No TMNT thread on the frontpage

>No TMNT thread on the frontpage

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What for?

mondo bummer, dude

Anybody got Mutants in Manhattan? Sup Forums's gone full on Platinum shitposting and I want impressions from someone that's not a kneejerky retard.

It's cool and fun but it's short as well and more an online experience. You can buy it if you like that kind of game but wait for a cheaper price.

I'm okay with waiting. I got Transformers Devastation for $25, and I had a blast. Transformers/TMNT when?[/spoilers]


>I want impressions from someone that's not a kneejerky retard.

Spoke too soon.


It's a shame the 2003 cartoon is so overlooked and underrated these days. It started off being a lot closer in tone and story to the original comic. Sure, it had to be toned down immensely for it to work as a kids cartoon, and wasn't anywhere near as good as what it was adapting, plus the spin-off seasons (Fast Forward, Back to the Sewer) were complete shit, but I still feel that overall this was the best animated version of the TMNT ever made, yet it hardly gets the recognition it deserves.

I would have liked to have seen what would have come from the proposed Kids WB pitch from 2001. Funny enough, I think it was going to have April and Casey be teenagers in high school... which is something that's being used today in the 2012 Nick TMNT series.

I really dig the designs for the turtles, though. It reminds me a little of the comics and action figures from the 80s.

the impression ive gotten is that its very repetitive as far as missions go, but the boss fights are stellar and the fighting is fun if you like it.
so good systems but repetitive fighting



did anyone else feel like the last episode of the current cartoon could have been a two parter?
i feel like it rushed a lot of stuff to get to the conclusion, like Leo disregarding Fugitoid and the extra cast running off with Fugitoid all of the sudden?
like it was a sloppy way to get rid of the extras and did really solve the problem of having them there. and there was no reason beyond SPACE ADVENTURES. like at least he could have been presented as needing alike a crew for his ship or something. and i would have liked to see some ruminating on Fugitoid lying beyod everyone freaking out about it.
it was a sour note to end an otherwise fun story arc on.


Good boss battles with good mechanics is all I wanted. But I'm bummed out theres no offline co-op

This. The shit with baxter stockman was disturbing.

its a mystery as to why thats not in there, it could have sold on that alone

>and wasn't anywhere near as good as what it was adapting

Says you.

Honestly, the IDW comic is far better than it has any legit right to me. Kind of reminds me of the golden age of licensed comics when Shooter was still in charge at Marvel