What are some shows where the status quo reigns supreme?

What are some shows where the status quo reigns supreme?

>got to take the pig back to the City
>Stans travel lĂ­ngua the world
>Soos is the new owner of the shack.


The Simpsons.
Or any other animated sitcom for that matter.

It'd be better to ask the reverse. Status QUo is the rule, not exception. Unless it's GF hate thread #357678

The most aggressively status quo show on air now is Adventure Time though

Adventure Time

Phineas and Ferb by design.

everytime, everytime I try to tell myself that GF is over.

everytime I see a GF thread I am reminded of the 12 inches of black disappointment the fucking Hacklet shoved up my ass.

i should invest in petroleum jelly.

Its funny how 8 and Sup Forums where the only places I saw that bitched about the ending, tumblr and deviantart seem satisfied with it.

it wasn't just the ending. the whole 2nd season felt like a waste of time.

What was so disappointing about it?

Dipper a cute

wasted potential.
season 2 Mabel was garbage.
season 2 Dipper was Mabel's bitch.
Ford characterization was rushed.
wasted a couple of episodes on AT tier lolrandumb garbage
Bill Cipher was a fucking weak villain
Stale end of the world scenario we've seen every fucking time.

I want to inside mabill

Alex a cuck

It doesn't count if it happened at the end.

Mabel a shit

>Want to rewatch Gravity Falls
>Remember Alex is a hack
>Don't rewatch it

Steven Universe

>The whole Cluster saga
>Peridot and Lapis are in a barn and will only show up occasionally
>Homeworld going after Peridot resolved in one episode

They'll keep coming back and that's hardly status quo, Peridot not being an enemy anymore definitely changed the things.

Season 2 Dipper was Ford's bitch.

The only well written character in Season 2 through and through was Soos. Not sure why people focus on Mabel's actions.

Tumblr and deviantart only care about shipping, not quality.

Because she was a fucking main character and she shared half of the screentime with Dipper and we had to suffer through her bullshit. There's a reason pinecest was so popular the first season, Mabel was super likeable and fun to watch. Season 2 we fell from a great height.

No, they only care about shipping Bill x Dipper with a side of Pacifica x Mabel.

What was so bad about the show? I watched the whole thing and I thoughtit was good

>show didn't rip off my fanfiction
>its shit and the creator is a hack

Fuck off Alex

Come up with an actual argument as to why GF is shit then.

It's not a Gravity Falls thread. It's a name as many shows that adhere to the status quo thread.

Ripping off fanfiction or not, Weirdmageddon in particular was one of the most disturbing insight into creator's tortured soul and warped morality I experienced.

Never start thread with picture more interesting then the topic.

How so? Was it the dream bubble part that got to you? I'm still surprised that neither Soos or Wendy brought up how fucked it was to replace your brother with a 90's RADICAL version of him.

Not dream bubble itself, but resolution hinging on Dipper abandoning being his own man and doing what Mabel wants once again, so she wouldn't have to face reality she doesn't like.

Pic not related?
There was a pretty strong sense of continuity through GF. Just because it wasn't shaken up drastically every episode doesn't mean it always returned to the same old shit.

at first I didn't get but when it fully hit me what it meant. if I was Dipper my soul would get crushed. holy fuck Mabel I don't personally hate you but that is your brother and he's done everything you've ever ask how the hell could you do that to him?

>Its okay when Mabel does something wrong because shes a spheshul snowflake and because morality is bullshit
>Fuck Dipper for getting all those girls email, hell fuck him for wanting to be independant from his twin.

Not that guy but the fact that Mabel almost destroyed the universe and it was never once mentioned is kind of fucked up. I don't think it's het fault, either, but never coming up?

And yeah replacing her brother and leaving her friends and family outside the bubble to die is kind of fucked.

Bibi Blocksberg

Well it's certainly good to see that more and more Sup Forumsmrades realize it was shit, millennial scum excluded.

They rooted more for Mabel
We rooted for Dipper more
The fact Mable got away with everything was a bonus

fuck Dipper. And Fuck Gravity Falls, its not fun or funny.

Honestly, weirdmageddon 2 was so poorly done.
I still stand by the interpretation that Mabel was hypnotized or otherwise externally influenced in that episode, because its the only way that it fits her character outside of absurd flanderization, but it was just so poorly conveyed. 2 stray lines of disconnected dialogue between Mabel being taken advantage of and Mabel being absolutely heartless.

She wasn't hypnotized. She was seduced by escapism and broke free by realizing this fake new reality is not as appealing as she thought. Which would be great if she did it before Dipper renounced having ambitions outside being her satellite.

i dont think this episode was as bad as most people (mainly butthurt Padipshits) made it out to be, but its a prime example of what OP means. just another status quo moment that ultimately had no effect on the series whatsoever, hell it even reneged on some earlier character development.

hirsch was a coward who did not ever want to make any big chances to gravity falls save for the one that was planned since day one, ford's introduction, which he shot his load on and ultimately fucked up, and the rest of the series he just went through the motions wasting time and spending all his money on giving his liberal """"""comedian"""""" buddies shitty unfunny cameos.

Hate's a strong word. I found the ending more disappointing than rage inducing

Are you really gonna act like GF is an example when shows like the Simpsons, Family Guy, King of the Hill, etc. exist?

Seriously? the only part I can think is the least bit scary was when Mr. Northwest's orifices were changed around. And even that was too cartoonish to be disturbing

Looking back its funny how everyone thought that GF would lead to a new era of cartoons with amazing storytelling.

I didn't talk about scary imagery. I was talking about scary views Hirsch exhibited in this episode. What he considers a proper happy ending, what he consider virtue and vice.

This is the tormented mind I referred to.

So is this what Alex actually thinks of his sister? Did art imitate life?

You'd think we've learned the lesson by now.

Is there any evidence to support that he bends over backwards/gave up his dreams for his sister all the time IRL like Dipper does?

If we got a 3rd season we might of seen a John Oliver cameo. Think of all the memes Sup Forums could of produced with that.

and then the same people thought that it would have the darkest endings in cartoon history when it was literally the good ending of perona 4.

John Oliver did have a cameo though.


I don't know about tumblr. A lot of people there do like Mabel but I still feel like the "fandom" stuff is all about Dipper and they over-identify with Dipper a lot of the time. The only difference is they want him to fuck Bill instead of Pacifica, sjws who think all Gravity Falls shipping is literal child rape aside.

I have seen a fair bit of nastiness towards Mabel on tumblr on Dipper's behalt, too. Obviously not everyone by a long shot but it was there.

I feel like BOTH tumblr and Sup Forums project an awful lot onto Dipper, of their own thoughts and issues...I supose that's what that character was designed for...but it gets ridiculous sometimes.

We all agree that RA was shit user, I don't know with whom you are arguing.

Mabel should have broken free of her own accord.

This was actually my single biggest problem and complaint with the entire series.

Her saving herself as well and the others would have shown real growth and concluded her character arc in a really satisfying way.

Having Dipper do everything again was a huge mistake, really dropping the ball, she should have been the hero, making a real self sacrifice and saving the day.

Mabel's character was done a huge disservice by the writing later on. By refusing to aknowledge her flaws, the writers mishandled her complexity and growth. Confronting and dealing with those would have led to a better character and series. Compare and contrast with Pacifica, whose flaws were always aknowledged, and her character development.

Mabel's potential should have been realized but it was wasted instead.

Among normies, Mabel is far and away the breakout character, the most popular by far and the only character many casual viewers ever cared about or remember, and look how they treated her.

>proud to be pleb

I think its because hes smart, antisocial, and the main main character. Tumblr girls want to fuck Bill while Sup Forums guys want to fuck either wendy or pacifica. At least thats what it looks like to me.

most of them? even King of the Hill, a fairly realistic slice of life, wasn't allowed to age Bobby. cartoons are still cursed by execs who require cartoons to be rerun in random order forever.

it's heartbreaking. they work so hard to shove what could and should happen into your face, just to take it away. they'll even maintain changes for longer than other shows will -- long enough to convince you they're not going to take it away. and then they do! truly, awe-inspiring.

You are putting too much think on this nigga. On interviews he seems like a great dude to work with, and he also shit on SJWs on Twitter along with his faggot twitts against Trump.

fuck off to japan or south korea


>I feel like BOTH tumblr and Sup Forums project an awful lot onto Dipper, of their own thoughts and issues

Basically this.

This is a bait thread, user

Any Gravity Falls fanfics that deal with those things?

How about cartoons that actually do shake up the status quo, like anime do?

Well, there's the two Avatar series (The Last Airbender/Legend of Aang and The Legend of Korra). That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

all I ever see is new girlfriends and/or babies. not that these changes shouldn't be significant but they never are.