Is there any robot who could defeat Razer?

Is there any robot who could defeat Razer?

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I stopped watching it when it became all about wedges and spinning. I have no idea why it was on comedy central though

Now it's all about muh empowerement and familia, with a few minutes of robot action.

fucking cheats

Carbide duh

That robot Jamie Hyneman built that was literally banned for being too good.

Carbide beats everything

*blocks your path*

Flippers made the show boring as fuck

I hate how he got killed off so quickly in episode 1 of the reboot.

nope nets werent against the rules due to an error


How long until sjws takeover the last bastion of men?


Looks like an evil fax machine


I miss Junkyard Wars

Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Honestly I'd just rig up a RC car with a bomb and send it in.

I'm surprised you're not whining that Bill Nye was on it at some point
