Doctor Manhattan is the only superhuman in our world

>Doctor Manhattan is the only superhuman in our world
>we swear, guys, all the other heroes are just normal people with no special powers
>guys, we promise, magic and superpowers don't exist, this is the real world
>oh except for all the psychics used to create the squid lmao


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Ok, lemme give it a shot

you're either a low-effort shitposter or you're drawing incorrect conclusions with no textual basis.

that was easy.

Psykers=/=superpowers, it just means they got a bunch of grant Morrisons and Alan Moores and other like minded wizards and ritually sacrificed them.

>all these psychics in the world and not one of them decides to become a superhero

Moore wrote himself into a corner.

people always called this the vagina squid...but i see now that it was actually a rectum all along

Type in Ramses II into Ozymandias' computer and you'll get your answer.

>>all these psychics in the world and not one of them decides to become a superhero
>Moore wrote himself into a corner.
Consider that "psychic" only seemed to be telepathic image transmission, I'd say that a psychic superhero is not exactly the greatest threat. "Stop, or I'll put gay porn in your mind!"
Also, there were less than about 15 heroes WE SAW, it's possible there were others and one could be psychic but that's not very important.

>I don't have an answer so I'm going to be a smug autist and act like this is just conjecture and not rooted into the source material


>Consider that "psychic" only seemed to be telepathic image transmission, I'd say that a psychic superhero is not exactly the greatest threat. "Stop, or I'll put gay porn in your mind!"

More like "Stop, or I'll assault your mind with a series of unbearably horrific images until it renders you catatonic!"

So, gay porn used to mindraping effects.

We only ever see New York's heroes. We don't know what the other ones operating in all the other states are like.

It's very possible that there could be a psychic vigilante fighting crime somewhere out there.

yawn. Shitposting used to require the bare minimum of subtlety. But since you're so thirsty for replies, have a (You) on the house. Have fun however you can, I guess.

Didn't Moloch have powers though? I thought his entire villain gimmick was rooted in him being able to use magic.

I thought Adrien made the squid with science

Seeing strings didn't do much for doc Manhattan. Maybe mothman was a psychic?

Nah, he used stage magic tricks, not really magic.

Holy old I forgot that there were people with psychic powers on the comic? It has been something years since I read it, Holy shit it really feels out of place.

When the squid explodes it sends out psychic imagery (I think)

Have you seen Looper OPleb?
It's like that, latent psychics are individually useless.

Genetically modified and amassed and they're devastating.

I'll read your mind to speed things along
>Why didn't they make a psychic superhero if it could be done then?
Chielfy because Adrian was the only person with the brains and money to do as he pleased since he arrived first to that sort of success while everyone else was mulling about, most likely because he's insane and everyone else is content being mundane nobodies coddled by the convenience of society considering the end of the book, but also because the government outlawed superheroes specifically because they didn't like the idea of vigilantes running off unchecked.

He used dead psychics to make it.

For Doc Manhattan to exist there had to be the potential for super science to exist. Ozzy mined the entire human genome, seeking out every spoon bender and palm reader and water dowser with even a hint of talent to find it, for the undeveloped potential for psychic abilities for his experiment.

Shit's not hard, yo.

The basis for the squid brain was the human brain of a psychic, this way when it died it would send a psychic wave that would kill millions plus leave nightmares and other dreadful emotions implanted in the minds of other people and medium

>nightmares and other dreadful emotions

I feel like this works against his world peace objective. I think this would lead to more of a mad max or crossed world.

iirc, there was only one psychic, who ozzy got the brain of and cloned it with his hired doctors, so it wasn't like there were 20 psychics running around, just one weak one who died

It leads to fear. Fear leads to submission.
But obedience through fear is ephemeral.

The point was to create an enemy that humanity would unite against. A nightmare wave on a global scale ensures that everyone is fucking scared of this thing, zero chance of just disassociating the lives lost.