Feral Orks begin to crop up in the last Sup Forums related media you've consumed. What happens?

Feral Orks begin to crop up in the last Sup Forums related media you've consumed. What happens?

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Not a whole lot changes.


Pretty sure the group would beat them, or at least archer would.

>Samurai Jack
nothing new

cut out boys!
get back to your cubicles!

>Hellboy fights orks

I want this.NOW.


>Scooby Doo Apocalypse
They're torn apart by mutated Burning Man hippies

Justice happens

Pucker up

>orc stain

Amazing world of gumball...

A single episode dealing with the new family that moved in down the street. Nicole desperatly wants to be friends but by the end of the episode she is enraged by her families antics to point she snap. The orkson say she is to violent for thier liking and ends with a fart joke from Richard.

Wakfu? they're pretty much already in there, I think

Wednesdays Marvel and DC releases. Marvel U is probably ok. The DCU is boned.

For the last time /tg/, I don't want to partake in any of your satanic rituals!

an epin dance off

Well if we're talking about 40k Orks
They'll be a constant threat until they eventually take over the world, I mean they are collectively low level reality warpers that always pop up once they appear on that world.
Unless the world were talking about has some overpowered magic, tech or reality warping which means the orks are not an issue

Why do Orcs always seem to lust after Female Elves and no Female Orcs are ever seen? Is this an allegory for something?

They don't and their asexual fungus men you tard. Take your black dick fantasies back to Sup Forums with the other closet homos.

There were female orcs in early Warhammer Fantasy and Bloodbowl.

I want my qt female fungus girl.

>tfw no qt female fungus girl to waaargh with

Feels bad desu senpai

>Batman Beyond

I... I don't know really. Everything should be fine until the Orks start looting WayneTech.


Remember feral orks can make guns and energy weapons and war machibes, it's just that tey are primative and crude even by ork standards and wagons are steam powered.

>read one of the Overwatch comics
well wait a few months it'll be a co-op horde match in the real game



They would recognise Hulk as inherently Orky, the biggest/strongest there is, and follow him as WAAARGH leader. The entire Marvel multiverse would be boned..

Last comic I read was Titan 2 by Dan Abnett. Ork scum is removed without incident.