How is argentina compared to europe?

how is argentina compared to europe?
i always thinkin that was first world...

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non meme reply: we're pretty far from being 1st anything, we're a banana republic with 3rd world mindset

we are an brown mestizo shithole and your average 3rd world banana republic from failed latin america.

now kys.

so is America but people call them first world

We're as european as a sausage is asado.

because that's what Hollywood makes them believe

More european than you muhammad

>Live in America
>Work installing trim and labor like a 3rd worlder
>Have electronics to escape from reality and be happy, but so do 3rd worlders
>They probably just got hacked PS3's in Latin America

Fuck this

Consider suicide and carry it out, faggot.

The achievements of a person do not make their country more or less deserving of respect.


do you ever stop posting you dirty ape?
online 24/7

We are a poor country compared to every European country..

Brasil take a break you've embarrassed yourself too much today.


Kill yourself.

i dont know what you are talking about, sandnigger.
go blow yourself up already

Please stay in Brazil, we don't want you here.

estoy de vacaciones en camburiú, cholito

Please stay in Brazil, we don't want you here.

Quedate ahí que ni por el Maracaná voy para allá.

What we've seen today was AWFUL....

I fucking wish the army take power again to fucking funish their job killing, kidnaping and torturing those filthy and lazy leftist.

They're literally the reason of the 'argentine paradox' the only state in the world that was first world but managed to become third world.

they were, Buenos Aires used to compete with New York in the 50'




>first world

This fat retard is a deputy precandidate, a deputy being basically a shittier senator.

>first world

Theyre like the chinese and we are the japanese. Soon the west patagonia is going to be our manchuko

>backwater autists with zero recent achievements to speak of

sounds about right

>+300 lazy leftist claiming social benefits

>40 cops without lethal weapons by ministerial order

Who will win?

We give the south and west to Chile, the north to Bolivia and all the east to Paraguay and Uruguay to split.

We don't deserve a fucking m2 of this territory, this is an brown mestizo failed country shithole that shouldn't exist and full of subhumans.

Nothing to Brazil?

The idea is reach progress, not more chaos and regression

South Brazil is to white and European to taint their territory with our brown negro cabeza subhuman shithole.

There is nothing more pathetic than a right wing South American.

exactly the opposite you commie scum, we know in first hand how socialism can destroy a country and a society
pathetic is a left wing 1st worker or living in a 1st world country

socialism and work are contradictory terms

This. He wouldn't last a day in our crypto socialist shitholes.

So do you support the idea of a government giving 2.500.000 pensions to people who never paid their pension taxes before? ergo... A salary for oldfags who never paid for their own pension plan?

That cost to our government 500.000.000.000 pesos per year, and yes, that's the real number.

Fuck off retard, your country isn't a world joke thanks to them so you dont know shit.

>Foreigner? Get a pension.

>Never paid pension taxes before? Get a pension

>Retire (get pension) without paying taxes

well this place is full of them, so when you speak with 3rd worlders here you are talking with pathetic people.

the goverment want to fuck our pensioners.
a lot of people hit the streets to protest against it.
and here these fagot are calling those people commies ...

>Foreigner? Get a pension.

>Never paid pension taxes before? Get a pension

>Retire (get pension) without paying taxes

so we should take pensions away because some of them don't deserve them?

Throwing rocks at policemen and journalists isn't positive social action.

a lot of people GOT PAID to chimp out*

you ain't fooling anyone anymore, fuckers

a lot of people GOT PAID to chimp out*
there were thousands of people there. who the fuck paid them?
that's why policemen incarcerated innocent people?

funny thing our joke for left wing make things like this every time and they wonder why people don't vote them, their leader must have an IQ of 60

>some of them

>literally 2.500.000 people having pension without ever paid a tax before

El Gobierno NO TIENE PLATA para mantener los 2,5M de jubilados sin aportes que la ANSES K sacó... ¿O te pensas que MM es malo y por eso recorta?

No tenes una mínima puta idea de economía, y opinas gratis; gente de mierda como vos atrasa.

Año 2008:

Año 2011:

Hay hasta guías de cómo jubilarse sin aportes, total la plata la paga el pelotudo que paga impuestos... Bueno, eso generó una bola que hoy le cuesta 500 mil millones de pesos anuales al Estado.

Por eso pedimos préstamos a 100 años, porque en este país NO SE PRODUCE... Todo lo paga el Estado, todo lo subsidia, el 70% de los trabajadores son empleados públicos, el Estado les da bonos, aguinaldo, vacaciones pagas, pensiones gratis, etc, etc.

En este país nadie trabaja, nadie produce, todo te lo da en la mano el estado.. Por eso fracasamos, por eso somos pobres.

La gente no paga ni el colectivo a su precio real, todo lo subsidia el Gobierno.

Innocent people? Did any policemen barge into a house or grab a random person walking nearby?
Far as I've seen only retards got retaliated against.

entonces por 2,5M le van a recortar la jubilacion a todo el resto?
sos un genio capo.

y si el pais no tiene plata que la saquen de otro lado.

cuanto invirteron en el pais las mineras despues de la quita de retenciones? genio del capital...

>Did any policemen barge into a house or grab a random person walking nearby?
yes they did. (pic related)

>who the fuck paid them?
are you fucking serious? Who've been treating with a coup since 2015?, who would be interested in destabilize the government?, I think it's pretty obvious, and they already did it before
this people was organized, some of them got paid and the other brainwashed to believe they're doing something good, as always, but no way these delinquents were innocent civilians protesting spontaneously

No es a todo el resto jeropa, es sólo a esos 2,5 millones de pensionados.

Quieren eliminar las pensiones del plan de jubilaciones sin aporte de la ANSES K... Si tu abuelo pagaba sus aportes jubilatorios, así como lo hace tu viejo o vos (si laburaras claro) no te van a sacar la jubilación pedazo de repelotudo, cómo les van a sacar la jubilación a todos? Pensa un poco viejo.

si los peronistas tienen el capital(robado) suficiente para movilizar a tanta gente como es que el gobierno todavia no lo encontro y puso toda esa plata a dispocicion de la justicia?

Las mineras actualmente dejan 700% más dinero ahora que antes simio.

¿Te das cuenta que no sabés un carajo? Capaz por eso necesitas tantas ayudas del Gobierno.

falta de huevos?, conveniencia politica? ni idea, pero cada vez que los zurdos o los peronchos hacen una pelotudez de esta la imagen de Macri se crece, y no tanto por merito propio sino porque a comparacion es el epitome de la civilidad

Pretty sure 95% of the dumb animals chimping out today don't even know what they are protesting against or what's being discussed at the congress.

el descuento es para todos. hallan aportado o no.

y en cualquier caso si hay que sacar guita de algun lado que se la saquen a todos los que hoy no laburan en absoluto que son varios.
mucha gente laburo toda la vida y no pudo aportar porque nunca tuvo un laburo en blanco.

pero a ellos no los tocan, porque al igual que los k, el gobierno todavia prioriza seguir ganando elecciones.

If you'd studied Latin America at all, you would never say that. Latin American countries are the textbook example of the dangers of populism.

Bien, al fin una respuesta decente.

Bueno, vamos por partes, veo que no estas bien informado o estas influenciado a informaciones tergiversadas.

Ok, ya sabemos porque el Gobierno quiere "achicar" el gasto en pensiones... Ahora veamos cómo lo quiere hacer.

"El descuento es para todos"

Esto es falso, NO hay descuento 'para todos'... La reforma incluso plantea aumentos en las jubilaciones que tienen +30 años de haberes jubilatorios.

Lea un poco, no tire piedras sin saber sólo porque tu viejo es anti Macri y se habla de eso en la mesa. Acá hay un informe completo, cortito y al pie:

y en cualquier caso si hay que sacar guita de algun lado que se la saquen a todos los que hoy no laburan en absoluto que son varios.

Es mi queja más grande con este Gobierno, deberían sacar los planes sociales, pero no sólo no lo hicieron... Sino que los aumentaron.

>mucha gente laburo toda la vida y no pudo aportar porque nunca tuvo un laburo en blanco.

Si, es cierto nadie elige laburar en negro para no cobrar beneficios, no tener ART, etc... Pero tenes que entender que el Estado no se puede hacer cargo de todos, no hay plata para infraesrructura, no hay plata para desarrollo, no hay plata para proyectos energéticos, porque todo lo que genera el Estado se va en gasto público.

La Argentina K tuvo un gasto público monstruoso, insalubre e irracional... Recién ahora las cosas se están normalizando

Hay una cultura del peronista de que la gente no acepta que tiene que pagar por sus propias cosas, el dinero es una contraprestación de servicios que se gana en relación a tu mérito, no un bono que les dan a todos por igual.

Mira los del Frente de Izquierda, plantean un salario de 20.000 pesos por 6 horas de laburo... Es inviable, tenes que pensar a nivel Gobierno.

>last dictatorship fucked shit up and was mediocre as fuck, multiplying our debt in no time
>they were so bad they gave future per*nists decades of credibility and guaranteed wins just because they said they opposed the dictatorship out loud
we've had this idea of "shit's fucked up, we should get the military in power, they represent our national ideals!" like 6 times during the 20th century and they were just part of the problem
hopeful wishing for an authoritarian regime to fix things up is the same as hopeful wishing for a democratically elected government to do the same
fuck them both, undersize the government, choke welfare spending and let people manage their own money, their children's education and their own retirement, remove the middle man that is the government altogether

why did you think that?