Will they make a good couple?

will they make a good couple?

sure. but it'll never be canon. guarantee you that the only thing happening is that Dipper will be gay to please SJW faggots. exactly what happened with legend of korra

Dipper is an autist nerd with no social skills and no high society manners
Pacifica is a stuck bitch who also have no social skills and have very shallow interests
It's fun to ship it but it'll never work.

Gravity Fall is owned by Disney, not CN. They don't do that thing ... yet

Well it's over now so there's no point in speculation at this point.

There is still journal 3, which might have some data on the townsfolk, and could be more favorable to Pacifica than the Guide to Mysteries and Nonstop Fun was. Who knows, we might even get some more shorts someday.

This is the only true option

That doesn't answer my question

Sheltered/spoiled bitchy rich girls make surprisingly good girlfriends

yes. just watch The Mummy for proof.

Reminder that possibly the best episode of the series did not matter at all.

it mattered to me

Literally Zutara

There might be some good tension, but nothing long lasting.

zutarians is more autistic though

No. Dipper belongs to Mabel.

Theorically, yes

alex will never get over his blind hatred of the upper class so no

nah, she will ditch him again for another boys

That's actually Bipper though.

To answer the OP question, I think so, but the show is over. Maybe if they do comics, they will do something with that. I doubt too much though, they are still kids.

That's it I am now a #cruzmissile

They can't because it will interfere with Hirsch's incest fetish.

You misunderstand how Mabel's mind works. Yes she will date other boys, but whenever she suspects Dipper of being interested in a girl she will pounce and accuse him of "abandoning her" and thus force him to give it up to stay with her.

Mabel may ditch Dipper, but she will never let him ditch her.

>Yes she will date other boys, but whenever she suspects Dipper of being interested in a girl she will pounce and accuse him of "abandoning her" and thus force him to give it up to stay with her.

Why did she try to push him to get with Candy then?

Why can't Alex hide his homolust for trump?

Alex will pull a JK rolling in a few years and claim that Dipper was gay, screencap this.

Why do Americans need us to know their political opinions constantly?

Also, fuck off. Post it to Sup Forumsif you want to discuss Alex's politics.

Why do Britcucks need us to know their not Americans constantly?

Also, fuck off. Post it to Sup Forums if you want to discuss your nationality.

No, because the series is already ended and they never got together before that.

Your ship was sunk by god himself as punishment for your ambition and hubris.


Maybe for you you ass

god, i hate when people post tweets here to try to start shit.

But I'm from Argentina. I just want to understand why Americans want feel the need to show off their political beliefs, especially during their election year.

Porn of Trump fucking Alex when?

You forgot your "haha just for laughs"

He hates him so he must love him. OTP.

Then after someone makes it you send it to him, maybe then he'll realize who his one true love is.

Go to /y/ and post in the request thread and link results.

>"Trump is racist!"

Works both ways.

>implying Dipper isn't a slut for the paranormal

Why do Argentinians come to an american website and complain when they hear about American things?
>especially during their election year
Well that should be obvious.

Dipper should do what Squints did in The Sandlot.

Dipper doesn't have the balls to be a man like Squints dude.

Excuse me, just a friendly request. Next time you make a thread about this cartoon, can you put the name of the show somewhere in the OP or title, so I don't have to manually filter it?

Thanks in advance

Believe me, most of us hate it. It's a trend forced by the increasingly irrelevant major Media outlets in an attempt to generate content.

Social media makes everyone think that their opinion on everything is important and needs to be heard by everyone.

This, they're god-tier girlfriends as long as they aren't white

Alex won't comment on the matter till about 10 years from now when sibling incest is seen as fringe but not utterly taboo behavior then allude to him being in love with Mabel.

They would be an amazing couple if the creator actually wanted to expand on smol Paz's redemption.

I'd also be okay with the concept of the two being just content with being very close friends, mainly on the staff's behalf to avoid discriminating any other shippers who couple Dipper with someone else, be it Candy or Wendy.

I believe they did this, albeit, very subtly, with the farewell letter at the end of the series finale.

A man can dream, though.




That's why Emma Frost >>>>>>>Jean Grey

Well, after NWMM, is assumed they became friends or they are in friendly terms (it helps that both Dipper and Pacifica have similar personalities).

If the Gemulets game count for something, it insinuates Pacifica at least have some eye on Dipper.

Personally, I think Hirsh liked the idea, but the shippers annoyed him so much that he just didn't bothered to sink the ship on screen.

Nah if the Rowling thing is ever happening it's happening with Bill and Ford.

I like Pacifica

And her huge boobs

Any draw requests?

Pacifica punching Alex in the face.

With her massive mammeries?

That would certainly be impressive, piggy backing this request and asking if you can draw alexs teeth flying out of his mouth.

Pacifica trying to put on a dress that is clearly too small for her bulging chest.

Pacifica getting milked by Dipper

Shame there isn't more of this AU. It had so much potential.

Pacifica dressing like Wendy to get Dipper's attention, and straining the buttons on her shirt to near bursting with her massive chest.

No, Dipper's in love with Mabel.

Incest is wrong. Please delete your post.
t. Sup Forums Police, Badge #431

Hi page 10

>When you accidentally write your rich bitch into a compelling character