill you where you stand, Kingslayer."
>tfw he didn't

Will Bran ever get revenge for it?

Sure, it's complex, but 6+ years is still pretty ridiculous. The fat cunt just has shit work ethic.

I'm a bit disappointed desu
I mean that's what I thought too, but I expected Preston to come up with something crazier. I mean didn't he address this in a video series in the past and came up with the same conclusion ( it was a sidepoint, not the main theme of the series iirc ).

The only difference is he added the LF guy, but he doesn'T even seem to believe he's the likely culprit. So the theory is pretty much the same he's always had. All he added really was arguments against OTHER theories.

I mean it was still a comfy watch, but not much of actual theory about it.

And I would add, the LF stuff I don't buy at all. Unless LF's guy acted on his own on what he thought was best. LF would be ok with killing the guy who stole his waifu, but killing his waifu's son? I don't buy it.

>but killing his waifu's son? I don't buy it.
but his name was bran(don)

Who /stormlands/ here?


>LF would be ok with killing the guy who stole his waifu, but killing his waifu's son? I don't buy it.

>Don't ever try to kill me of my wife's son ever again - Neddard

The most beautiful woman in the Seven Kingdoms.

>Davos and Gendry are reunited
>Davos convinces Gendry to go help Jon instead of raising an army to go retake Storm's End in the name of House Baratheon

It could have been a redeeming storyline if Jew&Jew weren't in a hurry to get to the finale battle
