I went to Israel (*´ω`*)

After buying an air ticket, President Trump gave a surprising remark and made a mistake....(T_T)

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At the airport, only Japanese were sent to a separate room. It is because the Japanese have terrorized in the past ....


Israel food so nice!

Japanese MANGA artist.

People who saw only in the movies. I was really surprised to see it.

I could not go to the Dead Sea. I also want to go to Israel someday.

thx Israeli, You were the best host (^_^)

Now you wont be allowed to enter Lebanon, Libya, Kuwait, Iran, Iraq, Sudan and Yemen

who cares about them anyway


I felt like I saw the country in the movie.

You're welcome!

yay! It was fun!

>I could not go to the Dead Sea
why not?

>because the Japanese have terrorized in the past

Dunno why but this whole thread made me restore a little faith in humanity



Sorry my English Emgrish(T_T)

>>I could not go to the Dead Sea
>why not?
The tour was canceled!
It was reported from arriving in Israel ...

>>because the Japanese have terrorized in the past
plz check wiki "Japanese Red Army"

I love Macedonia (^_^)


this is nice thread

These look delicious. :3
Israel might a good tourist spot.
There are also many heritage sites.

I wish I could go to israel for a while, but I'm worried about rocks being thrown, and a lack of MTG or gayming (mainly the rocks and angry palestinians)

you see, whenever I travel, I like to play a game of mtg, and buy an MTG card as a sort of reminder of the good memories.

also what kind of nice foods are there.I love cholent and other such things, but I am also interested in your fast foods and junk foods of your country.

>fast foods and junk foods of your country
shwarma, falafel, hummus etc

just standard levantine food

the pure innocence of japan

Is having an ancient family member who was jewish mean I have jewish heritage?

Being JEWISH jewish means your mother has to be jewish.

Rest is "muh heritage".

I see. thanks for clearing that up

No its not

I have never got rocks thrown on me...

I suppose there are some places in the West Bank where that happens though, because the buses there have shielded windows.

Ok that is good to know. I thought that pissed off palestinian kids go around stoning people in some areas

makes you more jewish than ashkenazis desu

Very rare, possible if you go to the West Bank or neighborhoods in East Jerusalem though

awww look at the lil' tykes. they blow up so fast

Wrong, he just has to renew his passport so there's no Israel stamp there.

Actually, we don't stamp passports here

You did when I went there. I also had to carry a little piece of paper I got at the airport or hotels wouldn't let me check in.