The Legends and the Justice Society will have their hands full next season...

>The Legends and the Justice Society will have their hands full next season, as Guggenheim promises an evil bigger threat in store. “The beauty part of it is we already know how we’re going to top it,” Guggenheim says. “I will say literally the threat that Vandal Savage posed it’s going to seem small in comparison. That’s not even hyperbole, and you know I’m prone to hyperbole. People will be saying ‘Vandal who?’ by the time the big bad of season 2 is fully explored or fully revealed.”

Who or what is it going to be Sup Forums?

Can't be to hard as Vandal only seemed like a threat because they were incompetent.

Some cosmic garbage probably

Who is a good big bad that the movie-verse isn't likely to touch?

>the threat that Vandal Savage posed it’s going to seem small in comparison. That’s not even hyperbole
This is the only time I'll ever believe Guggenheim, because that Vandal Savage was the least threatening antagonist I've seen in a cape show. And 2015-2016 seasons of capeshows were filled brim with unthreatening antagonists.

It's going to be The Flash, because he is totally fucking shit up with the timestream.

Anti-Monitor inbound?

>as Guggenheim promises an evil bigger threat in store.

Yeah, no. This is an instant drop for me.

Flash got worse with its "even bigger threat" of Zoom. Arrow got worse with its "even bigger threat" of Ra's, and then the "EVEN BIGGER threat" of Darhk.

I can't remotely be arsed to care about this shitty show, knowing full well that Guggenheim will drop the ball.

Per Degaton, Mordru, Super Hitler?

>“The beauty part of it is we already know how we’re going to top it,” Guggenheim says.

Aka "we're going to pull important names out of our asses and not actually do anything to develop or build to them meaningfully apart from throwing them out willy-nilly".

Can't be worse than Vandal Savage, right?
I mean, Malcolm, Slade and Thawne were decent, so there was some height to fall from.
CW's Savage was always shit.

>Letting Guggenheim near the JSA again

Fuck no.

This. You guys should already know what to expect, and it's nothing good.

This. A 1000x this.

The tipping point for me was when Ray opened Vandal's cage to kick his ass.

Really, Palmer, you knob?

It's okay he is attached to Arrow and the love of his life Felicity, the other guys handle LoT

>Team devoted to maintaining the timeline
>Flash fuck up the timeline
Flash makes both the most and the least sense. My hope would be Mongol or Time Trapper maybe.

Reverse-Flash killed a few people and wanted to go home. Zoom tried to destroy the multiverse.

Ra's wanted to destroy a single city. Darhk launched 15,000 nukes all over the world.

The villains this season were a heaping pile of wasted potential, but in no way were they not greater threats that last season.

>The villains this season were a heaping pile of wasted potential, but in no way were they not greater threats that last season.
That's what he said.They were bigger,yes,but in no way were they better and i doubt Guggenshit will deliver.

No, he's a co-showrunner on Legends of Tomorrow and has a lot of say over what happens in the show.

No wonder both Arrow and LoT have been shit.

Eobard Thawne

Barry's meddling with the timeline somehow brings him back to life, and the team have to put a stop to him causing havoc through time. Would be a good excuse to get a speedster like Jay or Wally on the show too. It would also allow them to keep both Eobard characters, by having Matt on LoT and Tom on Flash if or when they decide to bring him back as a season long villain.


Who cares?

Season 1 was so thoroughly terrible that I was only watching it to see how they'd one-up themselves in terms of plot holes and melodramatic nonsense.

Season 1 was like watching a train derail, then slam into a propane factory, which exploded and set off the next-door fireworks factory, which ignited fumes from a chemical plant causing the sky to burn, which then caused trees that were rooting a river basin to die and flood a nearby town, which frees the sharks being kept at the town's seaworld, etc., etc.

>Vandal will be in three places at once!
What? No. He'll be in three places at three times.
>We can surprise him in all three times?
What? Won't he know what's going on after you stop his first attempt? He'll have, like a hundred years to plan around the next meteor.

>We're in the vanishing point, a time bubble maintained at the last moment of existence before the end of time.
>"Sir, they've time jumped."
>"Where? The future?"

I know time travel is hard to do right but jesus christ at least fucking try

the biggest wtf was the note in the WW2 helmet

Finally someone takes down Felicity for blowing up Havenrock 1,501 times.

>wait, wasn't that helmet over there?
>but if time changed and that helmet was always in a different spot, why would I remember it being in the spot from the original timeline?

is jay garrick gonna be in it

CW writers make Doctor Who time mechanics and explanations seem logical.

>Who cares?
I care. Vandal Savage and the Hawks were the worst characters on the show by far, and arguably some of the worst characters in fiction. Despite the fact that the show revolved around their plot, we still had some great character moments from the rest of the cast. Even Rip Hunter.

The best news is that Savage is dead now, and the Hawks have fucked off. So the show can finally move on and give focus to the characters that matter to me.

>So the show can finally move on and give the other characters the same exact melodramatic writing that they gave the shit characters

Cap this, it's gonna be Johnny Sorrow

Yeah this is what I'm afraid of too. Instead of backing off and focusing more on the cast, they're trying to go for "MAKE IT EVEN BIGGER" in trying to top themselves and I guaran-fucking-tee you that it's going to fall flat again for the exact same reasons.

The show runners have learned nothing.

>"Arrow showrunner Marc Guggenheim confirms “lighter tone” and “more humour” in Arrow Season 4"

Sounds great!

>Ambiguous grave scene
>Laurel murdered
>Thea threatens to kill a child
>Andy forced to kill his own brother
>Felicity nukes a city


You think that's bad?

>We want to kill a character to prove how dangerous being a vigilante can really be.


>Specifically invent a magic back chip to undo all damage to Felicity so that being shot multiple times has literally no impact on her after a few episodes.


Which CW-verse show has the worst deus ex machina?

Arrow with Felicity's super hacking, Flash with speedforce bullshit or LoT with time fuckery?

LoT just gave up even trying to have consistent rules for its time travel.

Flash's S2 finale at least managed to bring several elements its used in the season together pretty coherently.