Who is the best?

Who is the best?

show or protagonist?

Dipper is the best

I really fucking love Finn, but the show seems to constantly undermine every fucking thing he does and put him down solely on the grounds of being a teen.

The one that's not tumblr
So none of them

I want to rape all of them except gumball

What is tumblr about Lincoln?

How are fictional characters a website

By most fuckable:
1. Dipper
2. Marco
3. Lincoln
4. Gumball
5. Finn
6. Steven

The one who's not autistic

but they're all autistic

Dipper is best girl!

Pacifist. Also has a lot of feminine qualities due to living with that many sisters.

It'll be more obvious during the episode where he tries to get out of football by making Lynn play instead.

And also the upcoming episode when Clyde takes him out camping so he can learn how to be manly.


He fight monsters with kung-fu and hasn't pissed himself once

Marco is pretty underrated in fuckability. Too many lewds of inferior trap-Marco and not enough of the original.

Shit taste senpai

I only seen like three of these shows. The bottom three I really don't know well.

Stevens fat but you'd stay with him for his personality, Marco is prime husband material and Lincoln is only good for sex.

Clarence obviously

How do you think Finn would react to fighting something like Yellow Diamond or Bill Cipher?

Dipper > Gumball > Lincoln > Marco > Finn > Clarence > Steven


Marco's the only one with a bit of attractiveness desu.

I see that the fujoshis are online tonight.

They all know at least something about friendship, but only Marco knows anything about karate.

Finn has ice ninja powers and a badass plant thorn

I don't know, all have simplified faces and bodies.


3 char from CN
2 char from Disney
1 char from Nick

1 char is Orange
2 char are Blue
3 char are Red

Marco knows karate and isn't a faggot. Finn is an awesome fighter but a huge fag, Dipper is okay. The rest are total raging faggots.

actually take that back because Dipper pines (pun not intended) for Wendy which makes him a beta orbiter and thus a faggot

All of them except for the fat jew

1 is Blond hair
1 is Blue hair
3 is Brown hair
1 is White hair

-Dipper is best bumbling idiot.
-Steven is best "most potential" hero
-Marco is best boyfriend and has greatest couple with Star.

>awesome fighter
Not as of like season 6

that's some nice edge you've got going there, user.



Norman is best

>is handsome/nice hair
>saved the cheerleader saved the world
>can see ghosts
>likes zombies



My ranking would be
1. Dipper
2. Lincoln
3. Gumball
5. Finn
6. Steven.

Marco >= Finn > Dipper >= Lincoln > Steven > Gumball
Too many people focus on "Princess Marco", but he's an all-round qt, easily top tier with that beauty mark, fitness and skin, and cute when flustered
Finn does have certain qualities that make him a good contender, and he's a hero and generally a cool guy. On an unrelated note, I'm pretty sure he's legal, too.
Dipper could look enough like his sister, and is alright on his own. There's something about him that makes you want to take advantage of him.Overall, he's pretty boring, though.
Lincoln goes around in his underwear, so that gets him points.
That just leaves Gumball and Steven. Steven's a nice, but not into his build, and while Gumball does have those "hips" they are over exaggerated in fan art.
I mean, I'm not gay, but Marco's clearly the best, no contest.

No Morty? That's bullshit.

>Jewish stereotypes are now edgy

Gee, I wonder who's behind this post?

What is it about western shota characters that makes me want to rape them?

>Not being top tier
Marco is pretty good too tho

Ball sequel when?



>solely on the grounds of being a male
The girlpowerfication is complete.

Give it time, soon people will want him as much as they want Dipper or Marco.

Mine is:
1. Gumball
2. Dipper
3. Marco
4. Lincoln
5/6 Finn and Steven tie for last
I guess we can all agree that Steven and Finn are not sexy

Lincoln is at a disadvantage being in an episodic cartoon.

Steven is sexy. And will grow up to be even sexier.

Finn would be better if it werent for all his romance bullshit. He'd be way better off with a nice prince he can be secure with.

Lincoln himself is pretty good, it's just the show and fanbase that drags him down.

You mean princess, no?

Steven is not for sexual.

But yeah, give it a couple years. I really hope they'll use that "I grow up when I feel older" mechanic to age him up, not keep him a babby.

No. Prince.

for christ sake end the torture

I'm loving the loud house and I am sure I qualify as part of the weird fanbase but I get what you mean. Some of the shit going on is pretty wild on /trash/. But it's the first real cartoon I have been watching lately.

Know all of them besides that Lincoln kid, I'd say Steven/finn are the purest and kindest, Dipper is the smartest, Marco is the most chill and Gumball is a cunt.

Gumball is my favourite.

>it's just the show that drags him down.



No, that's his whole problem. It's time to make a change.

He'll always go for the conehole. Accept it.

Not for long he wont.

None, they are all fucking losers that I don't want to associate with.

Honestly he deserves a prince as at least an awesome bromance, it's like the only close male friend he has is Jake and the only other ways he ever branches out are with fan pandering Mary Sue waifus.

He's not wrong. It's cute but nothing special.

He's the only good one

That doesnt invalidate the post.

Yeah, that would benefit him a lot. Someone more human and closer to his age and all that. A prince would make for a great new bromance and subtle love interest for him.

Bring a whole new perspective and situation to him we dont get to see a lot.

apparently having friends at all is a monumental achievement in that show

Same can be said for all of them tbph

Dont associate jibanyan with such horrendous tastes.

Finn has as much attraction for pussy as the Lich has a boner for the destruction of everything that exists.

>Honestly he deserves a prince as at least an awesome bromance
Finn deserves shit since he's not that high on the "feelz suffering" chart. It goes:

Marceline >>>>>>>>> Bubblegum > Ice King > Flame Princess >>>> All Secondary Characters > Jake >>>>>>>>>>> All Background Characters > Dogshit >>>>> Finn

He gets nothing after fucking up with FP and creeping on PB turning her lesbo. Writers agree that the blond Aryan shit needs to suffer for his past sins against Oookind.

This thread wasn't as gay as I thought it was going to be.

Doesnt matter, give him the Prince.

People always come along to mess it up with dumb secondary topics.

>Finn has as much attraction for pussy as the Lich has a boner for the destruction of everything
that's fine, it's not his fault. but the show hates him, so a boy will have to do. with the writers' constant gay-b8ing that's gonna be the way to get him at least some kind of satisfaction.

>Who is the best?


That image just gave me the idea for a cute Mage bro going on adventures with Finn while Jake does jake stuff at home. A Mage prince? Or just another adventurer around his age?

It'll never happen though, it seems like the show gave into the thirst for girlpower and now that's all people watch it for anymore.

best at being best boy

you dumbfuck

It takes a while for people to see it's that kind of thread

>Doesnt matter, give him the Prince.
He won't get anyone. Not with Jake around and certainly not with him getting bodied so much lately.

Finn is like the best and worst at the same time since he's had the best character development out of any of them but simultaneously has had his development fucked up several times in the show and the show doesn't portray him as being as awesome as he probably should be.

But even with that I'd go for Finn with Dipper being second.

Fucking hack writers, make every other character immortal so they automatically get more sympathy than the main character. He's the one getting screwed over every which way right in front of our eyes.

You are evil.

Lincoln and Marco

The rest of them can die in a fire.

what was the best and what was the worst?



Cancer Kid

I'm happy it isn't. I'd be okay if it was, but sometimes it's nice to appreciate these characters with civil discussion and analysis of them without it all boiling down to "which child has the cutest design and would be the best rape bait for our creepy pedophile fantasies"


In all truthfulness he will end up with Flamey P again. Because they love terrible ideas.

>Best boy
Wow, what a novel idea for a discussion.
Make sure to tell me how it goes at recess, or when your balls finally drop.

I like the idea of him being with a prince who is more noble and refined, but still physically combat oriented, but magic would work nice too as a compliment to his style.

It sucks but yeah they only seem interested in making certain fan canons actually canon. Still a change i'd like.

He's made some dumb decisions that he really shouldn't have (Frost and Fire, Too Old, and Red Throne were all him being a bigger fucking idiot asshole than he probably would have been in terms of his true character) and other times some of the best potential plotlines for him got fucked up by the show (his arm and his dad).

But at the same time he's made a lot of growth over the years. Got smarter and wiser without losing any of his capacity for kindness and desire to do good. He had a period where he seemed to be falling out of his old heroic graces but was able to climb back from it and emerge stronger and better off. Season 7 really does seem to be about Finn finally getting good compensation for all the shit the show had him wade through when he was at his worst.

Finn's pretty good but I think he could have been way better. Guess that's a problem when there's like 30 writers throwing him this way and that.

Clearly "Who is the best" was centered at the "who" rather than them being best "at" something. You're the idiot here who can't use basic context clues and reading comprehension.