Going to bed at fucking 4am, wishing I could meet some of you guys

Going to bed at fucking 4am, wishing I could meet some of you guys.

Sup Forums is honestly the only diverse board with genuinely interesting/funny people. I am, without joke, willing to bet that Sup Forums has the highest IQ of any board. (Just look at the level of banter)

Next life time maybe. Night all.

goodnight dear bro

non-BLACKS should be permanently banned from Sup Forums

Bonne nuit Bruce Windu

>willing to bet that Sup Forums has the highest IQ of any board. (Just look at the level of banter)

You're a moron if you think any of the banter here is either witty or sharp. Fuck off bruce

Sup Forums banter hasn't been good since 2014


thanks bruce, the average IQ just went up by 5 point.

Made me laugh.

have a sex dream and tell us about it

>german doesn't understand humor
imagine my shock

Its either r9k or /sci/, or maybe even Sup Forums

>imagine my shock
it is fat, ugly and retarded

go eat kaka you big nincompoop robot


t. sputnik

Mace Windu? More like Mace Dindu

America? More like Race Bingo

Sudan? More like "My slice of heaven in Khartoum where I will spend my days in a trance of zikr along with the Sufis and dedicate my life to Allah"




how is it living in a shithole filled with deadly animals?

Malaysia? Truly Asia

>Going to bed at fucking 4am
It's 6am, I haven't slept yet m8. Enjoying my week off.

/lit/ has the highest iq out of any board tbqh

>people who actually read shit before discussions are smarter
You lie

Pretty nice. The Somalis are mostly nocturnal.