Literally every tv show this season has been a disappointment or outright bad...

Literally every tv show this season has been a disappointment or outright bad. Even Flash and Daredevil had a ton of problems.

What the FUCK happened?

Lazy writers thinking established fanbases will take whatever they are given.

iZombie remains good. I have dropped the others.


The show I was pissed off the most about was AoS.

Great - ANOTHER season focusing on HYDRA. AND the Inhumans. Holy fuck, just stop.

I actually like this season of agents of shield, except for daisy, and legends, except for the hawks. Flash was a disappointment and arrow, AHHAHAHAHA

But Gotham heavily improved.
I mean, the finale wasn't as good as some of the other episodes, but overall it was hundreds of times better then season 1.

I don't even mind Fish coming back, it could be fun. They've had over a year to think about it.

I, Zombie and Gotham were both great.

Gotham's flying low on people's radar, but it's still doing fine.

Someone didn't watch iZombie.


What? AoS and Gotham were both great this season. It's really only the CW shows that were shit.

>having consistent villains is bad

secret writers' strike

Not when it's treading boring storylines. It's like they didn't even try.

I would try to argue but last time I did I was banned because apparently dissing Daredevil is a bannable offense

As it should be

Were you talking about Daredevil on neogaf?

Cause everyone agrees the blacksmith storyline was dogshit.

iZombie was great.

Agents of SHIELD was pretty good.

I still think Gotham is crap, but even I can see that S2 was better then S1, if only for BD Wong and James Frain chainsawing through the scenery. Whenever either of them were on-screen, it was almost a good TV show.

Daredevil S2 had serious issues in the third act, but the first 2/3rds were pretty damn good at least.

>I still think Gotham is crap
Could you explain why? A lot of people around these parts hold it up as the best thing ever, and you're a reasonable guy, so I'm sure you have some very good criticisms.

You might as well kill yourself

iZombie was brilliant.

Gotham was p. good too.

Daredevil wasn't as good as S1, but I wouldn't say it was a disappointment. I think people are just buttmad because they wanted it to be the Punisher Show,

I feel like your post is setting me up for a trap.

But my big issue is the show wants to be Adam West super-camp and a serious, gritty crime show at the same time,l so neither side ends up working. It's too dumb to work as pulp and too self-serious to work as campy fun(Galavan and Hugo Strange excepted). None of the emotional beats land at all.

Also it has a serious issue with character writing. If a character has to be competent one episode, he's suddenly a genius, and of the next arc needs him to be a moron or a joke he's suddenly that. Penguin gets hit with this the hardest, sometimes he's a terrifying crime lord and then he'll be a weak-willed coward the very next episode with very little context.

And Ben MacKenzie is a terrible Gordon.

There are good things about the show. It can be gorgeous at times, Donal Logue is a god-tier Bullock even if he barely mattered in S2, the kid playing Bruce is good, the Galavan arc actually had some decent heat behind it even if the show shit it away with the finale of that storyline, BD Wong is having the time of his life as Hugo Strange and it's so much fun that you can't help but get invested in the story. But the bad is indefensibly bad.

>I feel like your post is setting me up for a trap.
Not at all, I just kinda respect your opinions, even if I don't agree with them 24/7.
And I do agree with you about Gotham.

Season 1 of "The Flash" and "Daredevil" were just so great they became a tough act to follow. Season 2's villains for both weren't quite so compelling, and they both struggled with their own behind the scenes issues: "The Flash" had Shantel Vansanten's departure and the legwork to set up "Legends of Tomorrow", which incidentally also took away half its supporting cast, while "Daredevil" had the original showrunner's departure and the fact it was notoriously rushed into production.

"Arrow" showrunners have a misguided perception of what their audience wants and are unwilling to compromise that vision.

"Legends of Tomorrow" had solid character interactions, but the core plot is simply too thin to carry a 16 episodes season, so most of their run felt like treading water. Also suffered from scattershot writing.

"Agents of SHIELD" is always a slow burn, and the knock-off X-Men Inhumans are simply not compelling.

"Gotham" abandoned all pretense of logic and embraced campy nonsense. Some people dig it, some people don't. Also, it's juggingly way too many storylines.

"Agent Carter" was never particularly good.

I don't watch "iZombie" and "The Walking Dead".

>Agent Carter

I knew I was forgetting something! That was pretty good too, even if it was a little bloated in the middle.

Let's be honest here, Earth-2 completely ruined Flash, not LoT & SV leaving.

The Zoom mystery storyline screwed over Flash. I felt so bad for Teddy Sears, dude barely even got to play a villain because they had to pretend we would give a shit about Zoom's identity for 3/4ths of the season.

The Walking Dead has always gone up and down in quality.

user, Teddy Sears was one of the problems. He couldn't act worth a damn as either Jay or Zoom.

Horrible casting, especially in comparison to Cavanaugh.

Guy was one of the leads on Masters of Sex, he's a decent actor. Do you really think anyone could have saved that material?

>that webm

jesus christ

The Earth-2 two-parter were some of this season's finest episodes.

The Flash season one was always teetering on the brink of going fully retarded. Characters had terrible dialogue, the tone was inconsistent between being campy cartoon and soap opera, Barry would forget that he has speed powers when fighting someone, Iris got more attention... The only thing season one really had going for it was a solid main villain plot.

The second season just leaned a little too far into retarded territory and it fell in. It would have been better if the writers read their scripts, instead of just improvising it and calling it a day. There were so many contradictions or just crap that doesn't make sense. If only someone would just proofread the scripts before sending it off to shoot.

GoT is better than last season and hasn't included the sand snakes since like episode 2 so all is well, enjoy your inferior capeshit lmao

TV is shit. Just ask Sup Forums.

>The Flash season one was always teetering on the brink of going fully retarded. Characters had terrible dialogue, the tone was inconsistent between being campy cartoon and soap opera, Barry would forget that he has speed powers when fighting someone, Iris got more attention... The only thing season one really had going for it was a solid main villain plot.

This Prophet speaks the truth

>iZombie continues being GOAT

Bow down to the queen, bitches.

The extended episode order dragged the pacing slightly.

It comes in at #2 after Gotham

>It comes in at #2 after Gotham

get this filth out of my sight

It does.
iZombie S1 was a lean and mean 13 episodes.
S2 could have cut a few to keep the pace up.

Gotham was on the money all the way though, even if some villains fizzled out

>Gotham was on the money all the way though


And the best episode this season, by far, was a Kevin Smith episode where all Barry does is talk to the speedforce.

Earth-2 is cause of almost all of this seasons issues.

>lets get away with rehashing the evil mentor storyline because parallel universes let us repeat things
>lets set up a mystery about Zoom thats obvious
>lets set up another mystery thats clearly going to be the real jay garrick
>lets make every villain from earth-2 one of Barry's friends
>lets use this to bring back Cavanaugh but as a character that is horribly uninteresting and to differentiate things, we'll have him speak in angry whispers

Earth-2 was a mistake.

That's just your (poor) opinion, bro.

>If only someone would just proofread the scripts before sending it off to shoot.
there were a couple of episodes where the superscience gizmo of the episode has two names because they changed its name during the writing proces and noone got back to the scenes they wrote previously to fix it