Who would you cast him as in the MCU?

Who would you cast him as in the MCU?

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Nobody. He's a shitty actor.

Felicity Hardy

Jack Flagg


Marvel civilian #35

It's not like the MCU is rife with good actors, but I wouldn't cast him as anybody. The motherfucker can't act his way out of an open door.


Idk. Moon Knight maybe? My first two picks for Spector are already in the MCU and I don't have any issue with Amell other than him being stuck on a sinking ship.


Does the MCU have a Rick Jones yet?

>sinking ship.
I'd cast him as himself playing Hawkeye in a tv show

so he can die and go straight back to arrow

Hail Hydra

Please guys, cast m- him. Find him SOMETHING.

Moon Knight or Speed Demon



I keep seeing people say Moon Knight, I really don't get it.

John Walker.

Trickshoot, hawkeye brother


Uncle Ben

Wanting a live action moon knight so bad that pretty much anybody with a similar build will do.

No one. He can be as
as he wants and appear in as many wrestling fights as he wants, he still can't act for shit.

Moon Knight.

I think he can do a better job with a good writer and director to coax a performance out of him. I ain't saying he's great or anything, just that Arrow (all Berlanti shows really) are lackadaisical and don't challenge themselves anymore.

Tragic, I love Loony Moony as much as the next man but I'd rather have no film than a shite film.

Better question who would you cast felicity as

That is depressing.

Black Bolt

Uncle Ben

Don't even joke of such things!

Felicity. It'll be the first Marvel/DC live action crossover.

>she hacks into Tony's armory and steals the new Iron Man Armor
>beats Tony up with it

no one, hes dumb, stupid, talentless and always smile like a fag, hes shit and too white