Is there anything cuter than black and yellow?

Is there anything cuter than black and yellow?

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why do they both look so uncomfortable?

what did he mean by this?

Yeah, red and blue.

She's kissing a black and he thought he would be getting Daisy whats her name instead of a chubby gook

because you suffer from high functioning autism

looks more like anguish

In the context of the scene it was unexpected from her to do it

>tfw this scene was literally RAPE
Fucking Rose just got into his face and BAM!

Being actor is really tough.

extremely hatworthy

Fuck off finland. Daisy is beautiful.

Ancap baby

Very cute little cenobite

this is considered 10/10 in Britain

Perfect mix imo.
Where my waifu gone?

no thats 9/10. This is a 10/10 in Britain.


that's a T H I C C thot


Trolls need to gtfo.
She's at least an 8 imo
More hotter in TFA tho

star wars and planet of the apes spin off ?



poor Mark :(


feel bad for mark
that thing where he's sucking from a cow's tit and you can tell he feels like a right melon

They did him dirty.
Honestly I think the director for Rouge One should have done this movie.
He seemed to be more of sw fan in the behind the scenes clips.

yea R1 actually was good for the most part and really awesome in the last third

Almost their whole arc was stupid. The only good part was the revelation that the rich were selling weapons to both sides. Muh animals. Muh forced labor. Muh "I saved you" (and basically killed Luke as a result)

Her sister was a much better character

Yeah, and it could've been great one if disney didn't fucked it up as well. Poor Gareth

Her teeth are huge wtf haha

the photoshop of chloe grace moretz is getting weirder and weirder, isn't it?

what do you mean with "fucked it up"?

>yea R1 actually was good for the most part and really awesome in the last third
True that.
TFA was shit but watchable
TLJ was utter shit. I'd rather see a whole movie about Jar Jar Binks than TLJ

Episode 1?

Episode 1 is less shit than The last Jedi

>the disgust on their faces

Nobody likes non-white people, not even the own non-whites

Hmmm what's your rank on them all?
1. Revenge of The Sith
2. Empire Strikes Back
3. Return of The Jedi
4. A New Hope
5. The Force Awakens
6. Rouge One
7. Phantom Menace
8. Attack of The Clones


>RotS > OT
oh shit nigga what are you doing

>tfw you will probably never kiss an asian girl (unless its some thai hooker who gives you mouth herpes)
whats the most painful way to end it all, i want to feel something before i leave

Production was a mess (as always). By early trailers you can see completely different film, than disney suits saw Gareth's cut and decided to reshoot almost half of the film and hired Tony Gilroy to rewrite the film

It was great movie.
It was executed perfectly and is in my top two.

Probably some kind of poisoning like drinking a n entire bottle of Tylenol migraine at once

2.The empire strikes back
3.New hope
4.Return of the Jedi
5.Clone wars
6.The force awakens
7.Revenge of the sith
8.The last Jedi
9.Phantom Menace

>5.Clone wars
Oh shit nigga what are you doing
How could you even watch this garbage

I really don't much about anything past 4 on that list

well I'm certainly glad they didn't include the "I rebel" scene from the trailer
and they also did reshoots because the originally planned happy end just didn't work out and they actually got the freedom to let the main characters die, they wouldn't have gotten away with this in the current Trilogy and played it more safe

Return of The Jedi was unique
you have to admit that.
Rogue one is top 5 but number one? hmmm

>the first 3 movies aren't top 3

Well, they just killed them off so there won't be any questions like "WHAI DIS CHARACTERS NOT PRESENT IN OZER MOOVIS???"
And hugging scene at the was definitely forced. Also i would rather have an actual land battle, they showed some glimps in the trailer, instead of just a space battle
I wish they released director's cut on blu-ray so we could actually see what original film was, but diesney would never do that ;_;

What do people in Kyrgyzstan think of Jews? I recently found out my friend from Uzbekistan was VERY anti-Semitic.

>the only thing he could ask a person from Kyrgyzstan in SW thread is his opinion about Jews
What's wrong with you?

>What's wrong with you?
I want to know. Its not every day I get the opportunity to ask someone from Kyrgyzstan such a question

Jee i don't know. We don't have huge jewish diaspora to have a real opinion on them i guess. I might be wrong, but it's not like i go and ask everybody what do they think of jews. Personally i couldn't care less about them.

It was unique, but I didn't like it.

Rogue one was a more accurate reflection of the reality of war than the original movies (Especially Cassian gunning down a fellow rebel to prevent him from leaking information in the start of the movie) ie the rebels aren't unrealistically good. It also lacked the shit awful humor of the post-original trilogy movies, as well as their immensely cringey angst.

This is why Rogue One is my favorite.

>rebels win in the original trilogy
>somehow the empire is in power again because they need to make the rebels into sjw propaganda and they must be the victims

>RotJ was suppose to take place on Kashyyyk
>it was scrapped and wookies were replaced by primitive teddy bears

>>it was scrapped and wookies were replaced by primitive teddy bears
george lucas loves stupid shit

Did you purchase your porg merchandise yet?

I liked the ewoks. I want a toy ewok to put on my bed

