Character is called a redhead

>Character is called a redhead
>Has orange colored hair

Happens all the time in Anime.

red hair looks more orange

That's because actual redheads don't actually have red hair.

>Character called blonde
>hair is yellow

People with orange hair have always been called redheads because for a long time English didn't have a name for the color orange. Plus natural redheads have orangish hair.

The color orange used to not have a name, often called red or yellow-red.

I once dated a redhead.


Your average natural redhead does not tend to look like pic related, OP.

What an asshole.

No they got the bug eyes. It's eerily beautiful.

So what color is Professor X's hover-chair?

>Character is black
>Skin is just some kind of brown

what do you mean

Red hot head?

Fuck you Lawler.

Kirsten from Captain Flamingo.

The concept of orange being thought of as a separate color from red is comparatively recent, first recorded in 1512. Before, orange was just another shade of red, and people with orange hair were called redheads. Even when orange was invented, the term redhead stuck around.

Which one?

>Dyed hair

It's also just a really terrible dye job.

These names are making me really hungry

>brown/red/black-haired male character must disguise himself as a woman
>put on a blonde wig
every single time

god damn you lawler




>Search "Redheads" on porn site
>99% of it is dyed red hair like or light brown hair

You know I used to like chicks with dyed hair until this SJW fad happened.


>implying you wouldn't fill his boypussy

>light brown hair
Do you mean actual light brown or auburn?

What's the fucking difference? All hair colours are variations on brown hair.

>google aposematism
>that picture is the first result

That lizard is a strawberry blonde! Strawberry!

It's a great difference if you're not color blind