Would you take her out for a meatball sandwich?

Would you take her out for a meatball sandwich?

I've always wanted to play with her bare feet.

I'd give her my meatball sandwich, if you catch my meaning.


What kind of games?



Wtf is wrong with those hands

games with her feet and my tongue.

slutty feet

Damn, you guys waifu anything remotely cute or female.

Is that a pseudonym for vagina?
ImfuckingPLYING, sir.
We're not that picky.

Reminder that her spirit animal's a monkey.

She was good.

those implications are making me all sorts of hot and bothered, user.

>3 / 6 = 2

my god....

I dunno dude, Vixy says otherwise. She's literally just an animal with sexy eyes.

What implications?
Footsy with her being like a game of patty cake?

3 / 6 = 1/2

no, but rather how dexterous and agile her feet could be.

your mom + me = (you)


cute feet

I'd give her my meatball sandwich, if ya know what I mean.

god damn... GOD DAMN IT!


Fucking foot fags, fuck off!!


>mfw we will never have Galactic KND because Cartoon Network is run by monkeys

362 X 1 otp

Why doesn't Sup Forums just make their own? I mean I'm sure there are enough of us interested.

Do you know what copyright is, user?

Wasn't Numbuh 6 a skunk?

Can they really get us for fancomics?

I'd be into Sup Forums made fan-comics, writefriends write and the drawfriends draw. Sup Forums brings the world of KND back from the shelf and into our hearts once more... with more 'adult' themes.

Everyone takes numbers from someone. You think there's only ever been one numbuh 1?

The black haired guy is actually Numbuh 60.

I wish they were a thing

I wanted Lizzie to be a plant from Delightful Children From Down The Lane

Well she was a plant for the GKND

she's the one with the cute socked feet, right?

sure anything for best girl

I love women with authority, and she probably planted that seed.

Sure. But I'd rather snuggle with Kuki.


>not "I'd let her meat my balls"
git gud, scrub

God damn.

git gud, sub

So why does Nigel loves Lizzie anyway?

Is he a chubby chaser?

must have been, only logical explanation. best girl offers herself to him, and he just fucks off.

Her feet probably smell like corn chips! Yummy

>There are people here who would take 362 over 86


allways stick your dick in redheaded crazy



I want her cookie.


t. retard

Even 86 herself is a 362fag.

Classic Sup Forums

>Hated Numbuh 1's gf since her first appearance
>Only becomes more of a bitch as the series goes on
>Her fears of that ship being a thing plus their increasing interactions fill me with joy, actually want it to happen
>It never happens and Numbuh 1 goes to space for decades


I... kind of want this.

Is that why she confessed to Wally in canon?

She was a plant

Still, Nigel's horrible taste in women was his only character flaw. So I always felt that it was necessary.

She's literally a fucking ball with limbs.

she's a cock hungry slut that's why.

>>Her fears of that ship being a thing plus their increasing interactions fill me with joy, actually want it to happen
>that ship
i don't remember much about lizzy, was she afraid of 362 and 1 happening?
>want it to happen
again 362 and 1, or 362 and lizzy?

Someone's in a heat.

1 > 5 > 2 > 4 > 3


In the comics it reveals that once she's decommissioned she just wants to make out with every boy

Are the comics even canon, though? Aren't comics based on cartoon shows usually written by completely different people than the ones who write said shows?

How come no one's posting Numbuh 1's hot cousin?

What the do call that style of sex hair that 86 is wearing?


>spends half the series with fat gril who did nothing but make his life harder.
>she dumps him for stupid reasons
>qt blonde immediately wants it
>doesn't go for it
Never forgot nigel was a faggot.

Because there isn't much to post.

>both are strong leader types
>both never shy from danger
>both support their teams to the best of their abilities
>both are loyal to their team to the end
>both are cool headed under pressure
>both think of others before themselves


>Lizzy hitches with Numbuh 1

Just fucking kill me now.

They were oddly fuckable in that game.

I'd get straight As just to have her pounce on me.

Rate cosplay


>Shoes are fucking wrong

she reminded me of a crush of mine back when I was a young lad


Im more of a bitch guy, muhself


Would still fuck.

Was nigel a skinhead?

The Delightful Children from Down the Lane made him bald.


I mean, come on.

What? That it's one of those retarded fan theories in image form, or that the acronym is way too on the nose? Because that's par for the course for KND acronyms.

what did he see in her
he could have had best girl 362, or even numbah 5 if he wanted, but no, gotta stick with one of the worst characters on the show.


His dad was british

his dad numba zero or was

>number 5s dad is Cosby
Number 5 and her sister were sexually assaulted guys

Same VA but makes it sound so different.((minus the dad thing but that was funny))

I'm not the only one who sees this

You are wrong!
it doesn't need to look cute nor female


as a kid yes but now she done grown.

This is the OTP that I desperately want to happen beside padippica desu

>mfw it will never set sail