Shows with good morals

Shows with good morals

The Loud House

Also that one show that shall not be named counts. The colorful magical one. Even if you don't like it, you can't deny it doesn't have good morals.

Steven universe?


Star Vs.?

The fairly odd parents?

South Park?

Cubix robots for everyone?

Barney the Dinossaur?

Dragon tales?

Steven Universe?

Hey Arnold?

The answer is all of those.

Except Shrek

Shrek has a message of accepting who you really are and not hiding it. That's perfectly fine

I thought the moral was something about layers.

Not on Sup Forums's version
>Shrek is love, Shrek is life

i thought the moral was
>you are now thinking about donkey impregnating dragon

What do you mean layers? You mean like an onion?

That can't be right, onions have rings like a tree, not layers.

More like a parfait.

I could go for some onion rings. Are we going to something like a chili's?

Cakes! Cakes have layers


I still don't understand why people are so touchy about even typing it when it's technically on every frickin' page of this website

enjoy the vacation

Well you see ogres are like onions

They stink?

There's a fifteen minute ban for mentioning the colorful horses outside their board.

Surely just saying MLP is not enough? I've never seen anyone banned just for mentioning the acronym

What did he mean by this?

The Filmation cartoons. Bravestarr, He-Man, She-Ra. Started watching those again a couple years ago. The main characters have flaws, and the moral of the story is often more complex than just "be good".

And that's why we don't mention colorful equines outside their magical board.

Tex Hex back story is pretty tragic.

Also Woman authority figure to whom the lawman answers.

My little pony?

Goddamnit mods! If he said MLP and got deleted, then I did too! I dare you, you bastards!

Please read in between the lines before posting shit that'll get you a ban.
