

Any new episodes shown across the pond?

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No major news that I know of, but Boomerang UK released two previews of the "Weredude" on their official youtube channel.


preview 1


preview 2


Are there any drawfriends in the thread tonight?

The Boomerang Instagram said they aired a brand new episode today. But I'm not seeing evidence of that anywhere

Maybe Weredude will air next

>Boomerang UK

Remind me again why the English folk are getting the new episodes first?

Because they hate us over in the US

I spend plenty of time on these threads.
Not feeling that confident on my doodles as of late though, so I mostly keep them to myself.


Hey, this thread is up again!

post more mina

You got it.


new ep when?

anyone have mega link?

Any art is welcome, drawfriend. Post if you wish.

I second . This thread is pretty dead right now.

I don't think any new ones have aired yet.

Did evil cat videos ever air?

Dear cute and quirky Mina, HOW I LOVE HER
(Vampire rabbit)

evil cat videos and weredude had already aired in Canada, but no one over there records the shows

Damn Canadians not participating in the fandom

Third preview of Weredude


So when are they gonna air Weredude in the Uk?




She's too young to go to prom


Up you go

For those that have been asking, the author of these refined pencil sketches are from veteran doujin artist and westaboo "Shinda Mane".

He's the most active on his twitter and tumblr.



supreme taste

Bumping ad lurking.

Post more Bunnicula


What the??

It's the undisputed truth.

I wonder if Chester on his "40 something year old balding loser" form will scare the shit out of Mina at some point during the episode, (He looks /co levels of shady), in fact, the episode seems to revolve around all his fantasies going horribly wrong, including, driving a car.



That's humanized Chester?

OOhhhh Yes!
Korean fetish artists will love it.

I can only fathom what a humanized Harold would look like.

Probably like this but more rapey

So we got Mina, Marsha, and what is the blonde one called?


Which one is more fuggable?

You tell me.

Marsha: Meek and sweet; would probably hold you tightly while watching any horror film.

Becky: Feisty and a little over-confident; would probably hold you down and give you a hickey. On your dickey.

Mina: Kind of a mix of both, with some absent-mindedness carelessness and thrown in; would probably fall asleep on you while watching horror films.

There's only so much Bunnic to post, though.

Yeah, pretty spot on user, makes it even harder to choose one though.

It seems to me that Marsha is the easiest, while Becky likes to play hard to get. Mina would probably belch in response to your advances.





>Chester makes real life cat noises

Now that's funny as hell.

Why no human Bunnicula??

started watching it
it's actually quite a comfy show
why'd CN give it such a shitty time slot?
do they actively just try to get shows not theirs cancelled?

According to co- developer Maxwell Atoms the show was commissioned to be a show for Boomerang. I guess they aired it on CN to get exposure but then they just up and stopped showing it altogether in the US

There's plenty of theories going around, some involving an ever increasing amount of bad blood between WB and CN.
I do like to believe it was originally transmitted on CN as some sort of preview to get people acquainted, but that doesn't explain why the show got removed altogether, while at the same time Bunnicula has been rolling on Canada, the Uk and LatinAmerica.



>bad blood between WB and CN.
thank god Adult Swim isn't CN, could you imagine if an amazing show like Mike Tyson Mysteries got buried like Bunnicula because of corporate bullshit?

But they are all owned by Time Warner and Turner anyway. There should be no issue

after DC Nation, we know there can be plenty of issues in-company

Yes and no, Warner Bros Animation and Cartoon Network Studios are both Subsidiaries which means that despite being owned by Time Warner they retain a certain degree of independence and are for all purposes separate legal entities, they are not wholly owned by Time Warner.

In short, Its a fucking mess, and both studios at times seem to be competing to become the "teachers pet".

Because there is only one I know of...
Have a Bunnicula Mina instead.

No boner! No!

but Boomerang is where shows go to die...
who's really watching the channel for new stuff? if CN really wants to make the their Diseny XD or Nicktoons they actually need more than 3 shows that didn't even do good on CN

I want to cum inside becky

different studios trying to share one channel, and CN doesn't like sharing (Boomerang doesn't count)
Disney doesn't deal with this shit because they have multiple established animation channels and their bigger animation studios do movies instead so they only need to worry about if their movies are to close together

maybe the reason we get so many Teen Titans reruns because DC go so pissed how DC nation was handled and demanded a strict contract of reruns?
though most action cartoons make their money back in DVD sales rather than commercials

She'd probably let you desu


user, please control yourself!!!!.

is there a mega for all the eps so far?

You're only human, user. Let the arousal flow through you.

They are up on Dailymotion

In the case of Bunnicula, Be Cool Scooby Doo and Wabbit, they were developed from the very beginning to be part of a project that aims to ad both new and exclusive programming to boomerang in an attemp to shake things a bit, wether this project will suceed or not is yet to be seen, but Iam hopeful.


Oh, and have a nice sunday Fampires, Kindred or just plain old Anons.

You have a good Sunday too, M. Night Famalan.

>tfw it's already monday
>i acomplished nothing this week end

Yay, we're trash
I at least have the excuse of being done with the spring college semester

>going for the easy one
>not trying to play the game with the harder to get, but sweeter girls

Is your favorite KoF character Mai?

Jesus it's still Sunday morning here
I look forward to Monday because I don't work

I don't like what you're implying here. Marsha is too pure for this kind of thing

Well, that's why you have to make her impure, then. You'll be exposing her to a whole new world where her anxiety disorders can melt away, and you'll have felt the glory of undoing the impossible knot. You'll be her port in the storm.


Poor marsha, That was uncalled for, she just wanted to play it safe and make a generic science project, probably get a C+ and move on, she took it upon herself to make it to Mina's house late into the night so quirkyass Mina didn't fuck the project beyond belief, and all she got for her trouble was a load of baking soda in the face.

If that wasn't bad enough it has come to my attention some of you have Marsha as the centerpiece of you mindbreak fetish.

For shame.

My favorite thing about these threads is that the images are of such a high quality.

All I'm saying is, if you could cure your waifu's personal problems with your dick, would you go for it?

Isn't it sort of obvious what a Bunny-Dracula's "humanized" version would be?

Dracula is shown to be his past owner already

Yeah but I still like to see his own personal design

How about this then?

Ewww get that bishie crap outta here. I mean Jessica Borutski's design. A good one that not all emo and weeaboo-ish

what is a bunny?
a miserable little pile of carrots

>shitting on my backdashing bro

He deserves it, but ouch.

I know, I just felt Bunnicula had a strong "Christopher Lee" vibe to his design. Not to imply he'd be a copy+paste of the in-universe Dracula, just that he'd be a vampire 'like' Hammer's Dracula if he was human.

Which is appropriate, since Lee had about as much dialogue (overall) throughout most of those movies as Bunnicula has had.

It could always be worse...