We will never know if Dark Danny ever got out of the thermos

>we will never know if Dark Danny ever got out of the thermos

Why, Hartman? Why?

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>there are probably thousands of fanfics on the internet right now dating all the way back to the mid 2000s about him fucking OG Danny in the boipucci

it's a bigger insult that we weren't subjected to his voice like sex and thick biceps.

anyone got lewds of Dark Danny?

danny phantom sucked

The premise had potential, but god damn the show was bad. I'm convinced the only reason people watched it was to see who danny would end up fucking.

With what I heard they had a bunch of plans for things, including Dark Danny, but they were told that the third season would be their last. Because of that they had to rush out a finale.

I stayed to see who Dash would fuck. Honestly I don't see why Danny didn't just body hop and live it up as top jock.

From what I remember Dani was going to join the family, Plasmius and that knight was gonna team, and there was gonna be a final fight between Dark Danny and Danny. Because of the cancellation they had to can anything they were building up and cut straight to the finale.

Hey everyone, Butch Hartman here. I can confirm that Dark Danny DID IN FACT get out of the thermos. Thanks for the question! This thread is no longer needed.

It had nothing to do with Hartman. Nick pretty much said "Yeah, dude. We gotta cancel your best show, you got one season left. You get Mark Hamill for one special. We'll see you on FOP, okay?"

>best show
>Danny Phantom
wow, that's terrible for Hartman

dark danny is sexy as fuck

it's weird that when Dark Danny switches back to human form, he's a teenager again with an unbuilt body.
I find it hot that a muscled hunk is inside a wimpy child

I liked the simple art style. When I first saw dark danny, I sketched him out and fapped to him later. I only wish I could draw half-way decent so I can draw realistic nudes.

>Forgetting Dark Danny fucked Mandy
Let me just bleeeeeeed on in here, Man.

Also, Vladimir was going to become King of the Ghosts.

What. First Billy's cousin now Dark Danny?

Is she the Underworld's cumbucket?

Well, it could've been Crash Nebula, but the pilot didn't do well ratings wise.

Well, I mean, when your husband has no dick and you want kids....also healthy female appetite and such.

He can't "switch back" he just transformed. He literally killed his human side.

Post evil Sam.

You'd think Grim would have boners to spare.

i never get that part when he do that is like a disguise because he dosen't a human side anymore i always thought he choose that form to wander freely


I guess it's been a while since I watched that. But it just strikes me as weird that two ghosts melded together. Makes no sense.

i always thought it was more like Danny ghost side absorbed Vlad ala Majin buu

I just thought that was a meaningless tease to hype up viewers.

Seriously, I don't really see the appeal of Dark Danny as a long-time foe. I'm more upset Vlad's plans with the Fright Knight and Axiom were scrapped and some of the more meaningful arcs were scrapped.

>I stayed to see who Dash would fuck
Either Danny or Kwan. Or both. At the same time.

>tfw you'll never see Danny wearing Dash's letterman jacket
>you'll never see Dash figuring out Danny's secret when he enters him

Dash was definitely gay.

It works when you realize what the Ghosts on the show REALLY are.

They are not the soul of dead people. They are memmories of dead people absorved by ectoplasm and given form. The Ghosts think and act like they were alive, without never really being and most doesn't even know.

This is why some ghost never were dead people to begin with, like the ectooctos.

Danny is a half ghost because he has literally a sentient ghost melded and fused with his DNA. This is why they can be separated on a lot of episodes and you can notice that the ghost takes segments of his personalitty every time that this happens.

Considering the options were Sam, Valerie, and the Latino chick, the surprise is that none were worthy of Danny cock

B-but all jocks like boy bands and romantic series

You might be in luck if a drawfag reads this, let's hope!

Fusion is just a cheap tactic to make weak ghosts stronger.

>Dan Phantom was going to be final boss
>Vlad was going to be Ghost King
>Dani would have been adopted
>Valerie might have gotten her revenge
>Jack and Vlad could have had a better resolution
>the mysterious Clockwork had a bigger role

Nope! Instead, season 3 was about Sam, Danny, and Tucker having quippy high school adventures.
Holy shit I can't even begin to describe how much I hate Phantom Planet.

The "retcon" was so much bullshit, who even gave the idea of being aliens

you'll never see Danny wearing Dash's letterman jacket
But we got to see Dash wearing Danny's shirt, does that count?

What episode was that in? The context?

Danny is worthy of Vlad's cock

>worthy of an old cuck
>not the young aryan jock
I guess if you're into daddy

>Dan Phantom was going to be final boss

This was never confirmed.

When did we go from wanting to fuck Maddie, Sam, Jazz, Dani and Valerie to wanting to fuck the guys and wanting them to fuck each other?
Please go on tho

I still feel like I saw Danny fuse with Dark Danny for a power up

must have been a dream.

I don't think that happened... but I didn't watch the entire show so, not sure.

Jocks and twink nerds are the hottest

Are the DVDrips only on private trackers? I know they exist but I've looked all over and I haven't been able to find them.

Ignore those faggots

I'd desire that ass

My favorite thing about that special was the ghostly wail


Goddamn I'm still mad I was never able to find any good porn of that.

His sister obviously.

>yfw the Ghost Zone portal accident just fucking killed Danny
>yfw he isn't a "half-ghost", he's fucking dead

>who danny would end up fucking

>watch the first season
>it's interesting
>watch the second season
>it picks up a lot, becomes preddy gud
>watch the first episode of the third season
>stop watching

Dammit Nick

>I find it hot that a muscled hunk is inside a wimpy child

Then you'll fucking love Shazam.

How fucked would everyone be if Dark Danny developed ice powers like young Danny did?

Man I miss when shows with continuity were exciting with lots of action like this, instead of dropping 95% of the action for 'character development' aka filler. Plus, they kept the action music strong and consistent, so you KNEW when it was time for action, instead of wasting the animation budget on getting a separate hipster chiptune for every goddamn episode

Take your pick, Sup Forums.

Gwen, if only to be near Danny and call him brother


Danny gets invited to Dash's party, but he has to raise money himself to buy some new threads. So he sells stuff...even the Fentonworks scrapjunk.

Monster of the Week: Technus

I'm kinda surprised I even remembered this episode...but not the exact name though.

Not that guy but why did Dash wear Danny's shirt?
Did they have sex and Danny gave him the shirt as a gift to always remember the moment?

IIRC Dash's whole gang decided in the last minute to dress up as the protag trio for some reason.

Danny didn't get the memo because (according to Dash) Dash didn't gave him any contact numbers yet.

Literally Ghost Spider-Man

It didn't changed anything.

Hell, I actually find more interesting.

>mfw they try to pretend that a teenager's first wish wouldn't have been to fuck the sexy genie

Why the girl looks like a girl version of Danny?

Now I want to see a clothesswap of Gwen and Jazz.

why was the jack program even made

>Fat Amber
>/fit/ Box Ghost
And people say the Dark Danny future is a "bad end"

That sounds like bullshit

>No Spectra or Desiree

guess I'm loosing my mind. different franchises are melting into one glob of confused arousal.