Endings comic heroes will never experience

If there's one thing that's true about comics is that they don't end. They progress forever, dragging everything out without resolution until they are suddenly reset. So ITT we write endings for characters that will never actually happen to them in their series. These don't have to be happy endings, just logical endings a character would likely see.

Spider Man manages to defeat all of his major enemies and, in the process, win over the general public. He becomes a beloved figure respected by all, even JJJ (although he might not admit it). He marries Mary Jane and has kids who inherit his powers. While he never gives up the suit the threats he faces without his usual villains and no major organized crime group are relatively normal and low threat. His marriage is a happy one and his children inherit his powers and are able to fight crime in the next generation. He dies in bed surrounded by family of old age with the world knowing he is Spider Man, beloved by all.

Superman grows old with Lois, with Lex Luthor permanently defeated and all his usual villains redeemed or contained. While he is still Superman the threats facing the world don't need his power. As he gets old he retires to be with his children, the mantle taken up by new heroes. He is surrounded by a warm and loving family and plays the Pa Kent role for the next generation of superheroes until he ultimately dies of a heart attack while working in a field.

Batman manages to clean up the major crime families in his city and succeeds at last at holding the line until good people take over the reigns of government. Gotham is finally as clean as a normal city. His rogues gallery is mostly reformed (permanently this time) with the irredeemable largely dead through their own actions. The Joker is all that remains. The two have a battle above a waterfall and both fall into the waves below together. It's the last anyone sees of either of them. The Batfamily remains to safeguard the city he left them.

The X-Men finally succeed at actually being liked by the world. Their heroic deeds finally added up and they've managed to defeat all of their enemies for good. They've averted a dark future run by sentinels and found one where mutants that join the X-Men or go to Xavier's school are loved by society. The technology is found to turn on or off their powers at will, allowing all of them to live normal lives if they choose to do so. Things may not be perfect but the outlook for the future is hopeful.

That's my go. Give it a try.

Why Moore's Miracleman is my favourite comic tbqh.
That's the one drawback of Gaiman finally getting to finish it up.


>Superman dies of a heart attack

Spider-Man becomes a jaded 40-year old school teacher still living with his aunt, cursing the whole power and responsibility shit, but still wearing the costume and patrolling the streets every night, because somebody has to.

>So ITT we write endings for characters that will never actually happen to them in their series

But it did happen and it was wonderful. no none of that forced Spider-Verse shit is canon, the dudes behind the comic told Slott to fuck off so that's enough for me

>The two have a battle above a waterfall and both fall into the waves below together.

But then it turns out he had a secret Bat rebreather.

After pic related in my head there is nothing that is canon anymore about Green Lantern

This desu. And can't find a woman for himself cause he can't forget Gwen.

>not MJ
I mean as long as we're twisting knives, let's make it the girl who's still breathing.

>let's make it the girl who's still breathing
That's the point though, MJ doesn't make as good of an example cause he didn't get to snap her neck


I'm amazed no one got the Sherlock Holmes reference.

Batman goes to Monaco with Anne Hathaway

I really liked the ending to Geoff Johns' Green Lantern. Obviously Green Lantern is still going and probably most if not all of his ending was ignored, but I just stopped reading Green Lantern when his run ended anyway.

Drink some dish soap if you want PAD's ending for the Hulk where he mopes around forever without any peace

>Hal is not a hot dad yet
I'm disappointed

Batman's ending is Batman Beyond.

Batman accepts his parents' death and becomes a functioning member of society like everyone else.


The batfamily fight against all the villains and die heroically one by one. Villains die or get permanently defeated.
Joker is the last one and fight against a wounded Batman.
Batman, near death, reveals he actually knew the real identity of the Joker and exactly why he became crazy.
The final fight is in a scenary designed by Batman where the Joker has to confront his past and motives and the memories where he was just a man.
Furious, he defeats Batman. The Joker is screaming how he chose his own way and nothing is going to make him regret that, but Bruce in his last moments pulls a gun and shoots at point blank range in his face when the Joker is too surprised to react.
But it is a just water gun.
Bruce chuckles with a really happy smile and say some sort of joke, a really bad one. Then dies.
The Joker is shocked and then he finds out it is not just ordinary water but some sort of advanced chemical that regenerates the muscle of his face setting him free of his perpetual smile and weird color sking.
He breaks down and starts crying.
The city is free of monsters and big criminals but then some new villains come to fill their place. Meanwhile, a depresive Joker is about to commit suicide by jumping from a building when he sees a family about to get mugged. He fights with the muggers and save the family, the little kid manages to thanks him before his scared parents drag him away.
It is implied in the last page that he is going to dedicate his life to fight crime in order to get some redemption.
The end.


I feel like the best ending for Superman would be him being a real old man, living in an almost perfect world that no longer needs a Superman. He fakes the death of Clark Kent so that nobody gets suspicious about a mild-mannered journalist disappearing around the same time as the former protector of Earth, waits a few months, and then goes to find some other planet to protect, taking Lois, who is very old and sick and is probably going to die soon, with him so that he can make her final years good ones.


>I feel like the best ending for Superman would be him being a real old man, living in an almost perfect world that no longer needs a Superman.

Red Son, Kingdom Come, Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow.

This looks good as fuck.

Is it good as fucking?

>Spidey gets protege (Miles sure just someone who isn't blood)
>trains him
>Pete gets married to MJ
>Pete loses his powers
>has kids who are normal
>lives the rest of his days as a school teacher or someone who gives back to the community

Pete would have to lose his powers in order to live a normal life. He will fight crime until then or he dies.