There's three jokers Batman...

There's three jokers Batman, but according to the calculations of the Gotham PD supercomputer you only have to rape one to stop all three.

Will you still not do what needs to be done?

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There's an entire Sup Forums board, but according to the calculations of the Gotham PD supercomputer you only shitpost on Sup Forums.

Will you still not just fuck off and stop clogging this board with horrible forced memes?

Lick Jim Gordon's ass.

That makes no sense. Will the rape of one joker strike fear into the other 2?

Forced or not, this meme has actually made me laugh


That's how it starts, sir. The fever, the rage, the feeling of powerlessness

Someone get this hothead out of here

How did you calculate that? who gave you the secret Gotham PD supercomputer codes!?!

I mostly hate memes that get spammed as much as this one but its genuinely made me laugh

shit taste in memes tbqh

But if he rapes the Joker, he'll be just like you, commissioner!

Holy shit this is gold


Okay seriously can someone explain where this dank mehm comes from

Stop calling it a supercomputer Gordon! thats just a bunch of PS3s taped together!

You really should've known better than to let Mr. Joseph Kerr work in your computer's.

>"Why doesn't Batman kill the Joker?"
>People started making threads in which BTAS Gordon tries tells Batman to kill the Joker
>People started mocking this idea that Batman should kill the Joker by asking why he doesn't just rape him
>Eventually devolved into TAS Bordon tells Batman to rape the Joker

The Jokerz are cowardly and superstitious lot

We need someone to fucking animate this shit, god damn.

Once that user finishes the 10-minute audio drama, someone could take footage from TAS that would fit and make a video of it.

I want him raped... and I want him raped by the book! By the book, you hear? We have to show him! We have to show him that the gay way works!

Mayor, Batman still won't rape the Joker. I need to form a task force to capture the Batman and have him rape the Joker!

Rabe da Joger fug :DDD

Commisioner, Mayor, i've been monitoring the situation and I think I have just the task force necessary.

Time to bring Task Force XI, though some know it as The Rape Squad.

Director Waller, with all due respect, only the Batman can rape the Joker. If it's anyone else then it won't work!

Does it have to be THE batman or just A Batman. Like i feel like Adam West would be down

Why doesn't Batman just tenderly make love to the Joker?